Cambridge SMT System
Neural Machine Translation

This section describes how to prepare lattices and RTNs produced by HiFST for our neural machine translation (NMT) tool SGNMT [Stahlberg2016] which is an extension of the NMT implementation in the Blocks framework. SGNMT supports lattice, RTN, and n-best rescoring with single or ensembled NMT, integration of language models and much more. Examples can be found on the SGNMT tutorial page.

Preparing Lattices for SGNMT

Translation lattices produced by HiFST use the lexicographic semiring of two tropical weights [Roark2011] (see Lexicographic Semirings: Translation Grammar and Language Model Scores). However, SGNMT requires lattices with standard arcs. HiFST provides the lexmap tool to convert lexicographic to standard arcs. Additionally, we usually apply epsilon removal, determinisation, minimisation, and weight pushing to the translation lattices before passing them through to SGNMT [Stahlberg2016]. We also map HiFST special symbols to epsilon in order to remove them from the final lattices. The full pipeline looks like that:

 > cat hifst_special_symbol_to_eps_map
 999999991 0
 999999992 0
 999999993 0
 999999994 0
 999999995 0
 999999996 0
 999999997 0
 999999998 0
 999999999 0
 100000000 0
 > zcat output/exp.baseline/LATS/1.fst.gz | lexmap.${TGTBINMK}.bin --action=lex2std | \
                                            fstrelabel -relabel_ipairs=hifst_special_symbol_to_eps_map -relabel_opairs=hifst_special_symbol_to_eps_map | \
                                            fstrmepsilon | \
                                            fstdeterminize | \
                                            fstminimize | \
                                            fstmap -map_type=to_log | \
                                            fstpush --push_weights > output/exp.baseline/LATS.sgnmt/1.fst

The scripts/ directory in the SGNMT tutorial data contains the script which prepares a complete HiFST lattice directory for SGNMT.

Note that for large lattices, determinisation is not possible because OpenFst Determinize requires too much memory. In this case, you can skip epsilon removal, determinisation, and minimisation, and use SGNMT's nfst predictor.

Preparing RTNs for SGNMT

SGNMT supports decoding on the search space spanned by an RTN. Arc expansion (i.e. replacing a non-terminal arc with a FST) is done on-the-fly only if the search algorithm arrives at this arc (late expansion). Like lattices, RTNs need to be converted from the lexicographic semiring using the lexmap tool, but without changing the directory structure. The scripts/ directory in the SGNMT tutorial data contains the script to do that.