Command-line reference ======================= The main runner script in SGNMT is ````. The script can be configured via command line or configuration file. For a quick overview of available parameters use ``--help``:: python --help The complete and detailed list of parameters is provided below. Besides ```` following additional scripts are available: * ````: Generates a JSON file which contains the complete posteriors of all predictors along a reference decoding path. Can be used for tuning predictor weights. Same arguments as ````. * ``scripts/``: Applies word maps to strings. * ``scripts/``: Extends a word map with new words. * ``scripts/``: Version of ```` in `Rico Sennrich's subword-nmt repo `_ that is compatible with SGNMT's BPE style (no @@ separator, keep tokens). * ``scripts/``: Basic MERT script for tuning SGNMT predictor weights on 1-best translations. * ``scripts/sge/``: Script for distributed SGNMT decoding on the Sun Grid Engine. Decoding --------- .. argparse:: :module: cam.sgnmt.ui :func: get_parser :prog: