Cambridge SMT System
include Directory Reference


file  addresshandler.hpp [code]
 Handles simple wildcard expansion for strings.
file  backtrace.hpp [code]
 Adapted from Simple example of backtrace(), backtrace_symbols(), and __cxa_demangle() Remember to pass in the -rdynamic flag to GCC:
file  custom_assert.hpp [code]
 Provides smarter assert methods.
file  global_decls.hpp [code]
 General typedefs, defines...
file  global_funcs.hpp [code]
 General functions.
file  global_incls.hpp [code]
 All included standard headers, boost headers,...
file  kenlmdetect.hpp [code]
file  logger.boost_log.hpp [code]
 Logger implementation – init method and macros around actual Boost Logger.
file  logger.hpp [code]
file  logger.openfstglog.hpp [code]
 Logger implementation – init method and macros around actual OpenFST logger – requires including openfst libraries first.
file  main.custom_assert.hpp [code]
 Static variable for custom_assert. Include only once from main file.
file  main.hpp [code]
file  main.logger.hpp [code]
 Static variables for logger. Include only once from main file.
file  multithreading.helpers.hpp [code]
file  multithreading.hpp [code]
 Implements trivial threadpool using boost::asio library.
file  openfstversion.hpp [code]
file  params.hpp [code]
 Convenience functions to parse parameters from a string.
file  range.hpp [code]
 Handles different type of integer ranges.
file  registrypo.hpp [code]
 Contains wrapper class RegistryPO, which uses boost::program_options to parse parameters, and provides methods to access them.
file  szfstream.hpp [code]
 Stream wrapper for pipe/text/compressed files.
file  taskinterface.hpp [code]
 Interfaces with basic methods for iteration.
file  tokenizer.osr.hpp [code]
 Lower casing/Tokenization/Detokenization not available for open source release.
file  wordmapper.hpp [code]
 class WordMapper