Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.forced

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"""This module contains predictors for forced decoding. This can be
done either with one reference (forced ``ForcedPredictor``), or with
multiple references in form of a n-best list (forcedlst 

import logging

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import Predictor
from cam.sgnmt.utils import NEG_INF

[docs]class ForcedPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor realizes forced decoding. It stores one target sentence for each source sentence and outputs predictive probability 1 along this path, and 0 otherwise. """ def __init__(self, trg_test_file, spurious_words=[]): """Creates a new forced decoding predictor. Args: trg_test_file (string): Path to the plain text file with the target sentences. Must have the same number of lines as the number of source sentences to decode spurious_words (list): List of words that are permitted to occur anywhere in the sequence """ super(ForcedPredictor, self).__init__() self.trg_sentences = [] with open(trg_test_file) as f: for line in f: self.trg_sentences.append([int(w) for w in line.strip().split()] + [utils.EOS_ID]) self.n_consumed = 0 self.spurious_words = set(spurious_words)
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Returns negative infinity unconditionally: Words which are not in the target sentence have assigned probability 0 by this predictor. """ return posterior.get(utils.UNK_ID, NEG_INF)
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Returns a dictionary with one entry and value 0 (=log 1). The key is either the next word in the target sentence or (if the target sentence has no more words) the end-of-sentence symbol. """ ret = {w: 0.0 for w in self.spurious_words} if self.n_consumed < len(self.cur_trg_sentence): ret[utils.EOS_ID] = NEG_INF ret[self.cur_trg_sentence[self.n_consumed]] = 0.0 else: ret[utils.EOS_ID] = 0.0 return ret
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Fetches the corresponding target sentence and resets the current history. Args: src_sentence (list): Not used """ self.cur_trg_sentence = self.trg_sentences[self.current_sen_id] self.n_consumed = 0
[docs] def consume(self, word): """If ``word`` matches the target sentence, we increase the current history by one. Otherwise, we set this predictor in an invalid state, in which it always predicts </S> Args: word (int): Next word to consume """ if word in self.spurious_words: return if self.n_consumed < len(self.cur_trg_sentence): trg_word = self.cur_trg_sentence[self.n_consumed] if trg_word != utils.UNK_ID and trg_word != word: self.cur_trg_sentence = [] # Mismatch with our target sentence else: self.n_consumed = self.n_consumed + 1
[docs] def get_state(self): """``cur_trg_sentence`` can be changed so its part of the predictor state """ return self.n_consumed,self.cur_trg_sentence
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set the predictor state. """ self.n_consumed,self.cur_trg_sentence = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the state is the same """ n1,s1 = state1 n2,s2 = state2 return n1 == n2 and s1 == s2
[docs]class ForcedLstPredictor(Predictor): """This predictor can be used for direct n-best list rescoring. In contrast to the ``ForcedPredictor``, it reads an n-best list in Moses format and uses its scores as predictive probabilities of the </S> symbol. Everywhere else it gives the predictive probability 1 if the history corresponds to at least one n-best list entry, 0 otherwise. From the n-best list we use First column: Sentence id Second column: Hypothesis in integer format Last column: score Note: Behavior is undefined if you have duplicates in the n-best list TODO: Would be much more efficient to use Tries for cur_trgt_sentences instead of a flat list. """ def __init__(self, trg_test_file, use_scores=True, match_unk=False, feat_name=None): """Creates a new n-best rescoring predictor instance. Args: trg_test_file (string): Path to the n-best list use_scores (bool): Whether to use the scores from the n-best list. If false, use uniform scores of 0 (=log 1). match_unk (bool): If true, allow any word where the n-best list contains UNK. feat_name (string): Instead of the combined score in the last column of the Moses n-best list, we can use one of the sparse features. Set this to the name of the feature (denoted as <name>= in the n-best list) if you wish to do that. """ super(ForcedLstPredictor, self).__init__() self.trg_sentences = [] self.match_unk = match_unk score = 0.0 with open(trg_test_file) as f: for line in f: parts = line.split("|||") if len(parts) < 2: logging.warn("Malformed line %s in n-best list %s" % ( line.strip(), trg_test_file)) else: if use_scores: score = self._get_score(parts, feat_name) sen_id = int(parts[0].strip()) while len(self.trg_sentences) <= sen_id: self.trg_sentences.append([]) sen = [int(w) for w in parts[1].strip().split()] if sen and sen[0] == utils.GO_ID: sen = sen[1:] if sen and sen[-1] == utils.EOS_ID: sen = sen[:-1] self.trg_sentences[sen_id].append((score, sen)) def _get_score(self, parts, feat_name): """Get the score for a hypothesis. Args: parts (list): Parts of the n-best entry (separated by ||| in the Moses n-best format) feat_name (string): Name of the sparse feature which should be used as score (or None to use the combined score) """ feat_str = "%s=" % feat_name if not feat_name: return float(parts[-1].strip()) if len(parts) > 2 else 0.0 feat_parts = parts[-2].strip().split() for idx in range(len(feat_parts)-1): if feat_parts[idx] == feat_str: return float(feat_parts[idx+1]) return 0.0
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """Return negative infinity unconditionally - words outside the n-best list are not possible according to this predictor. """ if self.match_unk: return posterior.get(utils.UNK_ID, NEG_INF) return NEG_INF
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Outputs 0.0 (i.e. prob=1) for all words for which there is an entry ``in cur_trg_sentences``, and the score in ``cur_trg_sentences`` if the current history is by itself equal to an entry in ``cur_trg_sentences``. TODO: The implementation here is fairly inefficient as it scans through all target sentences linearly. Would be better to organize the target sentences in a Trie """ scores = {} hist_len = len(self.history) for sen_score,trg_sentence in self.cur_trg_sentences: sen_len = len(trg_sentence) if sen_len < hist_len: continue if self.match_unk: hist = [self.history[i] if trg_sentence[i] != utils.UNK_ID else utils.UNK_ID for i in range(hist_len)] else: hist = self.history if trg_sentence[:hist_len] == hist: if sen_len == hist_len: scores[utils.EOS_ID] = sen_score else: scores[trg_sentence[hist_len]] = 0.0 if not utils.EOS_ID in scores: scores[utils.EOS_ID] = NEG_INF return scores
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Resets the history and loads the n-best list entries for the next source sentence Args: src_sentence (list): Not used """ self.cur_trg_sentences = self.trg_sentences[self.current_sen_id] self.history = []
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Extends the current history by ``word``. """ self.history.append(word)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns the current history. """ return self.history
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Sets the current history. """ self.history = state
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if the history is the same """ return state1 == state2