Source code for cam.sgnmt.predictors.core

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"""This module contains the two basic predictor interfaces
for bounded and unbounded vocabulary predictors.

from abc import abstractmethod

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.utils import Observer, NEG_INF, MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT

[docs]class Predictor(Observer): """A predictor produces the predictive probability distribution of the next word given the state of the predictor. The state may change during ``predict_next()`` and ``consume()``. The functions ``get_state()`` and ``set_state()`` can be used for non-greedy decoding. Note: The state describes the predictor with the current history. It does not encapsulate the current source sentence, i.e. you cannot recover a predictor state if ``initialize()`` was called in between. ``predict_next()`` and ``consume()`` must be called alternately. This holds even when using ``get_state()`` and ``set_state()``: Loading/saving states is transparent to the predictor instance. """ def __init__(self): """Initializes ``current_sen_id`` with 0. """ super(Predictor, self).__init__() self.current_sen_id = 0
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, cur_sen_id): """This function is called between ``initialize()`` calls to increment the sentence id counter. It can also be used to skip sentences for the --range argument. Args: cur_sen_id (int): Sentence id for the next call of ``initialize()`` """ self.current_sen_id = cur_sen_id
[docs] def predict_next(self): """Returns the predictive distribution over the target vocabulary for the next word given the predictor state. Note that the prediction itself can change the state of the predictor. For example, the neural predictor updates the decoder network state and its attention to predict the next word. Two calls of ``predict_next()`` must be separated by a ``consume()`` call. Returns: dictionary,array,list. Word log probabilities for the next target token. All ids which are not set are assumed to have probability ``get_unk_probability()`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Expand the current history by ``word`` and update the internal predictor state accordingly. Two calls of ``consume()`` must be separated by a ``predict_next()`` call. Args: word (int): Word to add to the current history """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_state(self): """Get the current predictor state. The state can be any object or tuple of objects which makes it possible to return to the predictor state with the current history. Returns: object. Predictor state """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Loads a predictor state from an object created with ``get_state()``. Note that this does not copy the argument but just references the given state. If ``state`` is going to be used in the future to return to that point again, you should copy the state with ``copy.deepcopy()`` before. Args: state (object): Predictor state as returned by ``get_state()`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Predictors can implement their own look-ahead cost functions. They are used in A* if the --heuristics parameter is set to predictor. This function should return the future log *cost* (i.e. the lower the better) given the current predictor state, assuming that the last word in the partial hypothesis 'hypo' is consumed next. This function must not change the internal predictor state. Args: hypo (PartialHypothesis): Hypothesis for which to estimate the future cost given the current predictor state Returns float. Future cost """ return 0.0
[docs] def get_unk_probability(self, posterior): """This function defines the probability of all words which are not in ``posterior``. This is usually used to combine open and closed vocabulary predictors. The argument ``posterior`` should have been produced with ``predict_next()`` Args: posterior (list,array,dict): Return value of the last call of ``predict_next`` Returns: float: Score to use for words outside ``posterior`` """ return NEG_INF
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Initialize the predictor with the given source sentence. This resets the internal predictor state and loads everything which is constant throughout the processing of a single source sentence. For example, the NMT decoder runs the encoder network and stores the source annotations. Args: src_sentence (list): List of word IDs which form the source sentence without <S> or </S> """ pass
[docs] def initialize_heuristic(self, src_sentence): """This is called after ``initialize()`` if the predictor is registered as heuristic predictor (i.e. ``estimate_future_cost()`` will be called in the future). Predictors can implement this function for initialization of their own heuristic mechanisms. Args: src_sentence (list): List of word IDs which form the source sentence without <S> or </S> """ pass
[docs] def finalize_posterior(self, scores, use_weights, normalize_scores): """This method can be used to enforce the parameters use_weights normalize_scores in predictors with dict posteriors. Args: scores (dict): unnormalized log valued scores use_weights (bool): Set to false to replace all values in ``scores`` with 0 (= log 1) normalize_scores: Set to true to make the exp of elements in ``scores`` sum up to 1""" if not scores: # empty scores -> pass through return scores if not use_weights: scores = dict.fromkeys(scores, 0.0) if normalize_scores: log_sum = utils.log_sum(scores.values()) ret = {k: v - log_sum for k, v in scores.items()} return ret return scores
[docs] def is_equal(self, state1, state2): """Returns true if two predictor states are equal, i.e. both states will always result in the same scores. This is used for hypothesis recombination Args: state1 (object): First predictor state state2 (object): Second predictor state Returns: bool. True if both states are equal, false if not """ return False
[docs] def notify(self, message, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT): """We implement the ``notify`` method from the ``Observer`` super class with an empty method here s.t. predictors do not need to implement it. Args: message (object): The posterior sent by the decoder """ pass
[docs]class UnboundedVocabularyPredictor(Predictor): """Predictors under this class implement models with very large target vocabularies, for which it is too inefficient to list the entire posterior. Instead, they are evaluated only for a given list of target words. This list is usually created by taking all non-zero probability words from the bounded vocabulary predictors. An example of a unbounded vocabulary predictor is the ngram predictor: Instead of listing the entire ngram vocabulary, we run srilm only on the words which are possible according other predictor (e.g. fst or nmt). This is realized by introducing the ``trgt_words`` argument to ``predict_next``. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes ``current_sen_id`` with 0. """ super(UnboundedVocabularyPredictor, self).__init__() @abstractmethod
[docs] def predict_next(self, trgt_words): """Like in ``Predictor``, returns the predictive distribution over target words given the predictor state. Note that the prediction itself can change the state of the predictor. For example, the neural predictor updates the decoder network state and its attention to predict the next word. Two calls of ``predict_next()`` must be separated by a ``consume()`` call. Args: trgt_words (list): List of target word ids. Returns: dictionary,array,list. Word log probabilities for the next target token. All ids which are not set are assumed to have probability ``get_unk_probability()``. The returned set should not contain any ids which are not in ``trgt_words``, but it does not have to score all of them """ raise NotImplementedError