Source code for cam.sgnmt.decoding.syntaxbeam

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"""The syntax beam secoding strategy ensures diversity in the terminals."""

import copy
import logging
import numpy as np

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.decoding.beam import BeamDecoder

[docs]class SyntaxBeamDecoder(BeamDecoder): """The syntax beam search strategy is an extension of beam search which ensures diversity amongst the terminals in the active hypotheses. The decoder clusters hypotheses by their terminal history. Each cluster cannot have more than beam_size hypos, and the number of clusters is topped by beam_size. This means that the effective beam size varies between beam_size and beam_size^2, and there are always beam_size different terminal histories in the active beam. """ def __init__(self, decoder_args): """Creates a new beam decoder instance for system level combination. In addition to the constructor of `BeamDecoder`, the following values are fetched from `decoder_args`: syntax_min_terminal_id (int): All IDs smaller than this are NTs syntax_max_terminal_id (int): All IDs larger than this are NTs """ super(SyntaxBeamDecoder, self).__init__(decoder_args) self.min_terminal_id = decoder_args.syntax_min_terminal_id self.max_terminal_id = decoder_args.syntax_max_terminal_id
[docs] def is_terminal(self, tok): return (tok <= self.max_terminal_id and tok >= self.min_terminal_id)
def _get_next_hypos_diverse(self, hypos, scores): """Get hypotheses of the next time step. Args: hypos (list): List of hypotheses scores (list): hypo scores with heuristic estimates Return: list. List with hypotheses. """ new_hypos = [] terminal_history_counts = {} for idx in reversed(np.argsort(scores)): candidate = hypos[idx] key = " ".join([str(i) for i in candidate.trgt_sentence if self.is_terminal(i)]) cnt = terminal_history_counts.get(key, 0) if cnt >= self.beam_size: continue valid = True if self.hypo_recombination: self.set_predictor_states(copy.deepcopy(candidate.predictor_states)) if not candidate.word_to_consume is None: self.consume(candidate.word_to_consume) candidate.word_to_consume = None candidate.predictor_states = self.get_predictor_states() for hypo in new_hypos: if self.are_equal_predictor_states( hypo.predictor_states, candidate.predictor_states): logging.debug("Hypo recombination: %s > %s" % ( hypo.trgt_sentence, candidate.trgt_sentence)) valid = False break if valid: terminal_history_counts[key] = cnt + 1 new_hypos.append(candidate) if len(terminal_history_counts) >= self.beam_size: break return new_hypos
[docs] def decode(self, src_sentence): """Decodes a single source sentence using beam search. """ self.initialize_predictors(src_sentence) hypos = self._get_initial_hypos() it = 0 self.min_score = utils.NEG_INF while self.stop_criterion(hypos): if it > self.max_len: # prevent infinite loops break it = it + 1 next_hypos = [] next_scores = [] for hypo in hypos: logging.debug("Expand (it=%d score=%f): %s" % (it, hypo.score, hypo.trgt_sentence)) if hypo.get_last_word() == utils.EOS_ID: next_hypos.append(hypo) next_scores.append(self._get_combined_score(hypo)) continue for next_hypo in self._expand_hypo(hypo): next_score = self._get_combined_score(next_hypo) next_hypos.append(next_hypo) next_scores.append(next_score) hypos = self._get_next_hypos_diverse(next_hypos, next_scores) for hypo in hypos: if hypo.get_last_word() == utils.EOS_ID: self.add_full_hypo(hypo.generate_full_hypothesis()) if not self.full_hypos: logging.warn("No complete hypotheses found for %s" % src_sentence) for hypo in hypos: self.add_full_hypo(hypo.generate_full_hypothesis()) return self.get_full_hypos_sorted()