Source code for cam.sgnmt.output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains the output handlers. These handlers create 
output files from the n-best lists generated by the ``Decoder``. They
can be activated via --outputs.

This module depends on OpenFST to write FST files in binary format. To
enable Python support in OpenFST, use a recent version (>=1.5.4) and 
compile with ``--enable_python``. Further information can be found here: 


from abc import abstractmethod
import os
import errno
import logging
from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt import io
import numpy as np
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict

    import pywrapfst as fst
except ImportError:
        import openfst_python as fst
    except ImportError:
        pass # Deal with it in

def _mkdir(path, name):
    except OSError as exception:
        if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            logging.warn("Output %s directory '%s' already exists." 
                         % (name, path))

[docs]class OutputHandler(object): """Interface for output handlers. """ def __init__(self): """ Empty constructor """ pass @abstractmethod
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices=None): """This method writes output files to the file system. The configuration parameters such as output paths should already have been provided via constructor arguments. Args: all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed) Raises: IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TextOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """Writes the first best hypotheses to a plain text file """ def __init__(self, path): """Creates a plain text output handler to write to ``path`` """ super(TextOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices=None): """Writes the hypotheses in ``all_hypos`` to ``path`` """ if self.f is not None: for hypos in all_hypos: self.f.write(io.decode(hypos[0].trgt_sentence)) self.f.write("\n") self.f.flush() else: with, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: for hypos in all_hypos: f.write(io.decode(hypos[0].trgt_sentence)) f.write("\n") self.f.flush()
[docs] def open_file(self): self.f =, "w", encoding='utf-8')
[docs] def close_file(self): self.f.close()
[docs]class NBestOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """Produces a n-best file in Moses format. The third part of each entry is used to store the separated unnormalized predictor scores. Note that the sentence IDs are shifted: Moses n-best files start with the index 0, but in SGNMT and HiFST we usually refer to the first sentence with 1 (e.g. in lattice directories or --range) """ def __init__(self, path, predictor_names): """Creates a Moses n-best list output handler. Args: path (string): Path to the n-best file to write predictor_names: Names of the predictors whose scores should be included in the score breakdown in the n-best list """ super(NBestOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path self.predictor_names = [] name_count = {} for name in predictor_names: if not name in name_count: name_count[name] = 1 final_name = name else: name_count[name] += 1 final_name = "%s%d" % (name, name_count[name]) self.predictor_names.append(final_name.replace("_", "0"))
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices): """Writes the hypotheses in ``all_hypos`` to ``path`` """ with, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: n_predictors = len(self.predictor_names) for idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos): for hypo in hypos: f.write("%d ||| %s ||| %s ||| %f" % (idx, io.decode(hypo.trgt_sentence), ' '.join("%s= %f" % ( self.predictor_names[i], sum([s[i][0] for s in hypo.score_breakdown])) for i in range(n_predictors)), hypo.total_score)) f.write("\n") idx += 1
[docs]class TimeCSVOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """Produces one CSV file for each sentence. The CSV files contain the predictor score breakdown for each translation prefix length. """ def __init__(self, path, predictor_names): """Creates a Moses n-best list output handler. Args: path (string): Path to the n-best file to write predictor_names: Names of the predictors whose scores should be included in the score breakdown in the n-best list """ super(TimeCSVOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path self.file_pattern = path + "/%d.csv" self.predictor_names = [] name_count = {} for name in predictor_names: if not name in name_count: name_count[name] = 1 final_name = name else: name_count[name] += 1 final_name = "%s%d" % (name, name_count[name]) self.predictor_names.append(final_name)
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices): """Writes ngram files for each sentence in ``all_hypos``. Args: all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed) Raises: OSError. If the directory could not be created IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk """ _mkdir(self.path, "TimeCSV") n_predictors = len(self.predictor_names) placeholder = "\t-" * (n_predictors*2) for sen_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos): sen_idx += 1 with open(self.file_pattern % sen_idx, "w") as f: hypo_count = len(hypos) # Headers f.write("Time") for i in range(hypo_count): f.write("".join(["\t%s-%d" % (n, i+1) for n in self.predictor_names])) f.write("".join(["\t%s-%d_weight" % (n, i+1) for n in self.predictor_names])) f.write("\n") max_len = max([len(hypo.trgt_sentence) for hypo in hypos]) for pos in range(max_len+1): f.write(str(pos)) for hypo in hypos: if pos >= len(hypo.score_breakdown): f.write(placeholder) else: for pred_idx in range(n_predictors): acc_pred_score = sum([s[pred_idx][0] for s in hypo.score_breakdown[:pos+1]]) f.write("\t%f" % acc_pred_score) for pred_idx in range(n_predictors): f.write("\t%f" % hypo.score_breakdown[pos][pred_idx][1]) f.write("\n")
[docs]class NgramOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """This output handler extracts MBR-style ngram posteriors from the hypotheses returned by the decoder. The hypothesis scores are assumed to be loglikelihoods, which we renormalize to make sure that we operate on a valid distribution. The scores produced by the output handler are probabilities of an ngram being in the translation. """ def __init__(self, path, min_order, max_order): """Creates an ngram output handler. Args: path (string): Path to the ngram directory to create min_order (int): Minimum order of extracted ngrams max_order (int): Maximum order of extracted ngrams """ super(NgramOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path self.min_order = min_order self.max_order = max_order self.file_pattern = path + "/%d.txt"
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices): """Writes ngram files for each sentence in ``all_hypos``. Args: all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed) Raises: OSError. If the directory could not be created IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk """ _mkdir(self.path, "ngram") for sen_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos): sen_idx += 1 total = utils.log_sum([hypo.total_score for hypo in hypos]) normed_scores = [hypo.total_score - total for hypo in hypos] ngrams = defaultdict(dict) # Collect ngrams for hypo_idx, hypo in enumerate(hypos): sen_eos = [utils.GO_ID] + hypo.trgt_sentence + [utils.EOS_ID] for pos in range(1, len(sen_eos) + 1): hist = sen_eos[:pos] for order in range(self.min_order, self.max_order + 1): ngram = ' '.join(map(str, hist[-order:])) ngrams[ngram][hypo_idx] = True with open(self.file_pattern % sen_idx, "w") as f: for ngram, hypo_indices in ngrams.items(): ngram_score = np.exp(utils.log_sum( [normed_scores[hypo_idx] for hypo_idx in hypo_indices])) f.write("%s : %f\n" % (ngram, min(1.0, ngram_score)))
[docs]def write_fst(f, path): """Writes FST f to the file system after epsilon removal, determinization, and minimization. """ f.rmepsilon() f = fst.determinize(f) f.minimize() f.write(path)
[docs]class FSTOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """This output handler creates FSTs with with sparse tuple arcs from the n-best lists from the decoder. The predictor scores are kept separately in the sparse tuples. Note that this means that the parameter ``--combination_scheme`` might not be visible in the lattices because predictor scores are not combined. The order in the sparse tuples corresponds to the order of the predictors in the ``--predictors`` argument. Note that the created FSTs use another ID for UNK to avoid confusion with the epsilon symbol used by OpenFST. """ def __init__(self, path, unk_id): """Creates a sparse tuple FST output handler. Args: path (string): Path to the VECLAT directory to create unk_id (int): Id which should be used in the FST for UNK """ super(FSTOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path self.unk_id = unk_id self.file_pattern = path + "/%d.fst"
[docs] def write_weight(self, score_breakdown): """Helper method to create the weight string """ els = ['0'] for (idx,score) in enumerate(score_breakdown): els.append(str(idx+1)) # We need to take the negative here since the tropical # FST arc type expects negative log probs instead of log probs els.append(str(-score[0])) return ','.join(els)
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices): """Writes FST files with sparse tuples for each sentence in ``all_hypos``. The created lattices are not optimized in any way: We create a distinct path for each entry in ``all_hypos``. We advise you to determinize/minimize them if you are planning to use them for further processing. Args: all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed) Raises: OSError. If the directory could not be created IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk """ _mkdir(self.path, "FST") for fst_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos): fst_idx += 1 c = fst.Compiler(arc_type="tropicalsparsetuple") # state ID 0 is start, 1 is final state next_free_id = 2 for hypo in hypos: syms = hypo.trgt_sentence # Connect with start node c.write("0\t%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (next_free_id, utils.GO_ID, utils.GO_ID)) next_free_id += 1 for pos in range(len(hypo.score_breakdown)-1): c.write("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % ( next_free_id-1, # last state id next_free_id, # next state id syms[pos], syms[pos], # arc labels self.write_weight(hypo.score_breakdown[pos]))) next_free_id += 1 # Connect with final node c.write("%d\t1\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % ( next_free_id-1, utils.EOS_ID, utils.EOS_ID, self.write_weight(hypo.score_breakdown[-1]))) c.write("1\n") # Add final node write_fst(c.compile(), self.file_pattern % fst_idx)
[docs]class StandardFSTOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """This output handler creates FSTs with standard arcs. In contrast to ``FSTOutputHandler``, predictor scores are combined using ``--combination_scheme``. Note that the created FSTs use another ID for UNK to avoid confusion with the epsilon symbol used by OpenFST. """ def __init__(self, path, unk_id): """Creates a standard arc FST output handler. Args: path (string): Path to the fst directory to create unk_id (int): Id which should be used in the FST for UNK """ super(StandardFSTOutputHandler, self).__init__() self.path = path self.unk_id = unk_id self.file_pattern = path + "/%d.fst"
[docs] def write_hypos(self, all_hypos, sen_indices): """Writes FST files with standard arcs for each sentence in ``all_hypos``. The created lattices are not optimized in any way: We create a distinct path for each entry in ``all_hypos``. We advise you to determinize/minimize them if you are planning to use them for further processing. Args: all_hypos (list): list of nbest lists of hypotheses sen_indices (list): List of sentence indices (0-indexed) Raises: OSError. If the directory could not be created IOError. If something goes wrong while writing to the disk """ _mkdir(self.path, "FST") for fst_idx, hypos in zip(sen_indices, all_hypos): fst_idx += 1 c = fst.Compiler() # state ID 0 is start, 1 is final state next_free_id = 2 for hypo in hypos: # Connect with start node c.write("0\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n" % (next_free_id, utils.GO_ID, utils.GO_ID, -hypo.total_score)) next_free_id += 1 for sym in hypo.trgt_sentence: c.write("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (next_free_id-1, next_free_id, sym, sym)) next_free_id += 1 # Connect with final node c.write("%d\t1\t%d\t%d\n" % (next_free_id-1, utils.EOS_ID, utils.EOS_ID)) c.write("1\n") write_fst(c.compile(), self.file_pattern % fst_idx)