Cambridge SMT System
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456789]
 NgoogletestingTest-specific classes and functions
 CDataForCyKPublic Data class with variables required by CyKParser
 CDataForPatternsToInstancesTaskPublic Data class with variables required by PatternsToInstancestask to compile and run
 CDataForSentenceSpecificGrammarTaskPublic Data class with variables required by SentenceSpecificGrammarTask
 CHifstTestHifst test class for google test fixtures
 CHypWSame as Hyp but the printing will convert integer ids to words
 CMERTHifst-specific classes and methods included in this namespace
 CRunAlilatsToSplatsInclude all necessary headers here
 CRunApplyLmConcrete RunTaskT implementation for applylm tool
 CRunHifstInclude all necessary headers here
 CTaskDataTrivial Data class with necessary variables for correct compilation