Cambridge SMT System
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use these files except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // Copyright 2012 - Gonzalo Iglesias, AdriĆ  de Gispert, William Byrne
16 #ifndef TASK_HIFST_HPP
17 #define TASK_HIFST_HPP
29 #include "task.hifst.rtn.hpp"
30 #include "task.hifst.optimize.hpp"
33 namespace ucam {
34 namespace hifst {
40 template <class Data ,
41  class Arc = fst::LexStdArc ,
42  class OptimizeT = OptimizeMachine<Arc> ,
43  class CYKdataT = CYKdata ,
44  // class MultiUnionT = fst::MultiUnionRational<Arc> ,
45  class MultiUnionT = fst::MultiUnionReplace<Arc> ,
46  class ExpandedNumStatesRTNT = ExpandedNumStatesRTN<Arc> ,
47  class ReplaceFstByArcT = ManualReplaceFstByArc<Arc> ,
48  class RTNT = RTN<Arc>
49  >
50 class HiFSTTask: public ucam::util::TaskInterface<Data> {
51  typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
52  typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
54  //Private variables are shown here. Private methods go after public methods
55  private:
58  // unsigned sc_;
59  unsigned piscount_;
60  std::set<Label> hieroindexexistence_;
62  OptimizeT optimize;
67  bool hipdtmode_;
70  bool rtnopt_;
73  Data *d_;
76  ReplaceFstByArcT *rfba_;
77  unordered_set<std::string> replacefstbyarc_;
78  unordered_set<std::string> replacefstbyarcexceptions_;
79  unsigned replacefstbynumstates_;
82  CYKdataT *cykdata_;
85  bool aligner_;
96  std::vector<std::pair<Label, Label> > pdtparens_;
100  RTNT *rtn_;
102  ExpandedNumStatesRTNT *rtnnumstates_;
105  std::vector< std::pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * > > pairlabelfsts_;
108  fst::VectorFst<Arc> cykfstresult_;
111  bool localprune_;
113  unsigned numlocallm_;
116  std::vector<std::string> lpctuples_;
125  float pruneweight_;
127  //where to store rtn files
130  //Input/output keys
131  const std::string lmkey_;
132  const std::string locallmkey_;
133  const std::string outputkey_;
134  const std::string fullreferencelatticekey_;
136  //To avoid multiple warnings on logs per sentence
137  bool warned_;
139  // If in translation after cell pruning the number of states of a lattice is bigger than numstatethresholdafterpruning_,
140  // then the lattice will not be determinized/minimized.
141  unsigned numstatesthreshold_;
143  //If false, no determinization/minimization will be applied anywhere to any of the components of the RTN, expanded or not.
144  bool optimize_;
145  const ucam::util::RegistryPO& rg_;
146  // const int localLmPos_;
147  enum AlignmentType {RULES, AFFILIATION};
148  AlignmentType at_;
149  public:
153  const std::string& outputkey = HifstConstants::kHifstLatticeStore,
154  const std::string& locallmkey = HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneLmLoad,
155  const std::string& fullreferencelatticekey =
157  const std::string& lmkey = HifstConstants::kLmLoad
158  ) :
159  optimize_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstOptimizecells) ),
160  numlocallm_ (rg.getVectorString (locallmkey).size() ),
161  warned_ (false),
162  rtnfiles_ (rg.get<std::string> (HifstConstants::kHifstWritertn) ),
163  fullreferencelatticekey_ ( fullreferencelatticekey ),
164  lmkey_ ( lmkey ),
165  locallmkey_ ( locallmkey ),
166  outputkey_ ( outputkey ),
167  piscount_ ( 0 ),
168  aligner_ ( rg.getBool ( HifstConstants::kHifstAlilatsmode ) ),
169  // cellredm_ ( rg.getBool ( "hifst.cellredm" ) ),
170  // finalredm_ ( rg.getBool ( "hifst.finalredm" ) ),
171  hipdtmode_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstUsepdt) ),
172  rtnopt_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstRtnopt) ),
173  replacefstbyarc_ ( rg.getSetString (
175  replacefstbyarcexceptions_ ( rg.getSetString (
177  replacefstbynumstates_ ( rg.get<unsigned>
179  localprune_ ( rg.getBool ( HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneEnable ) ),
180  pruneweight_ ( rg.get<float> ( HifstConstants::kHifstPrune ) ),
181  numstatesthreshold_ ( rg.get<unsigned>
183  lpctuples_ ( rg.getVectorString (
185  mw_(rg),
186  at_(RULES),
187  rg_(rg)
188  // localLmPos_(rg.getVectorString(HifstConstants::kLmFeatureweights).size() + 1 + 1)
189  {
191  LINFO ("Number of local language models=" << numlocallm_);
192  LINFO ("aligner mode=" << aligner_);
193  LINFO ("localprune mode=" << localprune_);
194  LINFO("reference filtering with: " << rg_.get<std::string> (HifstConstants::kReferencefilterLoad));
195  USER_CHECK ( ! ( lpc_.size() % 4 ),
196  "local pruning conditions are defined by tuples of 4 elements: category,x,y,Number-of-states. Category is a string and x,y are int. Number of states is unsigned" );
197  USER_CHECK ( (localprune_ && numlocallm_ )
198  || ( localprune_ && !numlocallm_ && rg_.get<std::string> (HifstConstants::kReferencefilterLoad) != "" )
199  || (!localprune_) ,
200  "If you want to do cell pruning in translation, you should normally use a language model for local pruning. Check --hifst.localprune.lm.load and --hifst.localprune.enable.\n");
201  optimize.setAlignMode (aligner_);
205  if (hipdtmode_) {
206  LINFO ("Hipdt mode enabled!");
207  }
208  if (!rtnopt_) {
209  LINFO ("RTN openfst optimizations will not be applied");
210  }
212  if (rg.get<std::string>(HifstConstants::kHifstAlilatsmodeLinks) == "affiliation") {
213  at_ = AFFILIATION;
214  }
216  LDEBUG ( "Hifst constructor done!" );
217  };
224  bool run ( Data& d ) {
225  cykfstresult_.DeleteStates();
226  this->d_ = &d;
227  hieroindexexistence_.clear();
228  LINFO ( "Running HiFST" );
229  //Reset one-time warnings for inexistent language models.
230  warned_ = false;
231  pdtparens_.clear();
232  cykdata_ = d.cykdata;
233  if ( !USER_CHECK ( cykdata_, "cyk parse has not been executed previously?" ) ) {
234  resetExternalData (d);
235  return true;
236  }
237  if ( d.cykdata->success == CYK_RETURN_FAILURE ) {
239  fst::VectorFst<Arc> aux;
240  d.fsts[outputkey_] = &cykfstresult_;
241  d.vcat = cykdata_->vcat;
242  resetExternalData (d);
243  return false;
244  }
246  initLocalConditions();
247  rtn_ = new RTNT;
248  if ( localprune_ )
249  rtnnumstates_ = new ExpandedNumStatesRTNT;
250  rfba_ = new ReplaceFstByArcT ( cykdata_->vcat, replacefstbyarc_,
251  replacefstbyarcexceptions_, aligner_, replacefstbynumstates_ );
252  piscount_ = 0; //reset pruning-in-search count to 0
253  LINFO ( "Second Pass: FST-building!" );
254  d.stats->setTimeStart ( "lattice-construction" );
255  //Owned by rtn_;
256  fst::Fst<Arc> *sfst = buildRTN ( cykdata_->categories["S"], 0,
257  cykdata_->sentence.size() - 1 ).ptr_;
258  d.stats->setTimeEnd ( "lattice-construction" );
259  cykfstresult_ = (*sfst);
260  LINFO ( "Final - RTN head optimizations !" );
261  optimize ( &cykfstresult_ ,
262  std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() ,
263  !hipdtmode_ && optimize_
264  );
265  FORCELINFO ("Stats for Sentence " << d.sidx <<
266  ": local pruning, number of times=" << piscount_);
267  d.stats->lpcount = piscount_; //store local pruning counts in stats
268  LINFO ("RTN expansion starts now!");
269  //Expand...
270  {
272  Label hieroindex = APBASETAG + 1 * APCCTAG + 0 * APXTAG +
273  ( cykdata_->sentence.size() - 1 ) * APYTAG;
274  if ( hieroindexexistence_.find ( hieroindex ) == hieroindexexistence_.end() )
275  pairlabelfsts_.push_back ( pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * > ( hieroindex,
276  &cykfstresult_ ) );
279 #if OPENFSTVERSION>=1005000
280  fst::ReplaceUtilOptions ruopt(hieroindex, !aligner_);
281  fst::ReplaceUtil<Arc> replace_util (pairlabelfsts_, ruopt);
282 #elif OPENFSTVERSION>=1004000
283  fst::ReplaceUtilOptions<Arc> ruopt(hieroindex, !aligner_);
284  fst::ReplaceUtil<Arc> replace_util (pairlabelfsts_, ruopt);
285 #else
286  fst::ReplaceUtil<Arc> replace_util (pairlabelfsts_, hieroindex
287  , !aligner_); //has ownership of modified rtn fsts
288 #endif
289  if (rtnopt_) {
290  LINFO ("rtn optimizations...");
291  d_->stats->setTimeStart ("replace-opts");
292  replace_util.ReplaceTrivial();
293  replace_util.ReplaceUnique();
294  replace_util.Connect();
295  pairlabelfsts_.clear();
296  replace_util.GetFstPairs (&pairlabelfsts_);
297  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ("replace-opts");
298  }
299  //After optimizations, we can write RTN if required by user
300  writeRTN();
301  boost::scoped_ptr< fst::VectorFst<Arc> > efst (new fst::VectorFst<Arc>);
302  if (!hipdtmode_ ) {
303  LINFO ("Final Replace (RTN->FSA), main index=" << hieroindex);
304  d_->stats->setTimeStart ("replace-rtn-final");
305  Replace (pairlabelfsts_, &*efst, hieroindex, !aligner_);
306  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ("replace-rtn-final");
307  } else {
308  LINFO ("Final Replace (RTN->PDA)");
309  d_->stats->setTimeStart ("replace-pdt-final");
310  Replace (pairlabelfsts_, &*efst, &pdtparens_, hieroindex);
311  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ("replace-pdt-final");
312  LINFO ("Number of pdtparens=" << pdtparens_.size() );
313  }
314  LDBG_EXECUTE ( efst->Write ( "fsts/FINAL-e.fst" ) );
315  // Currently no need to call this applyFilters: it will do the same
316  // and it is more efficient to compose with the normal lattice
317  // rather than the substringed lattice.
318  // LINFO ("Removing Epsilons...");
319  // fst::RmEpsilon<Arc> ( &*efst );
320  // LINFO ("Done! NS=" << efst->NumStates() );
321  // applyFilters ( &*efst );
322  //Compose with full reference lattice to ensure that final lattice is correct.
323  if ( d.fsts.find ( fullreferencelatticekey_ ) != d.fsts.end() ) {
324  if ( static_cast< fst::VectorFst<Arc> * >
325  (d.fsts[fullreferencelatticekey_])->NumStates() > 0 ) {
326  LINFO ( "Composing with full reference lattice, NS=" <<
327  static_cast< fst::VectorFst<Arc> * >
328  (d.fsts[fullreferencelatticekey_])->NumStates() );
329  fst::Compose<Arc> ( *efst,
330  * ( static_cast<fst::VectorFst<Arc> * > (d.fsts[fullreferencelatticekey_]) ),
331  &*efst );
332  LINFO ( "After composition: NS=" << efst->NumStates() );
333  } else {
334  LINFO ( "No composition with full ref lattice" );
335  };
336  } else {
337  LINFO ( "No composition with full ref lattice" );
338  };
339  LDBG_EXECUTE ( efst->Write ( "fsts/FINAL-ef.fst" ) );
340  //Apply language model
341  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *res = NULL;
342  if (efst->NumStates() )
343  res = applyLanguageModel ( *efst );
344  else {
345  LWARN ("Empty lattice -- skipping LM application");
346  }
347  if ( res != NULL ) {
348  boost::shared_ptr<fst::VectorFst<Arc> >latlm ( res );
349  if ( latlm.get() == efst.get() ) {
350  LWARN ( "Yikes! Unexpected situation! Will it crash? (muhahaha) " );
351  }
352  LDBG_EXECUTE ( latlm->Write ( "fsts/FINAL-efc.fst" ) );
353  //Todo: union with shortest path...
354  if ( pruneweight_ < std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ) {
355  if (!hipdtmode_ || pdtparens_.empty() ) {
356  LINFO ("Pruning, weight=" << pruneweight_);
357  fst::Prune<Arc> (*latlm, &cykfstresult_, mw_ ( pruneweight_ ) );
358  } else {
359  LINFO ("Expanding, weight=" << pruneweight_);
360  fst::ExpandOptions<Arc> eopts (true, false, mw_ ( pruneweight_ ) );
361  Expand ( *latlm, pdtparens_, &cykfstresult_, eopts);
362  pdtparens_.clear();
363  }
364  } else {
365  LINFO ("Copying through full lattice with lm scores");
366  cykfstresult_ = *latlm;
367  }
368  } else {
369  LINFO ("Copying through full lattice (no lm)");
370  cykfstresult_ = *efst;
371  }
372  if ( hieroindexexistence_.find ( hieroindex ) == hieroindexexistence_.end() )
373  pairlabelfsts_.pop_back();
374  }
375  pairlabelfsts_.clear();
376  LDBG_EXECUTE ( cykfstresult_.Write ( "fsts/FINAL-efcp.fst" ) );
377  LINFO ( "Reps" );
378  fst::RmEpsilon ( &cykfstresult_ );
379  LDBG_EXECUTE ( cykfstresult_.Write ( "fsts/FINAL-efcpr.fst" ) );
380  LINFO ( "NS=" << cykfstresult_.NumStates() );
381  //This should delete all pertinent fsas...
382  LINFO ( "deleting data stuff..." );
383  delete rtn_;
384  if ( localprune_ )
385  delete rtnnumstates_;
386  delete rfba_;
387  d.vcat = cykdata_->vcat;
388  resetExternalData (d);
389  d.fsts[outputkey_] = &cykfstresult_;
390  if (hipdtmode_ && pdtparens_.size() )
391  d.fsts[outputkey_ + ".parens" ] = &pdtparens_;
392  LINFO ( "done..." );
393  FORCELINFO ( "End Sentence ******************************************************" );
394  d.stats->setTimeEnd ( "sent-dec" );
395  d.stats->message += "[" + ucam::util::getTimestamp() + "] End Sentence\n";
396  return false;
397  };
399  private:
402  inline void resetExternalData (Data& d) {
403  cykdata_->freeMemory();
404  d.tvcb.clear();
405  d.filters.clear();
406  }
409  void writeRTN() {
410  //Dump to disk all the FSAs for this RTN.
411  if (rtnfiles_() != "") {
412  std::string filenamepattern = rtnfiles_ (d_->sidx);
413  FORCELINFO ("Writing rtn files..." << filenamepattern);
414  for (unsigned k = 0; k < pairlabelfsts_.size(); ++k) {
415  std::string filename = filenamepattern;
416  ucam::util::find_and_replace (filename, "%%rtn_label%%"
417  , ucam::util::toString<Label> (pairlabelfsts_[k].first) );
418  fst::FstWrite (static_cast< fst::VectorFst<Arc> const& > (*
419  (pairlabelfsts_[k].second) ), filename);
420  }
421  }
422  };
424  struct FSAPlusInfo {
425  fst::Fst<Arc>* ptr_;
426  unsigned cc_;
427  unsigned x_;
428  unsigned y_;
429  explicit FSAPlusInfo(fst::Fst<Arc>* p
430  , unsigned cc
431  , unsigned x
432  , unsigned y
433  )
434  : ptr_(p)
435  , cc_(cc)
436  , x_(x)
437  , y_(y)
438  {}
440  explicit FSAPlusInfo()
441  : ptr_(NULL)
442  , cc_(0)
443  , x_(0)
444  , y_(0)
445  {}
446  };
455  // inline void mapfsts ( unsigned int rule_idx,
456  // std::vector < fst::Fst < Arc > * >& fsts ) {
457  inline void mapfsts ( unsigned int rule_idx,
458  std::vector < FSAPlusInfo >& fsts ) {
459  unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int > mappings;
460  d_->ssgd->getMappings ( rule_idx, &mappings );
461  USER_CHECK ( fsts.size() == mappings.size(),
462  "Mismatch between mappings and lower-level fsts" );
463  LDEBUG ( "mappings size=" << mappings.size() );
464  // std::vector<fst::Fst<Arc>* > newfsts ( fsts.size(), NULL );
465  std::vector<FSAPlusInfo> newfsts(fsts.size());
466  for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < fsts.size(); k++ ) {
467  newfsts[mappings[k]] = fsts[k];
468  // mmmm lack of foresight here, copy original y_:
469  newfsts[mappings[k]].x_ = fsts[mappings[k]].x_;
470  newfsts[mappings[k]].y_ = fsts[mappings[k]].y_;
471  newfsts[mappings[k]].cc_ = fsts[mappings[k]].cc_;
472  }
473  fsts = newfsts;
474  };
487  // fst::Fst<Arc>*
488  FSAPlusInfo buildRTN ( unsigned int cc, unsigned int x, unsigned int y ) {
489  FSAPlusInfo fpi( ( *rtn_ ) ( cc, x, y ), cc, x, y);
490  // fst::Fst<Arc> *ptr = ( *rtn_ ) ( cc, x, y );
491  if ( fpi.ptr_ != NULL ) return fpi;
492 #ifdef PRINTDEBUG
493  std::ostringstream o;
494  o << cc << "." << x << "." << y;
495 #endif
496  unsigned& nnt = cykdata_->nnt;
497  grammar_inversecategories_t& vcat = cykdata_->vcat;
498  std::stringstream ostr;
499  ostr << vcat[cc] << "." << x << "." << y;
500  std::string filename;
501  ostr >> filename;
502  SentenceSpecificGrammarData& g = *d_->ssgd;
503  MultiUnionT mur;
504  Label hieroindex = APBASETAG + cc * APCCTAG + x * APXTAG + y * APYTAG;
505  LDEBUG ( "bp> " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ":" <<
506  ( unsigned ) cykdata_->bp ( cc, x, y ).size() );
507  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cykdata_->bp ( cc, x, y ).size(); i++ ) {
508  unsigned idx = cykdata_->cykgrid ( cc, x, y, i );
510  std::vector<FSAPlusInfo> requiredfsts;
511  if ( g.isPhrase ( idx ) ) {
512  mur.Add ( addRule ( idx, requiredfsts, x + 1) ) ;
513  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y <<
514  ":adding phrase-based rule index " << idx );
515  continue;
516  }
517  const cykparser_ruledependencies_t& mybp = cykdata_->bp ( cc, x, y );
518  for ( unsigned j = 0; j < mybp[i].size(); j += 3 ) {
519  if ( mybp[i][j] > nnt ) {
520  continue;
521  }
522  requiredfsts.push_back ( buildRTN ( mybp[i][j], mybp[i][j + 1],
523  mybp[i][j + 2] ) );
524  LDEBUG ( "back to bp> " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ":" <<
525  ( unsigned ) cykdata_->bp ( cc, x, y ).size() );
526  }
527  mapfsts ( idx, requiredfsts );
528  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": adding hiero rule index " <<
529  idx );
530  mur.Add ( addRule ( idx, requiredfsts , x + 1) );
531  }
532  boost::shared_ptr< fst::VectorFst<Arc> > mdfst ( mur() );
533  LDBG_EXECUTE ( mdfst->Write ( "fsts/" + o.str() + ".fst" ) );
534  //Optimize
535  optimize ( &*mdfst ,
536  std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
537  optimize_ );
538  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": FST built!" );
539  LDBG_EXECUTE ( mdfst->Write ( "fsts/" + o.str() + "redm.fst" ) );
540  d_->stats->numstates[ cc * 1000000 + y * 1000 + x ] =
541  mdfst->NumStates(); //Just store the number of states of the not-expanded FSA.
542  //Calculate expanded number of states of the partial rtn.
543  if ( localprune_ )
544  rtnnumstates_->update ( cc, x, y, &*mdfst );
545  boost::scoped_ptr< fst::VectorFst<Arc> > pruned ( localPruning ( *mdfst, cc, x, y ) );
546  //We now might have a pruned lattice!
547  if ( pruned.get() != NULL ) {
548  LDBG_EXECUTE ( pruned->Write ( "fsts/" + o.str() + "redmp.fst" ) );
549  optimize (&*pruned , numstatesthreshold_ , !hipdtmode_ && optimize_ );
550  LDBG_EXECUTE ( pruned->Write ( "fsts/" + o.str() + "redmpo.fst" ) );
551  *mdfst = *pruned;
552  //Only if we prune, we add to stats total number of states of full and pruned lattice
553  d_->stats->numstates[ cc * 1000000 + y * 1000 + x ] = ( *rtnnumstates_ ) ( cc,
554  x,
555  y );
556  rtnnumstates_->update ( cc, x, y, &*mdfst ); //Update rtnnumstates again...
557  d_->stats->numprunedstates[ cc * 1000000 + y * 1000 + x ]
558  = ( *rtnnumstates_ ) (cc, x, y );
559  } else {
560  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ":No pruning" );
561  }
562  boost::shared_ptr< fst::VectorFst<Arc> > outfst ( ( *rfba_ ) ( *mdfst,
563  hieroindex ) );
564  if ( outfst.get() != NULL ) {
565  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": replacefstbyarcfor cat= " <<
566  vcat[cc] << ",NS=" << mdfst->NumStates() );
567  rtn_->Add ( cc, x, y, outfst , mdfst );
568  hieroindexexistence_.insert ( hieroindex );
569  pairlabelfsts_.push_back ( pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * > ( hieroindex,
570  &*mdfst ) );
571  } else {
572  rtn_->Add ( cc, x, y, mdfst , outfst );
573  LDEBUG ( "AT: " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ":" <<
574  "Delaying not applied. Stored, NS=" << ( unsigned ) mdfst->NumStates() );
575  }
576  // return ( *rtn_ ) ( cc, x, y );
577  FSAPlusInfo fpi2( ( *rtn_ ) ( cc, x, y ), cc, x, y);
578  return fpi2;
579  };
588  // fst::VectorFst<Arc> *addRule ( unsigned rule_idx,
589  // std::vector<fst::Fst<Arc>*>& lowerfsts ) {
590  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *addRule ( unsigned rule_idx,
591  std::vector<FSAPlusInfo>& lowerfsts
592  , unsigned offset ) {
593  SentenceSpecificGrammarData& gd = *d_->ssgd;
594  std::vector<std::string> translation = gd.getRHSSplitTranslation ( rule_idx );
595  if ( !translation.size() ) {
596  LERROR ( gd.getRule ( rule_idx ) );
597  translation.push_back ( 0 );
598  }
599  for (unsigned k = 0; k < translation.size(); ++k) {
600  if ( translation[k] == "<s>" ) {
601  translation[k] = "1";
602  } else if ( translation[k] == "</s>" ) translation[k] = "2";
603  else if ( translation[k] == "<dr>" ) {
604  std::stringstream dr;
605  dr << DR;
606  translation[k] = dr.str();
607  LDEBUG ( "Deletion rule: " << gd.getRule ( rule_idx ) << "," <<
608  translation[k] );
609  } else if ( translation[k] == "<oov>" ) {
610  std::stringstream oov;
611  oov << OOV;
612  translation[k] = oov.str();
613  LDEBUG ( "oov rule: " << gd.getRule ( rule_idx ) << "," << translation[k] );
614  } else if ( translation[k] == "<sep>" ) {
615  std::stringstream sep;
616  sep << SEP;
617  translation[k] = sep.str();
618  LDEBUG ( "separator rule: " << gd.getRule ( rule_idx ) << "," <<
619  translation[k] );
620  }
621  }
622  LDEBUG ( "Starting to build!" );
623  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *rulefst = new fst::VectorFst<Arc>;
624  rulefst->AddState();
625  rulefst->SetStart ( 0 );
626  rulefst->AddState();
627  Label iw2 = (at_ == RULES)?gd.getIdx ( rule_idx ) + 1: 0;
628  Label iw;
629  if ( !aligner_ ) iw = 0;
630  else iw = iw2;
631  LDEBUG ("Building FST for rule " << rule_idx << ":" << gd.getRule ( rule_idx ) << ", original id=" << gd.getIdx(rule_idx)
632  << ", translation size=" << translation.size() );
633  unsigned kmax = translation.size();
634  unsigned nonterminal = 0;
635  std::vector< pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * > > pairlabelfsts;
637  std::vector<unsigned> links(translation.size(), NORULE);
638  if (at_ == AFFILIATION) {
639  LDEBUG("Getting affiliation...");
640  gd.getLinks(rule_idx, links);
641  }
642  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < kmax; ++k ) {
643  //if non-terminal... just place special arc and expand later...
644  Label ow;
645  bool isnonterminal = !isTerminal ( translation[k] );
646  if ( isnonterminal) {
647  ow = APRULETAG + nonterminal;
648  USER_CHECK ( lowerfsts.size() > nonterminal,
649  "Missing fsts to build the rule..." );
650  offset +=lowerfsts[nonterminal].y_ + 1; // add span of the non-terminal
651  pairlabelfsts.push_back ( pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * >
652  ( ow, lowerfsts[nonterminal++].ptr_ ) );
654  } else {
655  std::istringstream buffer ( translation[k] );
656  buffer >> ow;
657  }
658  rulefst->AddState();
659  Label iw;
660  if ( !aligner_ ) iw = ow;
661  else {
662  if (isnonterminal) iw = NORULE; // ignore nts for affiliation
663  else {
664  iw = links[k];
665  if (at_ == AFFILIATION) {
666  iw += offset - nonterminal; // links are counting nts as 1, so we need to discount them (silly)
667  }
668  }
669  }
670  LDEBUG("Adding arc iw=" << iw << ",ow=" << ow);
671  rulefst->AddArc ( k, Arc ( iw, ow, Weight::One(), k + 1 ) );
672  }
673  float w = gd.getWeight ( rule_idx );
674  Weight weight = mw_ ( w , iw2 );
675  rulefst->AddArc ( kmax, Arc ( iw, 0, weight, kmax + 1 ) );
676  rulefst->SetFinal ( kmax + 1, Weight::One() );
677  fst::VectorFst<Arc>* auxi;
678  if ( nonterminal > 0 ) {
679  pairlabelfsts.push_back ( pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * >
680  ( APRULETAG + nonterminal, rulefst ) );
681  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *aux = new fst::VectorFst<Arc>;
682  Replace (pairlabelfsts, aux, APRULETAG + nonterminal, !aligner_);
683  delete rulefst;
684  rulefst = aux;
685  }
686  fst::RmEpsilon<Arc> ( rulefst );
687  return rulefst;
688  }
690  //Note that local conditions can be sentence-specific
691  void initLocalConditions() {
692  if ( !localprune_ ) return;
693  if ( !lpctuples_.size() ) return;
694  lpc_.clear();
695  LINFO ( "Set up conditions for local cell pruning" );
696  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < lpctuples_.size(); k += 4 ) {
697  int y = ucam::util::toNumber<int> ( lpctuples_[k + 1] );
698  if ( y < 0 ) y = cykdata_->getNumberWordsSentence() + y + 1;
699  LINFO ( "cell pruning conditions (cat,span,numstates,weight): "
700  << cykdata_->categories[lpctuples_[k]]
701  << "," << y << ","
702  << ucam::util::toNumber<unsigned> ( lpctuples_[k + 2] ) << ","
703  << ucam::util::toNumber<unsigned> ( lpctuples_[k + 3] ) );
704  conditions c ( cykdata_->categories[lpctuples_[k]]
705  , y
706  , ucam::util::toNumber<unsigned> ( lpctuples_[k + 2] )
707  , ucam::util::toNumber<unsigned> ( lpctuples_[k + 3] ) );
708  lpc_.add ( c );
709  }
710  LINFO ( "We have: " << lpc_.size() << " conditions" );
711  };
719  inline void applyFilters ( fst::VectorFst<Arc> *fst ) {
720  fst::ArcSort<Arc> ( fst, fst::OLabelCompare<Arc>() );
723  LINFO ( "Apply " << d_->filters.size() << " filters to the search space!" );
724  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < d_->filters.size(); ++k ) {
725  LDBG_EXECUTE ( fst::FstWrite ( * (d_->filters[k]), "fsts/filter.fst.gz" ) );
726  LDBG_EXECUTE ( fst::FstWrite ( *fst, "fsts/before-composition.fst.gz" ) );
728  if (!hipdtmode_ || pdtparens_.empty() ) {
729  LINFO ("FST composition with filter");
730  *fst = (fst::ComposeFst<Arc> (*fst, *d_->filters[k]) );
731  } else {
732  LINFO ("PDT composition");
733 #if OPENFSTVERSION>=1003003
734  fst::PdtComposeFstOptions<Arc> opts (*fst, pdtparens_, *d_->filters[k]);
735 #else
736  fst::PdtComposeOptions<Arc> opts (*fst, pdtparens_, *d_->filters[k]);
737 #endif
738  opts.gc_limit = 0;
739  *fst = (fst::ComposeFst<Arc> (*fst, *d_->filters[k], opts) );
740  }
741  LINFO ( "After filter " << k << ", NS=" << fst->NumStates() );
742  Connect ( fst );
743  LDBG_EXECUTE ( fst::FstWrite ( *fst, "fsts/after-composition.fst.gz" ) );
744  if ( !fst->NumStates() ) break;
745  }
746  };
749  typedef boost::shared_ptr<ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfaceType> ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfacePtrType;
750  std::vector<ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfacePtrType> almotfLocal_;
751  std::vector<ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfacePtrType> almotf_;
753  // Prepares language model application handlers for each kenlm type.
754  // i.e. an array of templated instances of ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly
755  // Note: possibly can be refactored/merged with method initializeLanguageModelHandlers
756  // in task.applylm.hpp
757  template< template<class> class MakeWeightT>
758  void initializeLanguageModelHandlers(const std::string& lmkey
759  , MakeWeightT<Arc> &mw
760  , std::vector<ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfacePtrType> &almotf) {
761  if (almotf.size()) {
762  LINFO("Skipping!");
763  return; // already done
764  }
765  almotf.resize(d_->klm[lmkey].size());
766  unordered_set<Label> epsilons;
767  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < d_->klm[lmkey].size(); ++k ) {
768  USER_CHECK ( d_->klm[lmkey][k]->model != NULL,
769  "Language model " << k << " not available!" );
770  almotf[k].reset(fsttools::assignKenLmHandler<Arc, MakeWeightT >(rg_, lmkey, epsilons
771  , *(d_->klm[lmkey][k])
772  , mw, true,k));
773  mw.update();
774  }
775  LINFO("Initialized " << d_->klm[lmkey].size() << " language model handlers");
776  }
778  // \todo Merge/refactor this code with task.applylm.hpp.
779  template< template<class> class MakeWeightT>
780  inline fst::VectorFst<Arc> *applyLanguageModel ( const fst::Fst<Arc>& localfst
781  , const std::string& lmkey
782  , MakeWeightT<Arc> &mw
783  , std::vector<ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFlyInterfacePtrType> &almo
784  ) {
785  if ( d_->klm.find ( lmkey ) == d_->klm.end() ) {
786  if (!warned_) {
787  FORCELINFO ( "No Language models for key=" << lmkey
788  << " available! Skipping language model application. " );
789  }
790  warned_ = true;
791  return NULL;
792  }
794  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *output
795  = new fst::VectorFst<Arc> (* (const_cast<fst::Fst<Arc> *> ( &localfst ) ) );
797  // unfortunately they can be lattice-specific (pdt parentheses)
798  unordered_set<Label> epsilons;
799  epsilons.insert ( DR );
800  epsilons.insert ( OOV );
801  epsilons.insert ( EPSILON );
802  epsilons.insert ( SEP );
803  // If it is a pdt, add all parentheses so they get treated as epsilons too
804  // for this particular lattice
805  for (unsigned j = 0; j < pdtparens_.size(); ++j) {
806  epsilons.insert (pdtparens_[j].first);
807  epsilons.insert (pdtparens_[j].second);
808  }
810  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < d_->klm[lmkey].size(); ++k ) {
811  LINFO ( "Composing with " << k << "-th language model" );
812  d_->stats->setTimeStart ( "on-the-fly-composition "
813  + ucam::util::toString ( k ) );
814  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *aux = almo[k]->run(*output, epsilons);
815  if ( !aux ) {
816  LERROR ("Something very wrong happened in composition with the lm...");
817  exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
818  }
819  delete output; output = aux;
820  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ( "on-the-fly-composition "
821  + ucam::util::toString ( k ) );
822  LDEBUG ( "After applying language model, NS=" << output->NumStates() );
823  }
824  LINFO ( "Connect!" );
825  Connect (output);
826  LINFO ( "Done! NS=" << output->NumStates() );
827  return output;
828  }
834  inline fst::VectorFst<Arc> *applyLanguageModel ( const fst::Fst<Arc>& localfst
835  , bool local = false ) {
836  if ( local ) {
838  initializeLanguageModelHandlers(locallmkey_, mw, almotfLocal_);
839  if (!almotfLocal_.size()) return NULL;
840  LINFO ( "Composing with local lm for inadmissible pruning (unless on top cell)" );
841  return applyLanguageModel (localfst, locallmkey_, mw, almotfLocal_);
842  } else {
844  initializeLanguageModelHandlers(lmkey_, mw, almotf_);
845  if (!almotf_.size()) return NULL;
846  LINFO ( "Composing with full lm for admissible pruning" );
847  return applyLanguageModel (localfst, lmkey_, mw, almotf_);
848  }
849  };
851  inline fst::VectorFst<Arc> *expand ( const fst::VectorFst<Arc>& localfst,
852  unsigned cc, unsigned x, unsigned y ) {
853  Label hieroindex = APBASETAG + cc * APCCTAG + x * APXTAG + y * APYTAG;
854  USER_CHECK ( localfst.NumStates() > 0, "Empty lattice?" );
856  if ( hieroindexexistence_.find ( hieroindex ) == hieroindexexistence_.end() )
857  pairlabelfsts_.push_back ( pair< Label, const fst::Fst<Arc> * > ( hieroindex,
858  &localfst ) );
859  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *aux = new fst::VectorFst<Arc>;
860  if (!hipdtmode_ ) {
861  LINFO ("Replace (RTN->FSA)");
862  d_->stats->setTimeStart ("replace-rtn");
863  Replace (pairlabelfsts_, aux, hieroindex, !aligner_);
864  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ("replace-rtn");
865  } else {
866  LINFO ("Replace (RTN->PDA)");
867  d_->stats->setTimeStart ("replace-pdt");
868  Replace (pairlabelfsts_, aux, &pdtparens_, hieroindex);
869  d_->stats->setTimeEnd ("replace-pdt");
870  LINFO ("Number of pdtparens=" << pdtparens_.size() );
871  }
872  //if it doesn't exist, then leave the pair list as it was!
873  if ( hieroindexexistence_.find ( hieroindex ) == hieroindexexistence_.end() )
874  pairlabelfsts_.pop_back();
875  return aux;
876  }
890  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *localPruning ( const fst::VectorFst<Arc>& fst, unsigned cc,
891  unsigned x, unsigned y ) {
892 #ifdef PRINTDEBUG
893  std::ostringstream o;
894  o << cc << "." << x << "." << y;
895 #endif
896  if ( !localprune_ ) return NULL;
897  float weight;
898  unsigned referenceminstates;
899  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y <<
900  ": Testing conditions; expected lattice size=" << ( *rtnnumstates_ ) ( cc, x,
901  y ) );
902  if ( lpc_ ( cc, y + 1, ( *rtnnumstates_ ) ( cc, x, y ), weight ) ) {
903  LINFO ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y <<
904  ": Qualifies for local pruning. Making it so!" );
905  LDEBUG ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": expanding RTN/RmEpsilon" );
906  fst::VectorFst<Arc> *efst = expand ( fst, cc, x, y );
907  fst::RmEpsilon<Arc> ( efst );
908  LINFO ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": NS=" << efst->NumStates() );
909  ++piscount_;
910  LINFO("Apply filtering");
911  applyFilters ( efst );
912  LINFO ( "Apply LM" );
913  fst::VectorFst<Arc> * latlm = applyLanguageModel ( *efst , true );
915  if ( latlm != NULL ) {
916  delete efst;
917  //\todo Include union with shortest path...
918  if (!hipdtmode_ || pdtparens_.empty() ) {
919  LINFO ( "Prune with weight=" << weight );
920  fst::Prune<Arc> ( latlm, mw_ ( weight ) );
921  } else {
922  LINFO ( "PDT expanding with weight=" << weight );
923  fst::ExpandOptions<Arc> eopts (true, false, mw_ ( weight ) );
924  fst::VectorFst<Arc> latlmaux;
925  Expand ( *latlm, pdtparens_, &latlmaux, eopts);
926  *latlm = latlmaux;
927  pdtparens_.clear();
928  }
929  LINFO ( "Delete LM scores" );
930  //Deletes LM scores if using lexstdarc or tuplearc
931  // fst::MakeWeight2<Arc> mwcopy;
932  MakeWeightHifstLocalLm<Arc > mwcopy(rg_);
933  fst::Map<Arc> ( latlm,
935  LINFO ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y << ": pruned with weight=" << weight
936  << ",NS=" << latlm->NumStates() );
937  return latlm;
938  }
939  LINFO ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y <<
940  "Local LM not applied, filtered with " << d_->filters.size() <<
941  " filter(s) ,NS=" << efst->NumStates() );
942  return efst;
943  }
944  LINFO ( "AT " << cc << "," << x << "," << y <<
945  ": Does not qualify for local pruning. " );
946  return NULL;
947  };
951 };
953 }
954 } // end namespaces
956 #endif
MertOpt opts
Definition: MertCommon.cpp:14
struct containing the elements that trigger local pruning.
const float getWeight(std::size_t idx)
Returns the weight of a rule. This weight is the dot product of all the features with its scales...
const std::string kHifstLatticeStore
class that expands a wildcard into its actual value. This is useful e.g. for filenames ranging severa...
bool isTerminal(const std::string &word)
Determine if the element is a terminal (i.e. a word, represented by a number) or a non-terminal (i...
std::string toString(const T &x, uint pr=2)
Converts an arbitrary type to string Converts to string integers, floats, doubles Quits execution if ...
Contains utility class to predict number of states of an RTN after expanding to equivalent FSA...
const std::string kHifstWritertn
const std::string kHifstPrune
#define LINFO(msg)
Definition: fstio.hpp:27
#define SEP
unordered_map< uint, std::string > grammar_inversecategories_t
#define LDBG_EXECUTE(order)
void getLinks(std::size_t idx, std::vector< unsigned > &links) const
std::string getTimestamp(void)
Generates time stamp.
T get(const std::string &key) const
Returns parsed value associated to key.
Definition: registrypo.hpp:194
#define FORCELINFO(msg)
const std::string kHifstUsepdt
#define LDEBUG(msg)
const std::string getRule(std::size_t idx)
Returns rule corresponding to index idx.
Core of Hifst. Implements the lattice-building procedure for a cyk-parsed sentence.
Definition: task.hifst.hpp:50
This class creates the Union of an arbitrarily large number of fsts. This implementation uses one RTN...
templated Mapper that modifies weights over an FST, passing through the other values of the arc...
const std::string kHifstReplacefstbyarcNonterminals
#define DR
const std::string kHifstAlilatsmode
HiFSTTask(const ucam::util::RegistryPO &rg, const std::string &outputkey=HifstConstants::kHifstLatticeStore, const std::string &locallmkey=HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneLmLoad, const std::string &fullreferencelatticekey=HifstConstants::kReferencefilterNosubstringStore, const std::string &lmkey=HifstConstants::kLmLoad)
Constructor with registry object and several keys to access data object and registry.
Definition: task.hifst.hpp:152
const bool isPhrase(std::size_t idx)
const std::string kHifstLocalpruneLmLoad
Templated (hybrid) Interface for Task classes.
const std::string kHifstLocalpruneNumstates
const std::string kHifstOptimizecells
#define APXTAG
const std::string kHifstAlilatsmodeLinks
void FstWrite(const Fst< Arc > &fst, const std::string &filename, const std::string &txtname="txt")
Templated method that writes an fst either in binary or text format.
Definition: fstio.hpp:111
Templated functor that creates a weight given a float.
Wrapper to ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly to apply different kenlm models.
std::vector< cykparser_rulebpcoordinates_t > cykparser_ruledependencies_t
const std::string kHifstLocalpruneConditions
#define LWARN(msg)
void add(const conditions &c)
Add condition.
Contains Function objects that determine whether an FST is replaceable or not by an arc pointer...
Contains Function objects that optimize a machine.
#define EPSILON
convenience class that takes care of local pruning conditions. Conditions are indexed by 1000*cc+y...
bool run(Data &d)
Runs the lattice building procedure.
Definition: task.hifst.hpp:224
const std::size_t getIdx(std::size_t idx)
Returns the true idx of a rule (i.e. line in the grammar file). If it is sentence specific...
LexicographicArc< StdArc::Weight, StdArc::Weight > LexStdArc
#define USER_CHECK(exp, comment)
Tests whether exp is true. If not, comment is printed and program ends.
#define NORULE
const std::string kHifstRtnopt
Implements RTN class. Stores pointers to cell FSAs of the RTN using a hiero-index representing cell c...
#define OOV
#define LERROR(msg)
#define APYTAG
Structure for sentence-specific grammar Rules will be queried by cyk per position and number of eleme...
std::string const kLmLoad
const std::string kHifstReplacefstbyarcNumstates
#define APCCTAG
Contains functor and struct to handle local pruning conditions.
void find_and_replace(std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, const std::string &replace)
const std::string kReferencefilterNosubstringStore
const std::string kReferencefilterLoad
const std::string kHifstReplacefstbyarcExceptions
Definition: bleu.hpp:14
const std::string kHifstLocalpruneEnable
const std::vector< std::string > getRHSSplitTranslation(std::size_t idx)
Returns translation as a vector of elements.