Cambridge SMT System
include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:


file  bleu.hpp [code]
file  common-helpers.hpp [code]
file  constants-fsttools.hpp [code]
file  data-main.applylm.hpp [code]
 Data object for applylm tool.
file  data-main.disambig.hpp [code]
 Data object for disambig tool.
file  data.lm.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a language model data structure using kenlm.
file  data.stats.hpp [code]
 Relative to Stats across the pipeline.
file  fstio.hpp [code]
 Contains convenience functions to write and read fsts.
file  fstutils.applylmonthefly.hpp [code]
 Contains implementation of ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly.
file  fstutils.extractngrams.hpp [code]
file  fstutils.ftcompose.hpp [code]
 Implementation of different type of compositions (i.e. failure transitions)
file  fstutils.hpp [code]
 Utilites to extract vocabulary, pseudo-determinize lattices and build substring transducers.
file  fstutils.mapper.hpp [code]
 Generalized weight mapper functor.
file  fstutils.multiepsiloncompose.hpp [code]
 Multiepsilon composition.
file  fstutils.multiunion.hpp [code]
 Implementations of multiple fst unions.
file  fstutils.topofeatures.hpp [code]
 Support for Topological Features. See Iglesias et al. 2015.
file  hifst_enumerate_vocab.hpp [code]
 Extend EnumerateVocab to access kenlm ids.
file  idbridge.hpp [code]
 maps between grammar targets ids and lm ids
file  lexicographic-tropical-tropical-decls.h [code]
 Lexicographic stdarc registering.
file  lexicographic-tropical-tropical-funcs.h [code]
 Convenience functors/functions for lexicographic<tropical,tropical> semiring.
file  lexicographic-tropical-tropical-incls.h [code]
 Headers for standalone shared library.
file  main-run.applylm.hpp [code]
 Core implementation of applylm binary. Kicks off either singlethreaded or multithreaded language model application.
file  main.applylm.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.applylm.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.applylm.init_param_options_common.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.countstrings.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.countstrings.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.disambig.hpp [code]
 Included headers for the binary (disambig) should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.disambig.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.disambignffst.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.disambignffst.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.lexmap.hpp [code]
file  main.lexmap.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.printstrings.hpp [code]
file  main.printstrings.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  main.samplehyps.hpp [code]
file  main.samplehyps.init_param_options.hpp [code]
file  main.tunewp.hpp [code]
 Included headers for all the binary should be defined here. This file should be included only once.
file  main.tunewp.init_param_options.hpp [code]
 To initialize boost parameter options.
file  task.applylm.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a language model application task.
file  task.applylm.kenlmtype.hpp [code]
 Wrapper to ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly to apply different kenlm models.
file  task.disambig.flowerfst.hpp [code]
 Utilities for DisambigTask and related tasks.
file  task.disambig.hpp [code]
 Implemention of class DisambigTask.
file  task.loadlm.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a language model task.
file  task.loadunimap.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a unigram transduction model loader task.
file  task.loadwordmap.hpp [code]
 Wrapper around WordMapper loader.
file  task.optimizefst.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a Fst writer taking the fst from data object.
file  task.readfst.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a Fst reader to data structure.
file  task.stats.hpp [code]
 Task that dumps statistics stored by any previous task in the pipeline.
file  task.tunewpwrite.hpp [code]
 Tune word penalty and write output.
file  task.writefst.hpp [code]
 Implementation of a Fst writer taking the fst from data object.
file  fsttools/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-decls.h [code]
 Basic declarations used for tropical sparse vector weight semiring.
file  tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-funcs.h [code]
 Convenience functions for tropical sparse vector weight.
file  tropical-sparse-tuple-weight-incls.h [code]
 Files to include for the tropical sparse tuple semiring.
file  fsttools/include/tropical-sparse-tuple-weight.h [code]
 Implementation of tropical sparse tuple weight semiring.
file  tropical-sparse-tuple-weight.makeweight.h [code]
 Convenience functors that allow transparent handling for weights within hifst.
file  tuneset.hpp [code]