37 #include <fst/fstlib.h> 38 #include <fst/script/print.h> 72 #endif //MAIN_LMBR_HPP Handles simple wildcard expansion for strings.
Convenience functors/functions for lexicographic<tropical,tropical> semiring.
Contains convenience functions to write and read fsts.
Stream wrapper for pipe/text/compressed files.
Implementation of different type of compositions (i.e. failure transitions)
Provides smarter assert methods.
Interfaces with basic methods for iteration.
Implementation of a Fst writer taking the fst from data object.
Utilites to extract vocabulary, pseudo-determinize lattices and build substring transducers.
Headers for standalone shared library.
Implementation of a Fst reader to data structure.
Lattice MBR task – integrates lattice mbr as a task that can be used standalone (implemented) or inc...
Generalized weight mapper functor.
Handles different type of integer ranges.
General typedefs, defines...
Contains wrapper class RegistryPO, which uses boost::program_options to parse parameters, and provides methods to access them.
To initialize boost parameter options.
Lexicographic stdarc registering.
All included standard headers, boost headers,...