Cambridge SMT System
ErrorSurface< RD > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ErrorSurface< RD >, including all inherited members.

boundariesErrorSurface< RD >
ComputeSurface()ErrorSurface< RD >inline
CreateInitial(Sid sid, const double gamma, const Sentence h, const double modelScore, const double expScore)ErrorSurface< RD >inline
CreateInterval(Sid sid, const double gamma, const Sentence h, const double modelScore, const double expScore)ErrorSurface< RD >inline
Error typedefErrorSurface< RD >
ErrorStats typedefErrorSurface< RD >
ErrorSurface(unsigned int noOfSentences, RefData *refs)ErrorSurface< RD >inline
ErrorSurface(const ErrorSurface &other)ErrorSurface< RD >inline
GetOptimalError()ErrorSurface< RD >inline
GetOptimalGamma()ErrorSurface< RD >inline
GetUnbounded()ErrorSurface< RD >inline
IntervalBoundary typedefErrorSurface< RD >
operator=(const ErrorSurface &rhs)ErrorSurface< RD >inline
PrintErrorSurface(ostream &os) const ErrorSurface< RD >inline
RefData typedefErrorSurface< RD >
Reset()ErrorSurface< RD >inline
WriteErrorSurface(const std::string &filename) const ErrorSurface< RD >inline