Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.length

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module contains predictors that deal wit the length of the
target sentence. The ``NBLengthPredictor`` assumes a negative binomial
distribution on the target sentence lengths, where the parameters r and
p are linear combinations of features extracted from the source 
sentence. The ``WordCountPredictor`` adds the number of words as cost,
which can be used to prevent hypotheses from getting to short when 
using a language model.

import logging
import math
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from scipy.special import gammaln

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.misc.trie import SimpleTrie
from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import Predictor, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor
import numpy as np

EPS_R = 0.1;

[docs]def load_external_lengths(path): """Loads a length distribution from a plain text file. The file must contain blank separated <length>:<score> pairs in each line. Args: path (string): Path to the length file. Returns: list of dicts mapping a length to its scores, one dict for each sentence. """ lengths = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f: scores = {} for pair in line.strip().split(): if ':' in pair: length, score = pair.split(':') scores[int(length)] = float(score) else: scores[int(pair)] = 0.0 lengths.append(scores) return lengths
[docs]def load_external_ids(path): """ load file of ids to list """ with open(path) as f: return [int(line.strip()) for line in f]
[docs]class NBLengthPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor assumes that target sentence lengths are distributed according a negative binomial distribution with parameters r,p. r is linear in features, p is the logistic of a linear function over the features. Weights can be trained using the Matlab script ``estimate_length_model.m`` Let w be the model_weights. All features are extracted from the src sentence:: r = w0 * #char + w1 * #words + w2 * #punctuation + w3 * #char/#words + w4 * #punct/#words + w10 p = logistic(w5 * #char + w6 * #words + w7 * #punctuation + w8 * #char/#words + w9 * #punct/#words + w11) target_length ~ NB(r,p) The biases w10 and w11 are optional. The predictor predicts EOS with NB(#consumed_words,r,p) """ def __init__(self, text_file, model_weights, use_point_probs, offset = 0): """Creates a new target sentence length model predictor. Args: text_file (string): Path to the text file with the unindexed source sentences, i.e. not using word ids model_weights (list): Weights w0 to w11 of the length model. See class docstring for more information use_point_probs (bool): Use point estimates for EOS token, 0.0 otherwise offset (int): Subtract this from hypothesis length before applying the NB model """ super(NBLengthPredictor, self).__init__() self.use_point_probs = use_point_probs self.offset = offset if len(model_weights) == 2*NUM_FEATURES: # add biases model_weights.append(0.0) model_weights.append(0.0) if len(model_weights) != 2*NUM_FEATURES+2: logging.fatal("Number of length model weights has to be %d or %d" % (2*NUM_FEATURES, 2*NUM_FEATURES+2)) self.r_weights = model_weights[0:NUM_FEATURES] + [model_weights[-2]] self.p_weights = model_weights[NUM_FEATURES:2*NUM_FEATURES] + [model_weights[-1]] self.src_features = self._extract_features(text_file) self.n_consumed = 0 def _extract_features(self, file_name): """Extract all features from the source sentences. """ feats = [] with open(file_name) as f: for line in f: feats.append(self._analyse_sentence(line.strip())) return feats def _analyse_sentence(self, sentence): """Extract features for a single source sentence. Args: sentence (string): Source sentence string Returns: 5-tuple of features as described in the class docstring """ n_char = len(sentence) + 0.0 n_words = len(sentence.split()) + 0.0 n_punct = sum([sentence.count(s) for s in ",.:;-"]) + 0.0 return [n_char, n_words, n_punct, n_char/n_words, n_punct/n_words]
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """If we use point estimates, return 0 (=1). Otherwise, return the 1-p(EOS), with p(EOS) fetched from ``posterior`` """ if self.use_point_probs: if self.n_consumed == 0: return self.max_eos_prob return 0.0 if self.n_consumed == 0: return 0.0 return np.log(1.0 - np.exp(posterior[utils.EOS_ID]))
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Returns a dictionary with single entry for EOS. """ if self.n_consumed == 0: return {utils.EOS_ID : utils.NEG_INF} return {utils.EOS_ID : self._get_eos_prob()}
def _get_eos_prob(self): """Get loglikelihood according cur_p, cur_r, and n_consumed """ eos_point_prob = self._get_eos_point_prob(max( 1, self.n_consumed - self.offset)) if self.use_point_probs: return eos_point_prob - self.max_eos_prob if not self.prev_eos_probs: self.prev_eos_probs.append(eos_point_prob) return eos_point_prob # bypass utils.log_sum because we always want to use logsumexp here prev_sum = logsumexp(np.asarray([p for p in self.prev_eos_probs])) self.prev_eos_probs.append(eos_point_prob) # Desired prob is eos_point_prob / (1-last_eos_probs_sum) return eos_point_prob - np.log(1.0-np.exp(prev_sum)) def _get_eos_point_prob(self, n): return gammaln(n + self.cur_r) \ - gammaln(n + 1) \ - gammaln(self.cur_r) \ + n * np.log(self.cur_p) \ + self.cur_r * np.log(1.0-self.cur_p) def _get_max_eos_prob(self): """Get the maximum loglikelihood according cur_p, cur_r TODO: replace this brute force impl. with something smarter """ max_prob = utils.NEG_INF n_prob = max_prob n = 0 while n_prob == max_prob: n += 1 n_prob = self._get_eos_point_prob(n) max_prob = max(max_prob, n_prob) return max_prob
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Extract features for the source sentence. Note that this method does not use ``src_sentence`` as we need the string representation of the source sentence to extract features. Args: src_sentence (list): Not used """ feat = self.src_features[self.current_sen_id] + [1.0] self.cur_r = max(EPS_R,, self.r_weights)); p =, self.p_weights) p = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-p)) self.cur_p = max(utils.EPS_P, min(1.0 - utils.EPS_P, p)) self.n_consumed = 0 self.prev_eos_probs = [] if self.use_point_probs: self.max_eos_prob = self._get_max_eos_prob()
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Increases the current history length Args: word (int): Not used """ self.n_consumed = self.n_consumed + 1
[docs] def get_state(self): """State consists of the number of consumed words, and the accumulator for previous EOS probability estimates if we don't use point estimates. """ return self.n_consumed,self.prev_eos_probs
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set the predictor state """ self.n_consumed,self.prev_eos_probs = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the number of consumed words is the same """ n1,_ = state1 n2,_ = state2 return n1 == n2
[docs]class WordCountPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor adds the (negative) number of words as feature. This means that this predictor encourages shorter hypotheses when used with a positive weight. """ def __init__(self, word=-1, nonterminal_penalty=False, nonterminal_ids=None, min_terminal_id=0, max_terminal_id=30003, negative_wc=True, vocab_size=30003): """Creates a new word count predictor instance. Args: word (int): If this is non-negative we count only the number of the specified word. If its negative, count all words nonterminal_penalty (bool): If true, apply penalty only to tokens in a range (the range *outside* min/max terminal id) nonterminal_ids: file containing ids of nonterminal tokens min_terminal_id: lower bound of tokens *not* to penalize, if nonterminal_penalty selected max_terminal_id: upper bound of tokens *not* to penalize, if nonterminal_penalty selected negative_wc: If true, the score of this predictor is the negative word count. vocab_size: upper bound of tokens, used to find nonterminal range """ super(WordCountPredictor, self).__init__() val = 1.0 if negative_wc: val = -1.0 if nonterminal_penalty: if nonterminal_ids: nts = load_external_ids(nonterminal_ids) else: min_nt_range = range(0, min_terminal_id) max_nt_range = range(max_terminal_id + 1, vocab_size) nts = list(min_nt_range) + list(max_nt_range) self.posterior = {nt: val for nt in nts} self.posterior[utils.EOS_ID] = 0.0 self.posterior[utils.UNK_ID] = 0.0 self.unk_prob = 0.0 elif word < 0: self.posterior = {utils.EOS_ID : 0.0} self.unk_prob = val else: self.posterior = {word : val} self.unk_prob = 0.0
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): return self.unk_prob
[docs] def predict_next(self): return self.posterior
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Empty""" pass
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Empty""" pass
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns true """ return True
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Empty""" pass
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true """ return True
[docs]class WeightNonTerminalPredictor(Predictor): """This wrapper multiplies the weight of given tokens (those outside the min/max terminal range) by a factor.""" def __init__(self, slave_predictor, penalty_factor=1.0, nonterminal_ids=None, min_terminal_id=0, max_terminal_id=30003, vocab_size=30003): """Creates a new id-weighting wrapper for a predictor Args: slave_predictor: predictor to apply penalty to. penalty_factor (float): factor by which to multiply tokens in range min_terminal_id: lower bound of tokens *not* to penalize, if nonterminal_penalty selected max_terminal_id: upper bound of tokens *not* to penalize, if nonterminal_penalty selected vocab_size: upper bound of tokens, used to find nonterminal range """ super(WeightNonTerminalPredictor, self).__init__() if nonterminal_ids: nts = load_external_ids(nonterminal_ids) else: min_nt_range = range(0, min_terminal_id) max_nt_range = range(max_terminal_id + 1, vocab_size) nts = list(min_nt_range) + list(max_nt_range) self.slave_predictor = slave_predictor self.mult = {tok: penalty_factor for tok in nts} self.mult[utils.EOS_ID] = 1.0 self.mult[utils.UNK_ID] = 1.0
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): return self.slave_predictor.get_unk_probability(posterior)
[docs] def predict_next(self): posterior = self.slave_predictor.predict_next() post_keys = set(utils.common_viewkeys(posterior)) for tok in self.mult: if tok in post_keys: posterior[tok] *= self.mult[tok] return posterior
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): self.slave_predictor.initialize(src_sentence)
[docs] def consume(self, word): return self.slave_predictor.consume(word)
[docs] def get_state(self): return self.slave_predictor.get_state()
[docs] def set_state(self, state): self.slave_predictor.set_state(state)
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): return self.slave_predictor.is_equal(state1, state2)
[docs]class ExternalLengthPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor loads the distribution over target sentence lengths from an external file. The file contains blank separated length:score pairs in each line which define the length distribution. The predictor adds the specified scores directly to the EOS score. """ def __init__(self, path): """Creates a external length distribution predictor. Args: path (string): Path to the file with target sentence length distributions. """ super(ExternalLengthPredictor, self).__init__() self.trg_lengths = load_external_lengths(path)
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Returns 0=log 1 if the partial hypothesis does not exceed max length. Otherwise, predict next returns an empty set, and we set everything else to -inf. """ if self.n_consumed < self.max_length: return 0.0 return utils.NEG_INF
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Returns a dictionary with one entry and value 0 (=log 1). The key is either the next word in the target sentence or (if the target sentence has no more words) the end-of-sentence symbol. """ if self.n_consumed in self.cur_scores: return {utils.EOS_ID : self.cur_scores[self.n_consumed]} return {utils.EOS_ID : utils.NEG_INF}
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Fetches the corresponding target sentence length distribution and resets the word counter. Args: src_sentence (list): Not used """ self.cur_scores = self.trg_lengths[self.current_sen_id] self.max_length = max(self.cur_scores) self.n_consumed = 0
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Increases word counter by one. Args: word (int): Not used """ self.n_consumed = self.n_consumed + 1
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns the number of consumed words """ return self.n_consumed
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set the number of consumed words """ self.n_consumed = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the number of consumed words is the same """ return state1 == state2
[docs]class NgramCountPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor counts the number of n-grams in hypotheses. n-gram posteriors are loaded from a file. The predictor score is the sum of all n-gram posteriors in a hypothesis. """ def __init__(self, path, order=0, discount_factor=-1.0): """Creates a new ngram count predictor instance. Args: path (string): Path to the n-gram posteriors. File format: <ngram> : <score> (one ngram per line). Use placeholder %d for sentence id. order (int): If positive, count n-grams of the specified order. Otherwise, count all n-grams discount_factor (float): If non-negative, discount n-gram posteriors by this factor each time they are consumed """ super(NgramCountPredictor, self).__init__() self.path = path self.order = order self.discount_factor = discount_factor
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Always return 0.0 """ return 0.0
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Composes the posterior vector by collecting all ngrams which are consistent with the current history. """ posterior = {} for i in reversed(range(len(self.cur_history)+1)): scores = self.ngrams.get(self.cur_history[i:]) if scores: factors = False if self.discount_factor >= 0.0: factors = self.discounts.get(self.cur_history[i:]) if not factors: for w,score in scores.items(): posterior[w] = posterior.get(w, 0.0) + score else: for w,score in scores.items(): posterior[w] = posterior.get(w, 0.0) + \ factors.get(w, 1.0) * score return posterior
def _load_posteriors(self, path): """Sets up self.max_history_len and self.ngrams """ self.max_history_len = 0 self.ngrams = SimpleTrie() logging.debug("Loading n-gram scores from %s..." % path) with open(path) as f: for line in f: ngram,score = line.split(':') words = [int(w) for w in ngram.strip().split()] if self.order > 0 and len(words) != self.order: continue hist = words[:-1] last_word = words[-1] if last_word == utils.GO_ID: continue self.max_history_len = max(self.max_history_len, len(hist)) p = self.ngrams.get(hist) if p: p[last_word] = float(score.strip()) else: self.ngrams.add(hist, {last_word: float(score.strip())})
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Loads n-gram posteriors and resets history. Args: src_sentence (list): not used """ self._load_posteriors(utils.get_path(self.path, self.current_sen_id+1)) self.cur_history = [utils.GO_ID] self.discounts = SimpleTrie()
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Adds ``word`` to the current history. Shorten if the extended history exceeds ``max_history_len``. Args: word (int): Word to add to the history. """ self.cur_history.append(word) if len(self.cur_history) > self.max_history_len: self.cur_history = self.cur_history[-self.max_history_len:] if self.discount_factor >= 0.0: for i in range(len(self.cur_history)): key = self.cur_history[i:-1] factors = self.discounts.get(key) if not factors: factors = {word: self.discount_factor} else: factors[word] = factors.get(word, 1.0)*self.discount_factor self.discounts.add(key, factors)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Current history is the predictor state """ return self.cur_history,self.discounts
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Current history is the predictor state """ self.cur_history,self.discounts = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Hypothesis recombination is not supported if discounting is enabled. """ if self.discount_factor >= 0.0: return False hist1 = state1[0] hist2 = state2[0] if hist1 == hist2: # Return true if histories match return True if len(hist1) > len(hist2): hist_long = hist1 hist_short = hist2 else: hist_long = hist2 hist_short = hist1 min_len = len(hist_short) for n in range(1, min_len+1): # Look up non matching in self.ngrams key1 = hist1[-n:] key2 = hist2[-n:] if key1 != key2: if self.ngrams.get(key1) or self.ngrams.get(key2): return False for n in range(min_len+1, len(hist_long)+1): if self.ngrams.get(hist_long[-n:]): return False return True
[docs]class UnkCountPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor regulates the number of UNKs in the output. We assume that the number of UNKs in the target sentence is Poisson distributed. This predictor is configured with n lambdas for 0,1,...,>=n-1 UNKs in the source sentence. """ def __init__(self, src_vocab_size, lambdas): """Initializes the UNK count predictor. Args: src_vocab_size (int): Size of source language vocabulary. Indices greater than this are considered as UNK. lambdas (list): List of floats. The first entry is the lambda parameter given that the number of unks in the source sentence is 0 etc. The last float is lambda given that the source sentence has more than n-1 unks. """ self.lambdas = lambdas self.l = lambdas[0] self.src_vocab_size = src_vocab_size super(UnkCountPredictor, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Always returns 0 (= log 1) except for the first time """ if self.n_consumed == 0: return self.max_prob return 0.0
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Set score for EOS to the number of consumed words """ if self.n_consumed == 0: return {utils.EOS_ID : self.unk_prob} if self.n_unk < self.max_prob_idx: return {utils.EOS_ID : self.unk_prob - self.max_prob} return {utils.UNK_ID : self.unk_prob - self.consumed_prob}
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Count UNKs in ``src_sentence`` and reset counters. Args: src_sentence (list): Count UNKs in this list """ src_n_unk = len([w for w in src_sentence if w == utils.UNK_ID or w > self.src_vocab_size]) self.l = self.lambdas[min(len(self.lambdas)-1, src_n_unk)] self.n_consumed = 0 self.n_unk = 0 self.unk_prob = self._get_poisson_prob(1) # Mode at lambda is the maximum of the poisson function self.max_prob_idx = int(self.l) self.max_prob = self._get_poisson_prob(self.max_prob_idx) ceil_prob = self._get_poisson_prob(self.max_prob_idx + 1) if ceil_prob > self.max_prob: self.max_prob = ceil_prob self.max_prob_idx = self.max_prob_idx + 1 self.consumed_prob = self.max_prob
def _get_poisson_prob(self, n): """Get the log of the poisson probability for n events. """ return n * np.log(self.l) - self.l - sum([np.log(i+1) for i in range(n)])
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Increases unk counter by one if ``word`` is unk. Args: word (int): Increase counter if ``word`` is UNK """ self.n_consumed += 1 if word == utils.UNK_ID: if self.n_unk >= self.max_prob_idx: self.consumed_prob = self.unk_prob self.n_unk += 1 self.unk_prob = self._get_poisson_prob(self.n_unk+1)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns the number of consumed words """ return self.n_unk,self.n_consumed,self.unk_prob,self.consumed_prob
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set the number of consumed words """ self.n_unk,self.n_consumed,self.unk_prob,self.consumed_prob = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the state is the same""" return state1 == state2
[docs]class NgramizePredictor(Predictor): """This wrapper extracts n-gram posteriors from a predictor which does not depend on the particular argument of `consume()`. In that case, we can build a lookup mechanism for all possible n-grams in a single forward pass through the predictor search space: We record all posteriors (predict_next() return values) of the slave predictor during a greedy pass in `initialize()`. The wrapper predictor state is the current n-gram history. We use the (semiring) sum over all possible positions of the current n-gram history in the recorded slave predictor posteriors to form the n-gram scores returned by this predictor. Note that this wrapper does not work correctly if the slave predictor feeds back the selected token in the history, ie. depends on the particular token which is provided via `consume()`. TODO: Make this wrapper work with slaves which return dicts. """ def __init__(self, min_order, max_order, max_len_factor, slave_predictor): """Creates a new ngramize wrapper predictor. Args: min_order (int): Minimum n-gram order max_order (int): Maximum n-gram order max_len_factor (int): Stop the forward pass through the slave predictor after src_length times this factor slave_predictor (Predictor): Instance of the predictor which uses the source sentences in ``src_test`` Raises: AttributeError if order is not positive. """ super(NgramizePredictor, self).__init__() if max_order < 1: raise AttributeError("max_ngram_order must be positive.") if min_order > max_order: raise AttributeError("min_ngram_order greater than max_order.") self.slave_predictor = slave_predictor self.max_history_length = max_order - 1 self.min_order = max(1, min_order) self.max_len_factor = max_len_factor
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Runs greedy decoding on the slave predictor to populate self.scores and self.unk_scores, resets the history. """ self.slave_predictor.initialize(src_sentence) self.scores = [] self.unk_scores = [] trg_word = -1 max_len = self.max_len_factor * len(src_sentence) l = 0 while trg_word != utils.EOS_ID and l <= max_len: posterior = self.slave_predictor.predict_next() trg_word = utils.argmax(posterior) self.scores.append(posterior) self.unk_scores.append(self.slave_predictor.get_unk_probability( posterior)) self.slave_predictor.consume(utils.UNK_ID) l += 1 logging.debug("ngramize uses %d time steps." % l) self.history = [] self.cur_unk_score = utils.NEG_INF
[docs] def initialize_heuristic(self, src_sentence): """Pass through to slave predictor """ logging.warning("ngramize does not support predictor heuristics") self.slave_predictor.initialize_heuristic(src_sentence)
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Looks up ngram scores via self.scores. """ cur_hist_length = len(self.history) this_scores = [[] for _ in range(cur_hist_length+1)] this_unk_scores = [[] for _ in range(cur_hist_length+1)] for pos in range(len(self.scores)): this_scores[0].append(self.scores[pos]) this_unk_scores[0].append(self.unk_scores[pos]) acc = 0.0 for order, word in enumerate(self.history): if pos + order + 1 >= len(self.scores): break acc += utils.common_get( self.scores[pos + order], word, self.unk_scores[pos + order]) this_scores[order+1].append(acc + self.scores[pos + order + 1]) this_unk_scores[order+1].append( acc + self.unk_scores[pos + order + 1]) combined_scores = [] combined_unk_scores = [] for order, (scores, unk_scores) in enumerate(zip(this_scores, this_unk_scores)): if scores and order + 1 >= self.min_order: score_matrix = np.vstack(scores) combined_scores.append(logsumexp(score_matrix, axis=0)) combined_unk_scores.append(utils.log_sum(unk_scores)) if not combined_scores: self.cur_unk_score = 0.0 return {} self.cur_unk_score = sum(combined_unk_scores) return sum(combined_scores)
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): return self.cur_unk_score
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Pass through to slave predictor """ if self.max_history_length > 0: self.history.append(word) self.history = self.history[-self.max_history_length:]
[docs] def get_state(self): """State is the current n-gram history. """ return self.history, self.cur_unk_score
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """State is the current n-gram history. """ self.history, self.cur_unk_score = state
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, cur_sen_id): """We need to override this method to propagate current\_ sentence_id to the slave predictor """ super(NgramizePredictor, self).set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id) self.slave_predictor.set_current_sen_id(cur_sen_id)
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Pass through to slave predictor """ return state1 == state2