Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.tf_t2t

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This is the interface to the tensor2tensor library.

The t2t predictor can read any model trained with tensor2tensor which
includes the transformer model, convolutional models, and RNN-based
sequence models.

import logging
import os

from cam.sgnmt import utils, tf_utils
from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import Predictor
from cam.sgnmt.misc.trie import SimpleTrie

POP = "##POP##"
"""Textual representation of the POP symbol."""

    # Requires tensor2tensor
    from tensor2tensor import models  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from tensor2tensor import problems as problems_lib  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from tensor2tensor.utils import usr_dir
    from tensor2tensor.utils import registry
    from tensor2tensor.utils import devices
    from tensor2tensor.utils import trainer_lib
    from tensor2tensor.data_generators.text_encoder import TextEncoder
    from tensor2tensor.data_generators import problem  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from tensor2tensor.data_generators import text_encoder
    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np

    class DummyTextEncoder(TextEncoder):
        """Dummy TextEncoder implementation. The TextEncoder 
        implementation in tensor2tensor reads the vocabulary file in
        the constructor, which is not available inside SGNMT. This
        class can be used to replace the standard TextEncoder 
        implementation with a fixed vocabulary size. Note that this
        encoder cannot be used to translate between raw text and
        integer sequences.

        def __init__(self, vocab_size, pop_id=None):
            super(DummyTextEncoder, self).__init__(num_reserved_ids=None)
            self._vocab_size = vocab_size

        def encode(self, s):
            raise NotImplementedError("Dummy encoder cannot be used to encode.")

        def decode(self, ids):
            raise NotImplementedError("Dummy encoder cannot be used to decode.")

        def vocab_size(self):
            return self._vocab_size

    # Define flags from the t2t binaries
    flags = tf.flags
    FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
    flags.DEFINE_string("schedule", "train_and_evaluate",
                        "Method of tf.contrib.learn.Experiment to run.")
except ImportError:
    pass # Deal with it in

"""Set to true by _initialize_t2t() after first constructor call."""

def _initialize_t2t(t2t_usr_dir):
    global T2T_INITIALIZED
    if not T2T_INITIALIZED:"Setting up tensor2tensor library...")
        T2T_INITIALIZED = True

[docs]def log_prob_from_logits(logits): """Softmax function.""" return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, keepdims=True, axis=-1)
[docs]def expand_input_dims_for_t2t(t, batched=False): """Expands a plain input tensor for using it in a T2T graph. Args: t: Tensor batched: Whether to expand on the left side Returns: Tensor `t` expanded by 1 dimension on the left and two dimensions on the right. """ if not batched: t = tf.expand_dims(t, 0) # Because of batch_size t = tf.expand_dims(t, -1) # Because of modality t = tf.expand_dims(t, -1) # Because of random reason X return t
[docs]def gather_2d(params, indices): """This is a batched version of tf.gather(), ie. it applies tf.gather() to each batch separately. Example: params = [[10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]] indices = [[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2], [1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 2]] result = [[10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12], [21, 23, 20, 20, 22, 22]] Args: params: A [batch_size, n, ...] tensor with data indices: A [batch_size, num_indices] int32 tensor with indices into params. Entries must be smaller than n Returns: The result of tf.gather() on each entry of the batch. """ # TODO(fstahlberg): Curse TF for making this so awkward. batch_size = tf.shape(params)[0] num_indices = tf.shape(indices)[1] batch_indices = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 1), [1, num_indices]) # batch_indices is [[0,0,0,0,...],[1,1,1,1,...],...] gather_nd_indices = tf.stack([batch_indices, indices], axis=2) return tf.gather_nd(params, gather_nd_indices)
class _BaseTensor2TensorPredictor(Predictor): """Base class for tensor2tensor based predictors.""" def __init__(self, t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, t2t_unk_id, n_cpu_threads, max_terminal_id=-1, pop_id=-1): """Common initialization for tensor2tensor predictors. Args: t2t_usr_dir (string): See --t2t_usr_dir in tensor2tensor. checkpoint_dir (string): Path to the T2T checkpoint directory. The predictor will load the top most checkpoint in the `checkpoints` file. src_vocab_size (int): Source vocabulary size. trg_vocab_size (int): Target vocabulary size. t2t_unk_id (int): If set, use this ID to get UNK scores. If None, UNK is always scored with -inf. n_cpu_threads (int): Number of TensorFlow CPU threads. max_terminal_id (int): If positive, maximum terminal ID. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. pop_id (int): If positive, ID of the POP or closing bracket symbol. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. """ super(_BaseTensor2TensorPredictor, self).__init__() self._n_cpu_threads = n_cpu_threads self._t2t_unk_id = utils.UNK_ID if t2t_unk_id < 0 else t2t_unk_id self._checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir try: self.pop_id = int(pop_id) except ValueError: logging.warn("t2t predictor only supports single POP IDs. " "Reset to -1") self.pop_id = -1 self.max_terminal_id = max_terminal_id self.src_vocab_size = src_vocab_size self.trg_vocab_size = trg_vocab_size _initialize_t2t(t2t_usr_dir) def _add_problem_hparams(self, hparams, problem_name): """Add problem hparams for the problems. This method corresponds to create_hparams() in tensor2tensor's trainer_lib module, but replaces the feature encoders with DummyFeatureEncoder's. Args: hparams (Hparams): Model hyper parameters. problem_name (string): T2T problem name. Returns: hparams object. Raises: LookupError if the problem name is not in the registry or uses the old style problem_hparams. """ if self.pop_id >= 0: try: hparams.add_hparam("pop_id", self.pop_id) except: if hparams.pop_id != self.pop_id: logging.warn("T2T pop_id does not match (%d!=%d)" % (hparams.pop_id, self.pop_id)) try: hparams.add_hparam("max_terminal_id", self.max_terminal_id) except: if hparams.max_terminal_id != self.max_terminal_id: logging.warn("T2T max_terminal_id does not match (%d!=%d)" % (hparams.max_terminal_id, self.max_terminal_id)) try: hparams.add_hparam("closing_bracket_id", self.pop_id) except: if hparams.closing_bracket_id != self.pop_id: logging.warn("T2T closing_bracket_id does not match (%d!=%d)" % (hparams.closing_bracket_id, self.pop_id)) problem = registry.problem(problem_name) problem._encoders = { "inputs": DummyTextEncoder(vocab_size=self.src_vocab_size), "targets": DummyTextEncoder(vocab_size=self.trg_vocab_size) } p_hparams = problem.get_hparams(hparams) hparams.problem = problem hparams.problem_hparams = p_hparams return hparams def create_session(self): return tf_utils.create_session(self._checkpoint_dir, self._n_cpu_threads) def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Fetch posterior[t2t_unk_id]""" return utils.common_get(posterior, self._t2t_unk_id, utils.NEG_INF)
[docs]class T2TPredictor(_BaseTensor2TensorPredictor): """This predictor implements scoring with Tensor2Tensor models. We follow the decoder implementation in T2T and do not reuse network states in decoding. We rather compute the full forward pass along the current history. Therefore, the decoder state is simply the the full history of consumed words. """ def __init__(self, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, model_name, problem_name, hparams_set_name, t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, t2t_unk_id=None, n_cpu_threads=-1, max_terminal_id=-1, pop_id=-1): """Creates a new T2T predictor. The constructor prepares the TensorFlow session for predict_next() calls. This includes: - Load hyper parameters from the given set (hparams) - Update registry, load T2T model - Create TF placeholders for source sequence and target prefix - Create computation graph for computing log probs. - Create a MonitoredSession object, which also handles restoring checkpoints. Args: src_vocab_size (int): Source vocabulary size. trg_vocab_size (int): Target vocabulary size. model_name (string): T2T model name. problem_name (string): T2T problem name. hparams_set_name (string): T2T hparams set name. t2t_usr_dir (string): See --t2t_usr_dir in tensor2tensor. checkpoint_dir (string): Path to the T2T checkpoint directory. The predictor will load the top most checkpoint in the `checkpoints` file. t2t_unk_id (int): If set, use this ID to get UNK scores. If None, UNK is always scored with -inf. n_cpu_threads (int): Number of TensorFlow CPU threads. max_terminal_id (int): If positive, maximum terminal ID. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. pop_id (int): If positive, ID of the POP or closing bracket symbol. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. """ super(T2TPredictor, self).__init__(t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, t2t_unk_id, n_cpu_threads, max_terminal_id, pop_id) if not model_name or not problem_name or not hparams_set_name: logging.fatal( "Please specify t2t_model, t2t_problem, and t2t_hparams_set!") raise AttributeError self.consumed = [] self.src_sentence = [] predictor_graph = tf.Graph() with predictor_graph.as_default() as g: hparams = trainer_lib.create_hparams(hparams_set_name) self._add_problem_hparams(hparams, problem_name) translate_model = registry.model(model_name)( hparams, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT) self._inputs_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_inputs") self._targets_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_targets") features = {"inputs": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(self._inputs_var), "targets": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(self._targets_var)} translate_model.prepare_features_for_infer(features) translate_model._fill_problem_hparams_features(features) logits, _ = translate_model(features) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [0, 1, 2, 3]) self._log_probs = log_prob_from_logits(logits) self.mon_sess = self.create_session()
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Call the T2T model in self.mon_sess.""" log_probs =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._targets_var: utils.oov_to_unk( self.consumed + [text_encoder.PAD_ID], self.trg_vocab_size, self._t2t_unk_id)}) log_probs[text_encoder.PAD_ID] = utils.NEG_INF return log_probs
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Set src_sentence, reset consumed.""" self.consumed = [] self.src_sentence = utils.oov_to_unk( src_sentence + [text_encoder.EOS_ID], self.src_vocab_size, self._t2t_unk_id)
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Append ``word`` to the current history.""" self.consumed.append(word)
[docs] def get_state(self): """The predictor state is the complete history.""" return self.consumed
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """The predictor state is the complete history.""" self.consumed = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the history is the same """ return state1 == state2
[docs]class EditT2TPredictor(_BaseTensor2TensorPredictor): """This predictor can be used for T2T models conditioning on the full target sentence. The predictor state is a full target sentence. The state can be changed by insertions, substitutions, and deletions of single tokens, whereas each operation is encoded as SGNMT token in the following way: 1xxxyyyyy: Insert the token yyyyy at position xxx. 2xxxyyyyy: Replace the xxx-th word with the token yyyyy. 3xxx00000: Delete the xxx-th token. """ INS_OFFSET = 100000000 SUB_OFFSET = 200000000 DEL_OFFSET = 300000000 POS_FACTOR = 100000 MAX_SEQ_LEN = 999 def __init__(self, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, model_name, problem_name, hparams_set_name, trg_test_file, beam_size, t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, t2t_unk_id=None, n_cpu_threads=-1, max_terminal_id=-1, pop_id=-1): """Creates a new edit T2T predictor. This constructor is similar to the constructor of T2TPredictor but creates a different computation graph which retrieves scores at each target position, not only the last one. Args: src_vocab_size (int): Source vocabulary size. trg_vocab_size (int): Target vocabulary size. model_name (string): T2T model name. problem_name (string): T2T problem name. hparams_set_name (string): T2T hparams set name. trg_test_file (string): Path to a plain text file with initial target sentences. Can be empty. beam_size (int): Determines how many substitutions and insertions are considered at each position. t2t_usr_dir (string): See --t2t_usr_dir in tensor2tensor. checkpoint_dir (string): Path to the T2T checkpoint directory. The predictor will load the top most checkpoint in the `checkpoints` file. t2t_unk_id (int): If set, use this ID to get UNK scores. If None, UNK is always scored with -inf. n_cpu_threads (int): Number of TensorFlow CPU threads. max_terminal_id (int): If positive, maximum terminal ID. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. pop_id (int): If positive, ID of the POP or closing bracket symbol. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. """ super(EditT2TPredictor, self).__init__(t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, t2t_unk_id, n_cpu_threads, max_terminal_id, pop_id) if not model_name or not problem_name or not hparams_set_name: logging.fatal( "Please specify t2t_model, t2t_problem, and t2t_hparams_set!") raise AttributeError if trg_vocab_size >= EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR: logging.fatal("Target vocabulary size (%d) must be less than %d!" % (trg_vocab_size, EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR)) raise AttributeError self.beam_size = max(1, beam_size // 10) + 1 self.batch_size = 2048 # TODO(fstahlberg): Move to config self.initial_trg_sentences = None if trg_test_file: self.initial_trg_sentences = [] with open(trg_test_file) as f: for line in f: self.initial_trg_sentences.append(utils.oov_to_unk( [int(w) for w in line.strip().split()] + [utils.EOS_ID], self.trg_vocab_size, self._t2t_unk_id)) predictor_graph = tf.Graph() with predictor_graph.as_default() as g: hparams = trainer_lib.create_hparams(hparams_set_name) self._add_problem_hparams(hparams, problem_name) translate_model = registry.model(model_name)( hparams, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL) self._inputs_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_inputs") self._targets_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name="sgnmt_targets") shp = tf.shape(self._targets_var) bsz = shp[0] inputs = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(self._inputs_var, 0), [bsz, 1]) features = {"inputs": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(inputs, batched=True), "targets": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(self._targets_var, batched=True)} translate_model.prepare_features_for_infer(features) translate_model._fill_problem_hparams_features(features) logits, _ = translate_model(features) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [2, 3]) self._log_probs = log_prob_from_logits(logits) diag_logits = gather_2d(logits, tf.expand_dims(tf.range(bsz), 1)) self._diag_log_probs = log_prob_from_logits(diag_logits) no_pad = tf.cast(tf.not_equal( self._targets_var, text_encoder.PAD_ID), tf.float32) flat_bsz = shp[0] * shp[1] word_scores = gather_2d( tf.reshape(self._log_probs, [flat_bsz, -1]), tf.reshape(self._targets_var, [flat_bsz, 1])) word_scores = tf.reshape(word_scores, (shp[0], shp[1])) * no_pad self._sentence_scores = tf.reduce_sum(word_scores, -1) self.mon_sess = self.create_session() def _ins_op(self, pos, token): """Returns a copy of trg sentence after an insertion.""" return self.trg_sentence[:pos] + [token] + self.trg_sentence[pos:] def _sub_op(self, pos, token): """Returns a copy of trg sentence after a substitution.""" ret = list(self.trg_sentence) ret[pos] = token return ret def _del_op(self, pos): """Returns a copy of trg sentence after a deletion.""" return self.trg_sentence[:pos] + self.trg_sentence[pos+1:] def _top_n(self, scores, sort=False): """Sorted indices of beam_size best entries along axis 1""" costs = -scores costs[:, utils.EOS_ID] = utils.INF top_n_indices = np.argpartition( costs, self.beam_size, axis=1)[:, :self.beam_size] if not sort: return top_n_indices b_indices = np.expand_dims(np.arange(top_n_indices.shape[0]), axis=1) sorted_indices = np.argsort(costs[b_indices, top_n_indices], axis=1) return top_n_indices[b_indices, sorted_indices]
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Call the T2T model in self.mon_sess.""" next_sentences = {} logging.debug("EditT2T: Exploring score=%f sentence=%s" % (self.cur_score, " ".join(map(str, self.trg_sentence)))) n_trg_words = len(self.trg_sentence) if n_trg_words > EditT2TPredictor.MAX_SEQ_LEN: logging.warn("EditT2T: Target sentence exceeds maximum length (%d)" % EDITT2TPredictor.MAX_SEQ_LEN) return {utils.EOS_ID: 0.0} # Substitutions log_probs =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._targets_var: [self.trg_sentence]}) top_n = self._top_n(np.squeeze(log_probs, axis=0)) for pos, cur_token in enumerate(self.trg_sentence[:-1]): offset = EditT2TPredictor.SUB_OFFSET offset += EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR * pos for token in top_n[pos]: if token != cur_token: next_sentences[offset + token] = self._sub_op(pos, token) # Insertions if n_trg_words < EditT2TPredictor.MAX_SEQ_LEN - 1: ins_trg_sentences = np.full((n_trg_words, n_trg_words+1), 999) for pos in range(n_trg_words): ins_trg_sentences[pos, :pos] = self.trg_sentence[:pos] ins_trg_sentences[pos, pos+1:] = self.trg_sentence[pos:] diag_log_probs =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._targets_var: ins_trg_sentences}) top_n = self._top_n(np.squeeze(diag_log_probs, axis=1)) for pos in range(n_trg_words): offset = EditT2TPredictor.INS_OFFSET offset += EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR * pos for token in top_n[pos]: next_sentences[offset + token] = self._ins_op(pos, token) # Deletions idx = EditT2TPredictor.DEL_OFFSET for pos in range(n_trg_words - 1): # -1: Do not delete EOS next_sentences[idx] = self._del_op(pos) idx += EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR abs_scores = self._score(next_sentences, n_trg_words + 1) rel_scores = {i: s - self.cur_score for i, s in abs_scores.items()} rel_scores[utils.EOS_ID] = 0.0 return rel_scores
def _score(self, sentences, n_trg_words=1): max_n_sens = max(1, self.batch_size // n_trg_words) scores = {} batch_ids = [] batch_sens = [] for idx, trg_sentence in sentences.items(): score = self.cache.get(trg_sentence) if score is None: batch_ids.append(idx) np_sen = np.zeros(n_trg_words, np_sen[:len(trg_sentence)] = trg_sentence batch_sens.append(np_sen) if len(batch_ids) >= max_n_sens: self._score_single_batch(scores, batch_ids, batch_sens) batch_ids = [] batch_sens = [] else: scores[idx] = score self._score_single_batch(scores, batch_ids, batch_sens) return scores def _score_single_batch(self, scores, ids, trg_sentences): "Score sentences and add them to scores and the cache.""" if not ids: return batch_scores =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._targets_var: np.stack(trg_sentences)}) for idx, sen, score in zip(ids, trg_sentences, batch_scores): self.cache.add(sen, score) scores[idx] = score def _update_cur_score(self): self.cur_score = self.cache.get(self.trg_sentence) if self.cur_score is None: scores = self._score({1: self.trg_sentence}, len(self.trg_sentence)) self.cur_score = scores[1] self.cache.add(self.trg_sentence, self.cur_score)
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Set src_sentence, reset consumed.""" if self.initial_trg_sentences is None: self.trg_sentence = [text_encoder.EOS_ID] else: self.trg_sentence = self.initial_trg_sentences[self.current_sen_id] self.src_sentence = utils.oov_to_unk( src_sentence + [text_encoder.EOS_ID], self.src_vocab_size, self._t2t_unk_id) self.cache = SimpleTrie() self._update_cur_score() logging.debug("Initial score: %f" % self.cur_score)
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Append ``word`` to the current history.""" if word == utils.EOS_ID: return pos = (word // EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR) \ % (EditT2TPredictor.MAX_SEQ_LEN + 1) token = word % EditT2TPredictor.POS_FACTOR # TODO(fstahlberg): Do not hard code the following section op = word // 100000000 if op == 1: # Insertion self.trg_sentence = self._ins_op(pos, token) elif op == 2: # Substitution self.trg_sentence = self._sub_op(pos, token) elif op == 3: # Deletion self.trg_sentence = self._del_op(pos) else: logging.warn("Invalid edit descriptor %d. Ignoring..." % word) self._update_cur_score() self.cache.add(self.trg_sentence, utils.NEG_INF)
[docs] def get_state(self): """The predictor state is the complete target sentence.""" return self.trg_sentence, self.cur_score
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """The predictor state is the complete target sentence.""" self.trg_sentence, self.cur_score = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the target sentence is the same """ return state1[0] == state2[0]
[docs]class FertilityT2TPredictor(T2TPredictor): """Use this predictor to integrate fertility models trained with T2T. Fertility models output the fertility for each source word instead of target words. We define the fertility of the i-th source word in a hypothesis as the number of tokens between the (i-1)-th and the i-th POP token. TODO: This is not SOLID (violates substitution principle) """ def _update_scores(self): """Call the T2T model in self.mon_sess to update pop_scores and other_scores. """ log_probs =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._targets_var: self.fertility_history + [text_encoder.PAD_ID]}) fert_log_probs = [p for p in log_probs[4:]] + [log_probs[utils.UNK_ID]] fert_log_probs = fert_log_probs[:10] prev_max = utils.NEG_INF best_future = [] for f in fert_log_probs[:0:-1]: prev_max = max(prev_max, f) best_future.append(prev_max) best_future.reverse() self.pop_scores = [] self.other_scores = [] acc = 0.0 for score, best_future_score in zip(fert_log_probs[:-1], best_future): self.pop_scores.append(score - acc) self.other_scores.append(best_future_score - acc) acc = best_future_score
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Set src_sentence, compute fertilities for first src word.""" self.fertility_history = [] self.n_aligned_words = 0 self.src_sentence = utils.oov_to_unk( src_sentence + [text_encoder.EOS_ID], self.src_vocab_size) self._update_scores()
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Returns self.pop_scores[n_aligned_words] for POP and EOS.""" score = utils.common_get(self.pop_scores, self.n_aligned_words, 0.0) return {self.pop_id: score, utils.EOS_ID: score, 6: 0.0, 7: 0.0}
[docs] def consume(self, word): if word == self.pop_id: target = 4 + self.n_aligned_words if target >= self.trg_vocab_size: target = utils.UNK_ID self.fertility_history.append(target) self.n_aligned_words = 0 self._update_scores() elif word != 6 and word != 7: self.n_aligned_words += 1
[docs] def get_state(self): return (self.fertility_history, self.n_aligned_words, self.pop_scores, self.other_scores)
[docs] def set_state(self, state): (self.fertility_history, self.n_aligned_words, self.pop_scores, self.other_scores) = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the history is the same """ return state1 == state2
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Returns self.other_scores[n_aligned_words].""" return utils.common_get(self.other_scores, self.n_aligned_words, 0.0)
[docs]class SegT2TPredictor(_BaseTensor2TensorPredictor): """This predictor is designed for document-level T2T models. It differs from the normal t2t predictor in the following ways: - In addition to `input` and `targets`, it generates the features `inputs_seg`. `targets_seg`, `inputs_pos`, `targets_pos` which are used in glue models and the contextual Transformer. - The history is pruned when it exceeds a maximum number of <s> symbols. This can be used to reduce complexity for document-level models on very long documents. When the maximum number is reached, we start removing sentences from ``self.consumed``, starting with the sentence which is `begin_margin` away from the document start and `end_margin` sentences away from the current sentence. """ def __init__(self, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, model_name, problem_name, hparams_set_name, t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, t2t_unk_id=None, n_cpu_threads=-1, max_terminal_id=-1, pop_id=-1): """Creates a new document-level T2T predictor. See T2TPredictor.__init__(). Args: src_vocab_size (int): Source vocabulary size. trg_vocab_size (int): Target vocabulary size. model_name (string): T2T model name. problem_name (string): T2T problem name. hparams_set_name (string): T2T hparams set name. t2t_usr_dir (string): See --t2t_usr_dir in tensor2tensor. checkpoint_dir (string): Path to the T2T checkpoint directory. The predictor will load the top most checkpoint in the `checkpoints` file. t2t_unk_id (int): If set, use this ID to get UNK scores. If None, UNK is always scored with -inf. n_cpu_threads (int): Number of TensorFlow CPU threads. max_terminal_id (int): If positive, maximum terminal ID. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. pop_id (int): If positive, ID of the POP or closing bracket symbol. Needs to be set for syntax-based T2T models. """ super(SegT2TPredictor, self).__init__(t2t_usr_dir, checkpoint_dir, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, t2t_unk_id, n_cpu_threads, max_terminal_id, pop_id) if not model_name or not problem_name or not hparams_set_name: logging.fatal( "Please specify t2t_model, t2t_problem, and t2t_hparams_set!") raise AttributeError self.begin_margin = 3 self.end_margin = 3 self.max_sentences = self.begin_margin + self.end_margin self.max_sentences = 10000 # TODO: Make configurable. Default disabled #self.max_sentences = 20 #self.max_sentences = 25 predictor_graph = tf.Graph() with predictor_graph.as_default() as g: hparams = trainer_lib.create_hparams(hparams_set_name) self._add_problem_hparams(hparams, problem_name) translate_model = registry.model(model_name)( hparams, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT) self._inputs_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_inputs") self._targets_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_targets") self._inputs_seg_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_inputs_seg") self._targets_seg_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_targets_seg") self._inputs_pos_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_inputs_pos") self._targets_pos_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="sgnmt_targets_pos") features = { "inputs": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(self._inputs_var), "targets": expand_input_dims_for_t2t(self._targets_var), "inputs_seg": tf.expand_dims(self._inputs_seg_var, 0), "targets_seg": tf.expand_dims(self._targets_seg_var, 0), "inputs_pos": tf.expand_dims(self._inputs_pos_var, 0), "targets_pos": tf.expand_dims(self._targets_pos_var, 0) } translate_model.prepare_features_for_infer(features) translate_model._fill_problem_hparams_features(features) logits, _ = translate_model(features) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [0, 1, 2, 3]) self._log_probs = log_prob_from_logits(logits) self.mon_sess = self.create_session()
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): self.consumed = [] self.src_sentence = utils.oov_to_unk( src_sentence + [text_encoder.EOS_ID], self.src_vocab_size, self._t2t_unk_id) self.src_seg, self.src_pos = self._gen_seg_and_pos(self.src_sentence) self.history_sentences = [[]]
def _gen_seg_and_pos(self, glued, trg=False): seg = [] pos = [] cur_seg = 1 cur_pos = 0 for w in glued: seg.append(cur_seg) pos.append(cur_pos) if w == utils.GO_ID: cur_seg += 1 cur_pos = 0 else: cur_pos += 1 if trg: seg.append(cur_seg) pos.append(cur_pos) return seg, pos
[docs] def consume(self, word): self.history_sentences[-1].append( word if word < self.trg_vocab_size else self._t2t_unk_id) if word == utils.GO_ID: if False and len(self.history_sentences) > self.max_sentences: logging.debug("Pruning document level history...") self.history_sentences = ( self.history_sentences[:self.begin_margin] + self.history_sentences[-self.end_margin:]) self.history_sentences.append([])
[docs] def get_state(self): return self.history_sentences
[docs] def set_state(self, state): self.history_sentences = state
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Call the T2T model in self.mon_sess.""" if len(self.history_sentences) > self.max_sentences: return {} consumed = [w for s in self.history_sentences for w in s] trg_seg, trg_pos = self._gen_seg_and_pos(consumed, trg=True) log_probs =, {self._inputs_var: self.src_sentence, self._inputs_seg_var: self.src_seg, self._inputs_pos_var: self.src_pos, self._targets_var: consumed + [text_encoder.PAD_ID], self._targets_seg_var: trg_seg, self._targets_pos_var: trg_pos}) log_probs[text_encoder.PAD_ID] = utils.NEG_INF return log_probs
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the (pruned) history is the same """ return state1 == state2
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Fetch posterior[t2t_unk_id]""" if len(self.history_sentences) > self.max_sentences: return 0.0 return utils.common_get(posterior, self._t2t_unk_id, utils.NEG_INF)