Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.grammar

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"""This module contains everything related to the hiero predictor. This
predictor allows applying rules from a syntactical SMT system directly
in SGNMT. The main interface is ``RuleXtractPredictor`` which can be 
used like other predictors during decoding. 
The Hiero predictor follows are the LRHiero implementation from

  Efficient Left-to-Right Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation with 
  Improved Reordering. 
  Maryam Siahbani, Baskaran Sankaran and Anoop Sarkar. 
  EMNLP 2013. Oct 18-21, 2013. Seattle, USA.

However, note that we modified the code to 
a) deal with an arbitrary number of non-terminals
b) work with ruleXtract
c) allow spurious ambiguity

ATTENTION: This implementation is experimental!!

from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import Predictor
from cam.sgnmt import utils
import logging
import re
import gzip

[docs]class Cell: """Comparable to a CYK cell: A set of hypotheses. If duplicates are added, we do hypo combination by combining the costs and retraining only one of them. Internally, the hypotheses are stored in a list sorted by the sum of the translation prefix """ def __init__(self, init_hypo=None): """Creates a new ``Cell`` with only one hypothesis. Args: init_hypo (LRHieroHypothesis): Initial hypothesis """ self.hypos = [init_hypo] if init_hypo else []
[docs] def findIdx(self, key, a, b): """Find index of first element with given key. If there is no such key, return last element with largest key smaller than key This is a recursive function which only searches in the interval [a,b] """ if b == a: return a idx = int(a + (b-a)/2) idx_key = self.hypos[idx].key if key > idx_key: return self.findIdx(key, idx+1, b) else: # key <= idx_key return self.findIdx(key, a, idx)
[docs] def add(self, hypo): """Add a new hypothesis to the cell. If an equivalent hypothesis already exists, combine both hypotheses. Args: hypo (LRHieroHypothesis): Hypothesis to add under the key ``hypo.key`` """ n_hypos = len(self.hypos) idx = self.findIdx(hypo.key, 0, n_hypos) while idx < n_hypos and self.hypos[idx].key == hypo.key: if hypo == self.hypos[idx]: # Hypo combination self.hypos[idx].cost = max(self.hypos[idx].cost, hypo.cost) #print("HYPO COMBINATION") return idx += 1 self.hypos.insert(idx, hypo)
[docs] def filter(self, pos, symb): """Remove all hypotheses which do not have ``symb`` at ``pos`` in their ``trgt_prefix``. Breaks if ``pos`` is out of range for some ``trgt_prefix`` """ self.hypos = [hypo for hypo in self.hypos if hypo.trgt_prefix[pos] == symb]
[docs] def pop(self): """Removes a hypothesis from the cell. Returns: LRHieroHypothesis. The removed hypothesis """ return self.hypos.pop()
def __nonzero__(self): """Cell is zero if its empty. """ return True if self.hypos else False
[docs]class Node: """Represents a node in the Trie. """ def __init__(self): self.terminal_edges = {} # outgoing edges with terminal symbols self.nonterminal_edges = {} # outgoing edges with non-terminal symbols self.elements = [] # rules at this node
[docs]class Trie: """This trie implementation allows matching NT symbols with arbitrary symbol sequences with certain lengths when searching. Note: This trie does not implement edge collapsing - each edge is labeled with exactly one word """ def __init__(self, span_len_range): """Creates an empty trie data structure. Args: span_len_range (tuple): minimum and maximum span lengths for non-terminal symbols """ self.root = Node() self.span_len_range = span_len_range # Explicitly no deep copy def _get_node(self, seq): """Search for the node in the data structure which matches the key ``seq``. This allows for non-terminals in ``seq`` which are marked with negative IDs. """ cur_node = self.root for token_id in seq: children = cur_node.terminal_edges if token_id < 0: children = cur_node.nonterminal_edges token_id = -token_id if not token_id in children: children[token_id] = Node() cur_node = children[token_id] return cur_node
[docs] def add(self, seq, element): """Add an element to the trie data structure. The key sequence ``seq`` can contain non-terminals with negative IDs. If a element with the same key already exists in the data structure, we do not delete it but store both items. Args: seq (list): Sequence of terminals and non-terminals used as key in the trie element (object): Object to associate with ``seq`` """ self._get_node(seq).elements.append(element)
[docs] def replace(self, seq, element): """Replaces all elements stored at a ``seq`` with a new single element ``element``. This is equivalent to first removing all items with key ``seq``, and then add the new element with ``add(seq, element)`` Args: seq (list): Sequence of terminals and non-terminals used as key in the trie element (object): Object to associate with ``seq`` """ self._get_node(seq).elements = [element]
[docs] def get_all_elements(self): """Retrieve all elements stored in the trie """ return self._get_all_elements_recursive(self.root)
def _get_all_elements_recursive(self, node): """Recursive helper function for ``get_all_elements`` which traverses the trie ignoring the arc labels. """ els = node.elements for child in node.nonterminal_edges.values(): els = els + self._get_all_elements_recursive(child) for child in node.terminal_edges.values(): els = els + self._get_all_elements_recursive(child) return els
[docs] def get_elements(self, src_seq): """Get all elements (e.g. rules) which match the given sequence of source tokens. Args: seq (list): Sequence of terminals and non-terminals used as key in the trie Returns: two dicts: ``(rules, nt_span_lens)``. The first dictionary contains all applying rules. ``nt_span_lens`` lists the number of symbols each of the NTs on the source side covers. Make sure that ``self.span_len_range`` is updated """ self.matching_elements = {} self.matching_nt_span_lens = {} self._get_elements_recursive(self.root, src_seq, []) return (self.matching_elements, self.matching_nt_span_lens)
def _get_elements_recursive(self, node, src_seq, nt_span_lens): """Recursive helper function for ``get_elements``. Fills up the ``matching_elements`` variable. """ if not src_seq: for rule in node.elements: if not in self.matching_elements: self.matching_elements[] = rule self.matching_nt_span_lens[] = [] self.matching_nt_span_lens[].append(nt_span_lens) return token_id = src_seq[0] if token_id in node.terminal_edges: # Exact matches self._get_elements_recursive(node.terminal_edges[token_id], src_seq[1:], nt_span_lens) for nt_id, child in node.nonterminal_edges.items(): (min_span_len, max_span_len) = self.span_len_range[nt_id] max_span_len = min(len(src_seq), max_span_len) for span_len in range(min_span_len, max_span_len + 1): self._get_elements_recursive(child, src_seq[span_len:], nt_span_lens + [span_len])
[docs]class Span: """Span is defined by the start and end position and the corresponding sequence of terminal and non-terminal symbols p. Normally, p is just a single NT symbol. However, if there is ambiguity with how to apply a rule to a span (e.g. rule X -> X the X to span foo the bar the baz) we allow to resolve them later on demand. In this case, p = X the X """ def __init__(self, p, borders): """Fully initializes a new ``Span`` instance. Args: p (list): See class docstring for ``Span`` borders (tuple): (begin, end) with begin inclusive and end exclusive """ self.p = p self.borders = borders def __repr__(self): """Returns a string representation of the span/ """ return "%s:%s" % (self.p, self.borders) def __eq__(self, other): """Two spans are equivalent if ``p`` and ``borders`` match, and if ``trgt_src_map`` matches in case they are defined. """ map_match = True try: map_match = (self.trgt_src_map == other.trgt_src_map) except AttributeError: map_match = True return self.p == other.p and self.borders == other.borders and map_match
[docs]class LRHieroHypothesis: """Represents a LRHiero hypothesis, which is defined by the accumulated cost, the target prefix, and open source spans. """ def __init__(self, trgt_prefix, spans, cost): """Creates a new LRHiero hypothesis Args: trgt_prefix (list): Target side translation prefix, i.e. the partial target sentence which is translated so far spans (list): List of spans which are not covered yet, in left-to-right order on target side cost (float): Cost of this partial hypothesis """ self.trgt_prefix = trgt_prefix self.spans = spans # self.cost = cost self.key = sum(trgt_prefix)
[docs] def is_final(self): """Returns true if this hypothesis has no open spans """ return len(self.spans) == 0
def __repr__(self): """Returns a string representation of the hypothesis """ return "%s: %s (%d)" % ( self.trgt_prefix, self.spans, self.cost) def __eq__(self, other): """True if translation prefix and set of spans are equal """ return self.trgt_prefix == other.trgt_prefix and self.spans == other.spans
[docs]class Rule: """A rule consists of ``rhs_src`` and ``rhs_trgt``, both are sequences of integers. NTs are indicated with negative sign. The ``trgt_src_map`` defines which NT on the target side belongs to which NT on the source side. """ last_id = 0 # Used for assigning unique rule indices def __init__(self, rhs_src, rhs_trgt, trgt_src_map, cost): """Creates a new rule. Args: rhs_src (list): Source on the right hand side of the rule rhs_trgt (list): Target on the right hand side of the rule trgt_src_map (dict): Defines which NT on the target side belongs to which NT on the source side """ self.rhs_src = rhs_src self.rhs_trgt = rhs_trgt self.trgt_src_map = trgt_src_map self.cost = cost Rule.last_id += 1 = Rule.last_id def __repr__(self): """Returns a string representation of the rule. """ return "%d (%d): < %s , %s > (%s)" % (, self.cost, self.rhs_src, self.rhs_trgt, self.trgt_src_map)
[docs]class RuleSet: """This class stores the set of rules and provides efficient retrieval and matching functionality """ INF = 10000 def __init__(self): """Initializes the set by setting up the trie data structure for storing the rules. """ # Note: NT ids start with 1, so we need to add dummy element to lists # Stores minimum and maximum length of each span under non-terminal self.span_len_range = [(1,1)] # Productions. Maps LHS to rule object. self.tries = [Trie(self.span_len_range)] # Maps non-terminal to its NT id (not to be confused with word ids!) self.nt2id = {'dummy': 0} self.regex = re.compile("^[^0-9]+") self.span_len_range_updated = True # Number of parsed but discarded rules (because not in GNF) self.n_discarded = 0 self.n_rules = 0 # Number of rules
[docs] def update_span_len_range(self): """This method updates the ``span_len_range`` variable by finding boundaries for the spans each non terminal can cover. This is done iteratively: First, guess the range for each NT to (0, inf). Then, iterate through all rules for a specific NT and adjust the boundaries given the ranges for all other NTs. Do this until ranges do not change anymore. This is an expensive operation should be done after adding all rules. Note also that the tries store a reference to ``self.span_len_range``, i.e. the variable is propagated to all tries automatically. """ # Build a list of multipliers for each rule for each NT n_nt = len(self.tries) multipliers = [[]] # with dummy element at index 0 ranges = [(1,1)] # Guardian for lexical counts empty_src_side = False for nt_id in range(1, n_nt): # We'll use it as normal trie here without NT matching multis = Trie(self.span_len_range) for rule in self.tries[nt_id].get_all_elements(): multiplier = n_nt * [0] if not rule.rhs_src: empty_src_side = True # lexical counts are stored at index 0 for token_id in rule.rhs_src: multiplier[0 if token_id > 0 else (-token_id)] += 1 multis.replace(multiplier, multiplier) # Add if not there yet multipliers.append(multis.get_all_elements()) ranges.append((0, RuleSet.INF)) # No production goes to <eps>: minimum length is 1 if not empty_src_side: # cannot be inferred sometimes by the while loop below ranges = [(1, RuleSet.INF) for _ in ranges] changed = True while changed: changed = False for nt_id in range(1, n_nt): (old_min_len, old_max_len) = ranges[nt_id] if old_min_len == old_max_len: continue min_len = RuleSet.INF max_len = 0 for multiplier in multipliers[nt_id]: min_len = min(min_len, sum([ranges[idx][0]*w for idx, w in enumerate(multiplier)])) max_len = max(max_len, sum([ranges[idx][1]*w for idx, w in enumerate(multiplier)])) max_len = min(max_len, RuleSet.INF) if min_len != old_min_len or max_len != old_max_len: ranges[nt_id] = (min_len, max_len) changed = True for nt_id in range(1, n_nt):"Range for non-terminal %d: %s" % (nt_id, ranges[nt_id])) self.span_len_range[nt_id] = ranges[nt_id] self.span_len_range_updated = True
[docs] def expand_hypo(self, hypo, src_seq): """Similar to ``getSpanRules()`` and ``GrowHypothesis()`` in Alg. 1 in (Siahbani, 2013) combined. Gets all rules which match the given span. * If the p parameter of the span is a single non-terminal, we return hypotheses resulting from productions of this non- terminal. Note that rules might be applicable in many different ways: X-> A the B can be applied to foo the bar the baz in two ways. In this case, we add the translation prefix, but leave the borders of the span untouched, and change the ``p`` value to ``thr rhs`` of the production (i.e. "A the B"). If p consists of multiple characters, the spans store the minimum and maximum *length*, not the begin and end since the exact begin and end positions are variable. * If the p parameter of the span has length > 1, we return a set of hypotheses in which the first subspan has a single NT as p parameter. Through this contract we can e.g. handle spurious ambiguity, if two NT are on the source side. However, resolving this ambiguity is implemented in a lazy fashion: we delay fixing the span boundaries until we need to expand the hypothesis once more, and then we fix only the first boundaries for the first span. Args: hypo (LRHieroHypothesis): Hypothesis to expand src_seq (list): Source sequence to match """ if not self.span_len_range_updated: self.update_span_len_range() span = hypo.spans.pop(0) if len(span.p) == 1: return self._expand_hypo_single_p(hypo, span, src_seq) else: return self._expand_hypo_multi_p(hypo, span, src_seq)
def _expand_hypo_single_p(self, hypo, span, src_seq): """Helper function for ``expand_hypo`` if p has length 1 """ base_spans = hypo.spans (begin, end) = span.borders (rules, nt_span_lens) = self.tries[-span.p[0]].get_elements( src_seq[begin:end]) new_hypos = [] for rule_id in rules: rule = rules[rule_id] span_lens = nt_span_lens[rule_id] trgt_prefix = [word for word in rule.rhs_trgt if word >= 0] if len(span_lens) == 1: # Phew, rule application not ambiguous src_sorted_spans = [] cur_pos = begin cur_idx = 0 for span_len in span_lens[0]: while rule.rhs_src[cur_idx] >= 0: cur_pos += 1 cur_idx += 1 src_sorted_spans.append(Span([rule.rhs_src[cur_idx]], (cur_pos, cur_pos + span_len))) cur_pos += span_len cur_idx += 1 spans = [src_sorted_spans[src_pos] for src_pos in rule.trgt_src_map] else: # Ambiguity. Set p to rhs(src) span = Span(rule.rhs_src, (begin, end)) # Gonna need trgt_src_map in expand_hypo_multi_p span.trgt_src_map = rule.trgt_src_map spans = [span] new_hypos.append(LRHieroHypothesis( hypo.trgt_prefix + trgt_prefix, spans + base_spans, rule.cost + hypo.cost)) return new_hypos def _expand_hypo_multi_p(self, hypo, span, src_seq): """This method creates hypotheses where p of the first span is a single non-terminal. We try to resolve as least ambiguity as possible, i.e. to return hypotheses with as many spans with multi-symbol p as possible. We can leave ambiguity unresolved as long as a *continuous* sequence on the source side is mapped to a *continuous* sequence on the target side, as long as both do not contain the very first span of the root span according to target side ordering.""" # Check terminal postfix in p if there is any, and remove it span_from, span_to = span.borders term_postfix_len = next((idx for idx, el in enumerate(reversed(span.p)) if el < 0), len(span.p)) #print("term_postfix_len: %d " % term_postfix_len) if term_postfix_len > 0: if not span.p[-term_postfix_len:] == src_seq[ span_to-term_postfix_len:span_to]: return [] span_to -= term_postfix_len span.p = span.p[0:len(span.p)-term_postfix_len] span.borders = (span_from, span_to) # trivial case: p contains no NTs if not span.p and span_to - span_from == 0: return [hypo] # We return the original hypo because p matched span # First, create spans array containing all new sub-spans retaining as # much ambiguity as possible - borders store min and max span len minmax_spans, trgt_src_map, prefixes = self._factorize_first_nt(span) src_trgt_map = [0] * len(trgt_src_map) for idx, val in enumerate(trgt_src_map): src_trgt_map[val]= idx # Then, get all applicable combinations of sub spans with concrete # begin and end spans_list = self._get_spans_from_minmax_recursive( minmax_spans, prefixes, src_trgt_map, span_to - span_from, src_seq, span_from, 0, []) new_hypos = [] base_spans = hypo.spans for src_ordered_spans in spans_list: new_hypos.append(LRHieroHypothesis( hypo.trgt_prefix, [src_ordered_spans[idx] for idx in trgt_src_map] + base_spans, hypo.cost)) return new_hypos def _get_spans_from_minmax_recursive(self, minmax_spans, prefixes, src_trgt_map, span_len_sum, src_seq, src_idx, span_idx, previous_spans): """Recursive helper function to get concrete spans from minmax spans """ # Frist check prefix pref = prefixes[src_trgt_map[span_idx]] pref_len = len(pref) if not pref == src_seq[src_idx:src_idx+pref_len]: return [] src_idx += pref_len span_len_sum -= pref_len minmax_span = minmax_spans[src_trgt_map[span_idx]] p = minmax_span.p if span_idx == len(src_trgt_map) - 1: # At last span span = Span(p, (src_idx, src_idx+span_len_sum)) if len(p) > 1: span.trgt_src_map = minmax_span.trgt_src_map if (span_len_sum >= minmax_span.borders[0] and span_len_sum <= minmax_span.borders[1] and self._is_compatible( p, src_seq[src_idx:src_idx+span_len_sum])): return [previous_spans + [span]] return [] else: ret = [] min_len, max_len = minmax_span.borders[0], min(span_len_sum, minmax_span.borders[1]) for span_len in range(min_len, max_len+1): if self._is_compatible(p, src_seq[src_idx:src_idx+span_len]): span = Span(p, (src_idx, src_idx+span_len)) if len(p) > 1: span.trgt_src_map = minmax_span.trgt_src_map ret += self._get_spans_from_minmax_recursive( minmax_spans, prefixes, src_trgt_map, span_len_sum-span_len, src_seq, src_idx+span_len, span_idx+1, previous_spans + [span]) return ret def _is_compatible(self, p, src_seq): """Checks if terminals in p can be matched in ``src_seq`` """ src_idx = 0 for symb in p: if symb >= 0: # search for it in src_seq if src_idx >= len(src_seq): return False while src_seq[src_idx] != symb: src_idx += 1 if src_idx >= len(src_seq): return False src_idx += 1 return True def _factorize_first_nt(self, span): """Given span must have multi-symbol p. Returns a set of spans which can replace the given span if the first non-terminal (according target side ordering) is to be isolated. Borders of returned span objects stand for minimum and maximum span lengths """ p_len = len(span.p) p_nts = [symb for symb in span.p if symb < 0] p_nt_pos = [pos for pos, symb in enumerate(span.p) if symb < 0] first_nt = -p_nts[span.trgt_src_map[0]] first_span = Span([-first_nt], self.span_len_range[first_nt]) spans = [first_span] trgt_idx = 1 # number of non-terminals n_nt = len(span.trgt_src_map) # trgt_src map describing the ordering of the newly created spans new_trgt_src_map = [span.trgt_src_map[0]] # Stores parts of p which are covered by spans p_covered = [RuleSet.INF] * p_len p_covered[p_nt_pos[span.trgt_src_map[0]]] = 0 while trgt_idx < n_nt: span_min_len, span_max_len = (0, 0) from_src_pos, to_src_pos = (RuleSet.INF, 0) from_src_idx, to_src_idx = (RuleSet.INF, 0) new_internal_trgt_src_map = [] while True: src_idx = span.trgt_src_map[trgt_idx] new_internal_trgt_src_map.append(src_idx) nt = -p_nts[src_idx] nt_min_len, nt_max_len = self.span_len_range[nt] span_min_len, span_max_len = (span_min_len + nt_min_len, span_max_len + nt_max_len) src_pos = p_nt_pos[src_idx] from_src_pos, to_src_pos = (min(from_src_pos, src_pos), max(to_src_pos, src_pos)) from_src_idx, to_src_idx = (min(from_src_idx, src_idx), max(to_src_idx, src_idx)) trgt_idx += 1 if trgt_idx >= n_nt: break src_idx = span.trgt_src_map[trgt_idx] if src_idx < from_src_idx - 1 or src_idx > to_src_idx + 1: break # len of p - no. of NT n_terminals = to_src_pos+1-from_src_pos-len(new_internal_trgt_src_map) for i in range(from_src_pos,to_src_pos+1): p_covered[i] = len(spans) new_span = Span(span.p[from_src_pos:to_src_pos+1], (span_min_len+n_terminals, min(span_max_len+n_terminals, RuleSet.INF))) new_span.trgt_src_map = [idx-from_src_idx for idx in new_internal_trgt_src_map] spans.append(new_span) new_trgt_src_map.append(from_src_idx) # Create prefix array using p_covered prefixes = [[] for _ in spans] i = 0 while i < p_len: prefix_len = 0 while i+prefix_len < p_len and p_covered[i+prefix_len] == RuleSet.INF: prefix_len += 1 if i+prefix_len < p_len: prefixes[p_covered[i+prefix_len]] = span.p[i:i+prefix_len] i += prefix_len+1 # new_trgt_src_map still stores source indices (with holes). Remove # holes s.t. it is compatible with the created spans list return spans, self._remove_holes_in_list(new_trgt_src_map), prefixes def _remove_holes_in_list(self, l): # could also use dictionary here, but holes are rather small d = [0] * (max(l)+1) for idx, val in enumerate(sorted(l)): d[val] = idx return [d[val] for val in l] def _get_nt_id(self, nt_name): if nt_name in self.nt2id: return self.nt2id[nt_name] # Introduce new NT id nt_id = len(self.tries) self.tries.append(Trie(self.span_len_range)) self.nt2id[nt_name] = nt_id"Found new non-terminal symbol %s (id: %d)" % (nt_name, nt_id)) self.span_len_range.append((0, RuleSet.INF)) return nt_id
[docs] def create_rule(self, rhs_src, rhs_trgt, weight): """Creates a rule object (factory method) Args: rhs_src (list): String sequence describing the source of the right-hand-side of the rule rhs_trgt (list): String sequence describing the target of the right-hand-side of the rule weight (float): Rule weight Returns: ``Rule`` or ``None`` if something went wrong """ src_seq = [] nt_pos = {} nt_ids = {} for token in rhs_src: if token.isdigit(): src_seq.append(int(token)) elif token == "<oov>": src_seq.append(utils.UNK_ID) else: m = self.regex.match(token) nt_id = self._get_nt_id( src_seq.append(-nt_id) nt_pos[token] = len(nt_pos) nt_ids[token] = nt_id trgt_seq = [] trgt_src_map = [] nt_seen = False for token in rhs_trgt: if token == "<oov>": token = str(utils.UNK_ID) if not token.isdigit(): trgt_src_map.append(nt_pos[token]) trgt_seq.append(-nt_ids[token]) nt_seen = True elif not nt_seen: trgt_seq.append(int(token)) else: self.n_discarded = self.n_discarded + 1 return None return Rule(src_seq, trgt_seq, trgt_src_map, weight)
[docs] def parse(self, line, feature_weights = None): """Parse a line in a rule file from ruleXtract and add the rule to the set. Args: line (string). Line in the rules file feature_weights (list). Feature weights to compute the rule score or ``None`` to use uniform weights """ stripped = line.strip() if not stripped or stripped[0] == '#': return parts = stripped.split() if len(parts) < 4: # Do not complain.. maybe empty line logging.warn("Parsing error in rule file: less than four columns") try: weights = [float(feat) for feat in parts[3:]] if feature_weights: weights = [f*w for (f,w) in zip(weights, feature_weights)] weight = sum(weights) except ValueError: logging.warn("Parsing error in rule file: non-numeric weights") return rule = self.create_rule( [] if parts[1] == "<dr>" else parts[1].split("_"), [] if parts[2] == "<dr>" else parts[2].split("_"), weight) if rule: self.n_rules = self.n_rules + 1 self.tries[self._get_nt_id(parts[0])].add(rule.rhs_src, rule) self.span_len_range_updated = False
[docs]class RuleXtractPredictor(Predictor): """Predictor based on ruleXtract rules. Bins are organized according the number of target words. We assume that no rule produces the empty word on the source side (but possibly on the target side). Hypotheses are produced iteratively s.t. the following invariant holds: The bins contain a set of (partial) hypotheses from which we can derive all full hypotheses which are consistent with the current target prefix (i.e. the prefix of the target sentence which has already been translated). This set is updated when calling either consume_word or predict_next: consume\_ word deletes all hypotheses which become inconsistent with the new word. ``predict_next`` requires all hypotheses to have a target\_ prefix length of at least one plus the number of consumed words. Therefore, ``predict_next`` expands hypotheses as long as they are shorter. This fits nicely with grouping hypotheses in bins of same target prefix length: we expand until all low rank bins are empty. We predict the next target word by using the cost of the best hypothesis with the word at the right position. Note that this predictor is similar to the decoding algorithm in Efficient Left-to-Right Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation with Improved Reordering. Maryam Siahbani, Baskaran Sankaran and Anoop Sarkar. EMNLP 2013. Oct 18-21, 2013. Seattle, USA. without cube pruning, but it is extended to an arbitrary number of non-terminals as produced with ruleXtract. """ def __init__(self, ruleXtract_path, use_weights, feature_weights = None): """Creates a new hiero predictor. Args: ruleXtract_path (string): Path to the rules file use_weights (bool): If false, set all hypothesis scores uniformly to 0 (= log 1). If true, use the rule weights to compute hypothesis scores feature_weights (list): Rule feature weights to compute the rule scores. If this is none we use uniform weights """ super(RuleXtractPredictor, self).__init__() self.use_weights = use_weights self.rules = RuleSet() with ( if ruleXtract_path[-3:] == '.gz' else open(ruleXtract_path)) as f: for line in f: self.rules.parse(line, feature_weights) self.rules.update_span_len_range()"%d rules loaded (%d discarded because not in GNF)" % (self.rules.n_rules, self.rules.n_discarded)) if not 'S' in self.rules.nt2id: logging.fatal("No rule with start symbol S found!") self.start_nt = self.rules.nt2id['S'] logging.debug("Grammar start symbol: S (ID: %d)" % self.start_nt)
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Returns negative infinity if the posterior is not empty as words outside the grammar are not possible according this predictor. If ``posterior`` is empty, return 0 (= log 1) """ return utils.NEG_INF
[docs] def predict_next(self): """For predicting the distribution of the next target tokens, we need to empty the stack with the current history length by expanding all hypotheses on it. Then, all hypotheses are in larger bins, i.e. have a longer target prefix than the current history. Thus, we can look up the possible next words by iterating through all active hypotheses. """ # If there are still partial hypotheses... if self.n_consumed < len(self.stacks): # empty stack with n_consumed trgt_prefix length while self.stacks[self.n_consumed]: hypo = self.stacks[self.n_consumed].pop() #print("EXPAND: %s" % hypo) new_hypos = self.rules.expand_hypo(hypo, self.src_seq) for new_hypo in new_hypos: n_covered = len(new_hypo.trgt_prefix) if new_hypo.is_final(): while len(self.finals) <= n_covered: self.finals.append(Cell()) # Make sure that it ends with EOS new_hypo.trgt_prefix[-1] = utils.EOS_ID self.finals[n_covered].add(new_hypo) else: while len(self.stacks) <= n_covered: self.stacks.append(Cell()) self.stacks[n_covered].add(new_hypo) logging.debug("Predict next (consumed: %d)" % self.n_consumed) for idx,c in enumerate(self.stacks): if c.hypos: logging.debug("Stack %d: %d" % (idx, len(c.hypos))) for idx,c in enumerate(self.finals): if c.hypos: logging.debug("Finals %d: %s" % (idx, c.hypos)) return self.build_posterior()
[docs] def build_posterior(self): """We need to scan all hypotheses in ``self.stacks`` and add up scores grouped by the symbol at the n_consumed+1-th position. Then, we add end-of-sentence probability by checking ``self.finals[n_consumed]`` """ posterior = {} for stack_idx in range(self.n_consumed+1, len(self.stacks)): for hypo in self.stacks[stack_idx].hypos: symb = hypo.trgt_prefix[self.n_consumed] posterior[symb] = max(posterior.get(symb, 0), hypo.cost) if self.n_consumed+1 < len(self.finals) and self.finals[self.n_consumed+1]: posterior[utils.EOS_ID] = max([hypo.cost for hypo in self.finals[self.n_consumed+1].hypos]) return self.finalize_posterior(posterior, self.use_weights, False)
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Delete all bins and add the initial cell to the first bin """ self.stacks = [] self.n_consumed = 0 self.src_seq = [utils.GO_ID] + src_sentence + [utils.EOS_ID] self.src_len = len(self.src_seq) span = Span([-self.start_nt], (0, self.src_len)) init_hypo = LRHieroHypothesis([], [span], 0) self.stacks = [Cell(init_hypo)] self.finals = [] self.predict_next() self.consume(utils.GO_ID)
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Remove all hypotheses with translation prefixes which do not match ``word`` """ for stack_idx in range(self.n_consumed+1, len(self.stacks)): self.stacks[stack_idx].filter(self.n_consumed, word) for stack_idx in range(self.n_consumed+1, len(self.finals)): self.finals[stack_idx].filter(self.n_consumed, word) if self.n_consumed < len(self.finals): # Empty this entry, not needed anymore self.finals[self.n_consumed] = Cell() self.n_consumed = self.n_consumed + 1
[docs] def get_state(self): """Predictor state consists of the stacks, the completed hypotheses, and the number of consumed words. """ return self.stacks,self.finals,self.n_consumed
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set the predictor state. """ self.stacks,self.finals,self.n_consumed = state