Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module provides helper predictors and predictor wrappers which
are not directly used for scoring. An example is the altsrc predictor 
wrapper which loads source sentences from a different file.

import operator
import numpy as np
import logging

from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import Predictor, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor
from cam.sgnmt import io
from cam.sgnmt import utils

[docs]class AltsrcPredictor(Predictor): """This wrapper loads the source sentences from an alternative source file. The ``src_sentence`` arguments of ``initialize`` and ``initialize_heuristic`` are overridden with sentences loaded from the file specified via the argument ``--altsrc_test``. All other methods are pass through calls to the slave predictor. """ def __init__(self, src_test, slave_predictor): """Creates a new altsrc wrapper predictor. Args: src_test (string): Path to the text file with source sentences slave_predictor (Predictor): Instance of the predictor which uses the source sentences in ``src_test`` """ super(AltsrcPredictor, self).__init__() self.slave_predictor = slave_predictor self.altsens = [] with open(src_test) as f: self.altsens = [io.encode(line.strip()) for line in f] def _get_current_sentence(self): return self.altsens[self.current_sen_id]
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor but replace ``src_sentence`` with a sentence from ``self.altsens`` """ self.slave_predictor.initialize(self._get_current_sentence())
[docs] def initialize_heuristic(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor but replace ``src_sentence`` with a sentence from ``self.altsens`` """ self.slave_predictor.initialize_heuristic(self._get_current_sentence())
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.predict_next()
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.get_unk_probability(posterior)
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Pass through to slave predictor """ self.slave_predictor.consume(word)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.get_state()
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Pass through to slave predictor """ self.slave_predictor.set_state(state)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.estimate_future_cost(hypo)
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, cur_sen_id): """We need to override this method to propagate current\_ sentence_id to the slave predictor """ super(AltsrcPredictor, self).set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id) self.slave_predictor.set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id)
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.is_equal(state1, state2)
[docs]class UnboundedAltsrcPredictor(AltsrcPredictor, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor): """This class is a version of ``AltsrcPredictor`` for unbounded vocabulary predictors. This needs an adjusted ``predict_next`` method to pass through the set of target words to score correctly. """ def __init__(self, src_test, slave_predictor): """Pass through to ``AltsrcPredictor.__init__`` """ super(UnboundedAltsrcPredictor, self).__init__(src_test, slave_predictor)
[docs] def predict_next(self, trgt_words): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.predict_next(trgt_words)
[docs]class RankPredictor(Predictor): """This wrapper converts predictor scores to (negative) ranks, i.e. the best word gets a score of -1, the second best of -2 and so on. Note: Using this predictor with UNK matching or predictor heuristics is not recommended. """ def __init__(self, slave_predictor): """Creates a new rank wrapper predictor. Args: slave_predictor (Predictor): Use score of this predictor to compute ranks. """ super(RankPredictor, self).__init__() self.slave_predictor = slave_predictor
[docs] def score2rank(self, scores): if isinstance(scores, dict): l = list(utils.common_iterable(scores)) l.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return {el[0]: -(r+1) for r, el in enumerate(l)} # scores is a list or numpy array. indices = np.argsort(-scores) ranks = np.empty_like(scores) ranks[indices] = np.arange(-1, -len(scores)-1, -1, dtype=scores.dtype) return ranks
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor. """ self.slave_predictor.initialize(src_sentence)
[docs] def initialize_heuristic(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor. """ self.slave_predictor.initialize_heuristic(src_sentence)
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.score2rank(self.slave_predictor.predict_next())
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.get_unk_probability(posterior)
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Pass through to slave predictor """ self.slave_predictor.consume(word)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.get_state()
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Pass through to slave predictor """ self.slave_predictor.set_state(state)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.estimate_future_cost(hypo)
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, cur_sen_id): """We need to override this method to propagate current\_ sentence_id to the slave predictor """ super(RankPredictor, self).set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id) self.slave_predictor.set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id)
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.is_equal(state1, state2)
[docs]class UnboundedRankPredictor(RankPredictor, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor): """This class is a version of ``RankPredictor`` for unbounded vocabulary predictors. This needs an adjusted ``predict_next`` method to pass through the set of target words to score correctly. """
[docs] def predict_next(self, trgt_words): """Return ranks instead of slave scores """ return self.score2rank(self.slave_predictor.predict_next(trgt_words))
[docs]class GluePredictor(Predictor): """This wrapper masks sentence-level predictors when SGNMT runs on the document level. The SGNMT hypotheses consist of multiple sentences, glued together with <s>, but the wrapped predictor is trained on the sentence level. This predictor splits input sequences at <s> and feed them to the predictor one by one. The wrapped predictor is initialized with a new source sentence when the sentence boundary symbol <s> is emitted. Note that using the predictor heuristic of the wrapped predictor estimates the future cost for the current sentence, not for the entire document. """ def __init__(self, max_len_factor, slave_predictor): """Creates a new glue wrapper predictor. Args: max_len_factor (int): Target sentences cannot be longer than this times source sentence length slave_predictor (Predictor): Instance of the sentence-level predictor. """ super(GluePredictor, self).__init__() self.slave_predictor = slave_predictor self.max_len_factor = max_len_factor
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Splits ``src_sentence`` at ``utils.GO_ID``, stores all segments for later use, and calls ``initialize()`` of the slave predictor with the first segment. """ self._src_sentences = [] last_pos = 0 for pos, word in enumerate(src_sentence): if word == utils.GO_ID: self._src_sentences.append(src_sentence[last_pos:pos]) last_pos = pos + 1 self._src_sentences.append(src_sentence[last_pos:]) self._next_src_sentence_idx = 0 self._next_src_sentence()
def _next_src_sentence(self): src = self._src_sentences[self._next_src_sentence_idx] self.slave_predictor.initialize(src) self._sen_budget = self.max_len_factor * len(src) self._next_src_sentence_idx += 1 def _sen_len_exceeded(self): return self._sen_budget < 0
[docs] def is_last_sentence(self): """Returns True if the current sentence is the last sentence in this document - i.e. we have already consumed n-1 <s> symbols since the last call of ``initialize()``. """ return self._next_src_sentence_idx >= len(self._src_sentences)
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Calls predict_next() of the wrapped predictor. Replaces BOS scores with EOS score if we still have source sentences left. """ if self._sen_len_exceeded(): end_token = utils.EOS_ID if self.is_last_sentence() else utils.GO_ID"Sentence length exceeded!") return {end_token: 0.0} slave_scores = self.slave_predictor.predict_next() if not self.is_last_sentence(): slave_scores[utils.GO_ID] = slave_scores[utils.EOS_ID] slave_scores[utils.EOS_ID] = utils.NEG_INF else: slave_scores[utils.GO_ID] = utils.NEG_INF return slave_scores
[docs] def consume(self, word): """If ``word`` is <s>, initialize the slave predictor with the next source sentence. Otherwise, pass through ``word`` to the ``consume()`` method of the slave. """ if word == utils.GO_ID: self._next_src_sentence() else: self.slave_predictor.consume(word) self._sen_budget -= 1
[docs] def get_state(self): """State is the slave state plus the source sentence index.""" return (self._next_src_sentence_idx, self._sen_budget, self.slave_predictor.get_state())
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """State is the slave state plus the source sentence index.""" self._next_src_sentence_idx, self._sen_budget, slave_state = state self.slave_predictor.set_state(slave_state)
[docs] def initialize_heuristic(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor.""" self.slave_predictor.initialize_heuristic(self._get_current_sentence())
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Pass through to slave predictor """ if self._sen_len_exceeded(): return utils.NEG_INF return self.slave_predictor.get_unk_probability(posterior)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.estimate_future_cost(hypo)
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, cur_sen_id): """We need to override this method to propagate current\_ sentence_id to the slave predictor """ super(GluePredictor, self).set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id) self.slave_predictor.set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id)
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.is_equal(state1, state2)
[docs]class UnboundedGluePredictor(GluePredictor, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor): """This class is a version of ``GluePredictor`` for unbounded vocabulary predictors. """
[docs] def predict_next(self, trgt_words): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return self.slave_predictor.predict_next(trgt_words)