address.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: integerpatternaddress |
addresshandler.hpp | Handles simple wildcard expansion for strings | | |
alilats2splats.main.cpp | Alignment lattices to sparse vector weight lattices |
applylm.main.cpp | Main file for applylm tool |
backtrace.hpp | Adapted from Simple example of backtrace(), backtrace_symbols(), and __cxa_demangle() Remember to pass in the -rdynamic flag to GCC: |
bleu.hpp | |
BleuStats.cpp | |
BleuStats.h | | | |
common-helpers.hpp | |
CommonFlags.h | |
constants-fsttools.hpp | |
constants-hifst.hpp | |
constants-lmert.hpp | | | |
countstrings.main.cpp | |
createssgrammar.main.cpp | Hifst main entry file |
custom_assert.hpp | Provides smarter assert methods |
data-main.alilats2splats.hpp | Data object for alilats to sparse weight lats binary |
data-main.applylm.hpp | Data object for applylm tool |
data-main.createssgrammar.hpp | Data object for hifst or related tools |
data-main.disambig.hpp | Data object for disambig tool |
data-main.hifst-client.hpp | Data object for hifst-client |
data-main.hifst.hpp | Data object for hifst or related tools |
data-main.lmbr.hpp | |
data-main.rules2weights.hpp | Data object for alilats to sparse weight lats binary |
data.cykparser.cykbackpointers.hpp | Contains functor that provides access to cyk backpointers |
data.cykparser.cykgrid.hpp | Contains functor for the cyk grid |
data.cykparser.hpp | Contains structures and classes for GrammarData |
data.grammar.comparetool.hpp | Contains structures and classes for GrammarData |
data.grammar.hpp | Contains structures and classes for GrammarData |
data.grammar.utilities.hpp | Contains structures and classes for GrammarData |
data.lm.hpp | Implementation of a language model data structure using kenlm |
data.lmbr.hpp | |
data.ssgrammar.hpp | Contains sentence-specific grammar data |
data.stats.hpp | Relative to Stats across the pipeline |
DebugMert.cpp | |
DebugMert.h | |
defs.cykparser.hpp | Contains definitions for cykparser data and task |
defs.grammar.hpp | Contains definitions for cykparser data and task |
defs.ssgrammar.hpp | Contains definitions for sentence-specific grammar data and task |
disambig.main.cpp | Main file for disambig tool |
disambignffst.main.cpp | | | |
ErrorSurface.cpp | |
ErrorSurface.h | | | | | | | |
fast-shortest-distance.h | | | | | | | | | | | |
fstio.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Input/Output fst operations with compression |
fstio.hpp | Contains convenience functions to write and read fsts |
fstutils.applylmonthefly.hpp | Contains implementation of ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly |
fstutils.extractngrams.hpp | |
fstutils.ftcompose.hpp | Implementation of different type of compositions (i.e. failure transitions) |
fstutils.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: String printing from lattice, multiepsilon composition, composition with failure transitions, generic weight mappers, multiple union of fsts, etc |
fstutils.hpp | Utilites to extract vocabulary, pseudo-determinize lattices and build substring transducers |
fstutils.mapper.hpp | Generalized weight mapper functor |
fstutils.multiepsiloncompose.hpp | Multiepsilon composition |
fstutils.multiunion.hpp | Implementations of multiple fst unions |
fstutils.topofeatures.hpp | Support for Topological Features. See Iglesias et al. 2015 |
function-weight.cpp | |
function-weight.h | |
global_decls.hpp | General typedefs, defines.. |
global_funcs.hpp | General functions |
global_incls.hpp | All included standard headers, boost headers,.. |
globalfunctions.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: General functions |
googletesting.h | Unit testing: google testing common header | | | | | | |
hifst-client.main.cpp | Hifst client main entry file |
hifst.main.cpp | Hifst main entry file |
hifst.task.cykparser.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: cyk parser |
hifst.task.grammar.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: grammar task testing |
hifst.task.hifst.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: hifst lattice-building |
hifst.task.patternstoinstances.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: converting grammar-specific patterns into instance patterns |
hifst.task.postpro.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Postprocessing 1-best translation |
hifst.task.prepro.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Preprocess source test |
hifst.task.referencefilter.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Reference filter task |
hifst.task.ssgrammar.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: sentence-specific grammar task |
hifst.task.stats.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Stats task testing |
hifst_enumerate_vocab.hpp | Extend EnumerateVocab to access kenlm ids |
idbridge.hpp | Maps between grammar targets ids and lm ids |
IntervalData.cpp | |
IntervalData.h | | | |
kenlmdetect.hpp | |
latmert.main.cpp | |
LatMertMain.h | | | |
lexicographic-tropical-tropical-decls.h | Lexicographic stdarc registering |
lexicographic-tropical-tropical-funcs.h | Convenience functors/functions for lexicographic<tropical,tropical> semiring |
lexicographic-tropical-tropical-incls.h | Headers for standalone shared library |
lexmap.main.cpp | Main file for applylm tool |
lineoptimize.hpp | |
lmbr.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: String printing from lattice, multiepsilon composition, composition with failure transitions, generic weight mappers, multiple union of fsts, etc |
lmbr.main.cpp | Alignment lattices to sparse vector weight lattices |
LMert.cpp | |
LMert.h | |
lmert.hpp | |
lmert.main.cpp | |
logger.boost_log.hpp | Logger implementation – init method and macros around actual Boost Logger |
logger.hpp | |
logger.openfstglog.hpp | Logger implementation – init method and macros around actual OpenFST logger – requires including openfst libraries first |
main-run.alilats2splats.hpp | Implements single-threaded version of alilats2splats tool |
main-run.applylm.hpp | Core implementation of applylm binary. Kicks off either singlethreaded or multithreaded language model application |
main-run.createssgrammar.hpp | Contains createssgrammar core implementation, single-threaded or multithreaded |
main-run.hifst-client.hpp | Contains hifst client core implementation, sends request to hifst in server mode |
main-run.hifst.hpp | Contains hifst core: implements single threaded, multithreaded or as server |
main-run.lmbr.hpp | Implements single-threaded version of alilats2splats tool |
main-run.rules2weights.hpp | Implements lats2splats tool |
main.alilats2splats.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.alilats2splats.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.applylm.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.applylm.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.applylm.init_param_options_common.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.countstrings.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.countstrings.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.createssgrammar.hpp | Included headers for all the binary (createssgrammar) should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.createssgrammar.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options for createssgrammar tool |
main.createssgrammar.init_param_options_common.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options for createssgrammar tool |
main.custom_assert.hpp | Static variable for custom_assert. Include only once from main file |
main.disambig.hpp | Included headers for the binary (disambig) should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.disambig.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.disambignffst.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.disambignffst.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.gtest.hifst.cpp | Unit testing: main file |
main.hifst-client.hpp | Included headers for all the binary (hifst-client) should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.hifst-client.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options for hifst-client |
main.hifst.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.hifst.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options for hifst tool |
main.hpp | |
main.lexmap.hpp | |
main.lexmap.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.lmbr.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.lmbr.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.lmert.hpp | |
main.lmert.init_param_options.hpp | |
main.logger.hpp | Static variables for logger. Include only once from main file |
main.printstrings.hpp | |
main.printstrings.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.rules2weights.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.rules2weights.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.rules2weights.init_param_options_common.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
main.samplehyps.hpp | |
main.samplehyps.init_param_options.hpp | |
main.tunewp.hpp | Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once |
main.tunewp.init_param_options.hpp | To initialize boost parameter options |
mapping-shortest-path.h | | | | | | | | | |
MertCommon.cpp | |
MertCommon.h | |
MertHashVec.cpp | |
MertHashVec.h | |
MertLib.h | |
MertPrune.cpp | |
MertPrune.h | |
multithreading.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: multithreading with a threadpool |
multithreading.helpers.hpp | |
multithreading.hpp | Implements trivial threadpool using boost::asio library |
openfst.h | Unit testing: google testing common header |
openfstversion.hpp | |
Optimize.cpp | |
Optimize.h | | | | | |
params.h | |
params.hpp | Convenience functions to parse parameters from a string |
ParamsConfig.cpp | |
ParamsConfig.h | | | | | |
printstrings.main.cpp | Main file for printstrings tool | | | | |
randomlinesearch.hpp | |
range.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: getRange, InfiniteRange,IntegerRange, OneRange objects |
range.hpp | Handles different type of integer ranges |
RefsData.cpp | |
RefsData.h | |
registrypo.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: registrypo class and related functions |
registrypo.hpp | Contains wrapper class RegistryPO, which uses boost::program_options to parse parameters, and provides methods to access them | | | | | | | | | | |
rules2weights.main.cpp | Alignment lattices to sparse vector weight lattices |
samplehyps.main.cpp | |
Score.cpp | |
Score.h | |
score.main.cpp | | | | | | | | | |
szfstream.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: szfstream class for [file] operations |
szfstream.hpp | Stream wrapper for pipe/text/compressed files | | | | |
task.applylm.hpp | Implementation of a language model application task |
task.applylm.kenlmtype.hpp | Wrapper to ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly to apply different kenlm models |
task.cykparser.hpp | Contains cyk parser implementation |
task.disambig.flowerfst.hpp | Utilities for DisambigTask and related tasks |
task.disambig.hpp | Implemention of class DisambigTask |
task.dumpnbestfeatures.hpp | Contains task that dumps nbest and feature file |
task.grammar.hpp | Describes class GrammarTask |
task.grammar.nonterminalhierarchy.hpp | This class decides automatically the hierarchy of non-terminals |
task.hifst-stats.hpp | Task that dumps statistics related specifically to the tool hifst |
task.hifst.expandednumstates.hpp | Contains utility class to predict number of states of an RTN after expanding to equivalent FSA |
task.hifst.hpp | Contains structures and classes for hifst task (target lattice building) |
task.hifst.localpruningconditions.hpp | Contains functor and struct to handle local pruning conditions |
task.hifst.makeweights.hpp | |
task.hifst.optimize.hpp | Contains Function objects that optimize a machine |
task.hifst.replacefstbyarc.hpp | Contains Function objects that determine whether an FST is replaceable or not by an arc pointer |
task.hifst.rtn.hpp | Implements RTN class. Stores pointers to cell FSAs of the RTN using a hiero-index representing cell coordinates (cc,x,y) |
task.lmbr.applyposteriors.hpp | Based on Graeme Blackwood's PhD work and original code – implementation of posterior application to a hypotheses space |
task.lmbr.common.hpp | Common lmbr functions |
task.lmbr.computeposteriors.hpp | Based on Graeme Blackwood's PhD work and original code – implementation of posterior computation from evidence space |
task.lmbr.hpp | Lattice MBR task – integrates lattice mbr as a task that can be used standalone (implemented) or included e.g. as another task in hifst |
task.loadlm.hpp | Implementation of a language model task |
task.loadsparseweightflowerfst.hpp | Implements a class that loads the grammar sparseweight flower lattice and stores a pointer on the data object |
task.loadunimap.hpp | Implementation of a unigram transduction model loader task |
task.loadwordmap.hpp | Wrapper around WordMapper loader |
task.optimizefst.hpp | Implementation of a Fst writer taking the fst from data object |
task.patternstoinstances.hpp | Contains patterns to instance-patterns implementation |
task.postpro.hpp | Task that writes translation to a text file. This translation might be wordmapped and tokenized |
task.prepro.hpp | Describes class PreProTask, which preprocesses (tokenizes and maps to integers with WordMapper) source input |
task.readfst.hpp | Implementation of a Fst reader to data structure |
task.referencefilter.hpp | Describes class ReferenceFilterTask (builds unweighted substring fst for lattice alignment ) |
task.sparseweightvectorlattices.hpp | Implements the task of creating sparse vector weight lattices – contains feature weight contributions separately in each arc and we can use it to dump features, MERT training, etc |
task.ssgrammar.hpp | Contains implementation for sentence-specific grammar task |
task.stats.hpp | Task that dumps statistics stored by any previous task in the pipeline |
task.tunewpwrite.hpp | Tune word penalty and write output |
task.writefst.hpp | Implementation of a Fst writer taking the fst from data object |
taskinterface.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: TaskInterface methods |
taskinterface.hpp | Interfaces with basic methods for iteration | | | | | | |
TGMert.cpp | |
TGMert.h | |
tokenizer.osr.hpp | Lower casing/Tokenization/Detokenization not available for open source release |
fsttools/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-decls.h | Basic declarations used for tropical sparse vector weight semiring |
latmert/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-decls.h | |
tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-funcs.h | Convenience functions for tropical sparse vector weight |
tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-incls.h | Files to include for the tropical sparse tuple semiring |
fsttools/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight.h | Implementation of tropical sparse tuple weight semiring |
latmert/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight.h | |
tropical-sparse-tuple-weight.makeweight.h | Convenience functors that allow transparent handling for weights within hifst | | Main target file that generates shared library | | Main target file for compilation into a shared library | | | | |
TuneSet.cpp | |
TuneSet.h | |
tuneset.hpp | |
tunewp.main.cpp | | | |
vecmap.main.cpp | |
weights.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: Various weight makers on different semirings |
wordmapper.gtest.cpp | Unit testing: WordMapper, class that maps words to integers and vice versa |
wordmapper.hpp | Class WordMapper |