Cambridge SMT System
include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:


file  constants-hifst.hpp [code]
file  data-main.alilats2splats.hpp [code]
 Data object for alilats to sparse weight lats binary.
file  data-main.createssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Data object for hifst or related tools.
file  data-main.hifst-client.hpp [code]
 Data object for hifst-client.
file  data-main.hifst.hpp [code]
 Data object for hifst or related tools.
file  data-main.lmbr.hpp [code]
file  data-main.rules2weights.hpp [code]
 Data object for alilats to sparse weight lats binary.
file  data.cykparser.cykbackpointers.hpp [code]
 Contains functor that provides access to cyk backpointers.
file  data.cykparser.cykgrid.hpp [code]
 Contains functor for the cyk grid.
file  data.cykparser.hpp [code]
 Contains structures and classes for GrammarData.
file  data.grammar.comparetool.hpp [code]
 Contains structures and classes for GrammarData.
file  data.grammar.hpp [code]
 Contains structures and classes for GrammarData.
file  data.grammar.utilities.hpp [code]
 Contains structures and classes for GrammarData.
file  data.lmbr.hpp [code]
file  data.ssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Contains sentence-specific grammar data.
file  defs.cykparser.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for cykparser data and task.
file  defs.grammar.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for cykparser data and task.
file  defs.ssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Contains definitions for sentence-specific grammar data and task.
file  main-run.alilats2splats.hpp [code]
 Implements single-threaded version of alilats2splats tool.
file  main-run.createssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Contains createssgrammar core implementation, single-threaded or multithreaded.
file  main-run.hifst-client.hpp [code]
 Contains hifst client core implementation, sends request to hifst in server mode.
file  main-run.hifst.hpp [code]
 Contains hifst core: implements single threaded, multithreaded or as server.
file  main-run.lmbr.hpp [code]
 Implements single-threaded version of alilats2splats tool.
file  main-run.rules2weights.hpp [code]
 Implements lats2splats tool.
file  main.alilats2splats.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.alilats2splats.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.createssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary (createssgrammar) should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.createssgrammar.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options for createssgrammar tool.
file  main.createssgrammar.init_param_options_common.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options for createssgrammar tool.
file  main.hifst-client.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary (hifst-client) should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.hifst-client.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options for hifst-client.
file  main.hifst.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.hifst.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options for hifst tool.
file  main.lmbr.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.lmbr.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.rules2weights.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.rules2weights.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.rules2weights.init_param_options_common.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  task.cykparser.hpp [code]
 Contains cyk parser implementation.
file  task.dumpnbestfeatures.hpp [code]
 Contains task that dumps nbest and feature file.
file  task.grammar.hpp [code]
 Describes class GrammarTask.
file  task.grammar.nonterminalhierarchy.hpp [code]
 this class decides automatically the hierarchy of non-terminals
file  task.hifst-stats.hpp [code]
 Task that dumps statistics related specifically to the tool hifst.
file  task.hifst.expandednumstates.hpp [code]
 Contains utility class to predict number of states of an RTN after expanding to equivalent FSA.
file  task.hifst.hpp [code]
 Contains structures and classes for hifst task (target lattice building)
file  task.hifst.localpruningconditions.hpp [code]
 Contains functor and struct to handle local pruning conditions.
file  task.hifst.makeweights.hpp [code]
file  task.hifst.optimize.hpp [code]
 Contains Function objects that optimize a machine.
file  task.hifst.replacefstbyarc.hpp [code]
 Contains Function objects that determine whether an FST is replaceable or not by an arc pointer.
file  task.hifst.rtn.hpp [code]
 Implements RTN class. Stores pointers to cell FSAs of the RTN using a hiero-index representing cell coordinates (cc,x,y)
file  task.lmbr.applyposteriors.hpp [code]
 Based on Graeme Blackwood's PhD work and original code – implementation of posterior application to a hypotheses space.
file  task.lmbr.common.hpp [code]
 Common lmbr functions.
file  task.lmbr.computeposteriors.hpp [code]
 Based on Graeme Blackwood's PhD work and original code – implementation of posterior computation from evidence space.
file  task.lmbr.hpp [code]
 Lattice MBR task – integrates lattice mbr as a task that can be used standalone (implemented) or included e.g. as another task in hifst.
file  task.loadsparseweightflowerfst.hpp [code]
 Implements a class that loads the grammar sparseweight flower lattice and stores a pointer on the data object.
file  task.patternstoinstances.hpp [code]
 Contains patterns to instance-patterns implementation.
file  task.postpro.hpp [code]
 Task that writes translation to a text file. This translation might be wordmapped and tokenized.
file  task.prepro.hpp [code]
 Describes class PreProTask, which preprocesses (tokenizes and maps to integers with WordMapper) source input.
file  task.referencefilter.hpp [code]
 Describes class ReferenceFilterTask (builds unweighted substring fst for lattice alignment )
file  task.sparseweightvectorlattices.hpp [code]
 Implements the task of creating sparse vector weight lattices – contains feature weight contributions separately in each arc and we can use it to dump features, MERT training, etc.
file  task.ssgrammar.hpp [code]
 Contains implementation for sentence-specific grammar task.