Source code for cam.sgnmt.decoding.multisegbeam

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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
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"""Implementation of beam search for predictors with multiple
from abc import abstractmethod
import copy
import heapq
import logging
import codecs

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt import io
from cam.sgnmt.decoding.core import Decoder, PartialHypothesis
from cam.sgnmt.predictors.automata import EPS_ID

[docs]def is_key_complete(key): """Returns true if the key is complete. Complete keys are marked with a blank symbol at the end of the string. A complete key corresponds to a full word, incomplete keys cannot be mapped to word IDs. Args: key (string): The key Returns: bool. Return true if the last character in ``key`` is blank. """ return key and key[-1] == ' '
[docs]class WordMapper(object): """This class is responsible for the mapping between keys and word IDs. The multiseg beam search can produce words which are not in the original word map. This mapper adds these words to ``io.trg_wmap``. This class uses the GoF design pattern singleton. """ singleton = None """Singleton instance. Access via ``get_singleton()``. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def get_singleton(): """Get singleton instance of the word mapper. This method implements lazy initialization. Returns: WordMapper. Singleton ``WordMapper`` instance. """ if not WordMapper.singleton: WordMapper.singleton = WordMapper() return WordMapper.singleton
def __init__(self): """Creates a new mapper instance and synchronizes it with ``io.trg_wmap``. """ self.max_word_id = 3 self.wmap_len = 0 self.key2id = {} self.synchronize() self.reserved_keys = {'<unk> ': utils.UNK_ID, '<eps> ': utils.UNK_ID, '<epsilon> ': utils.UNK_ID, '<s> ': utils.GO_ID, '</s> ': utils.EOS_ID}
[docs] def synchronize(self): """Synchronizes the internal state of this mapper with ``io.trg_wmap``. This includes updating the reverse lookup table and finding the lowest free word ID which can be assigned to new words. """ if self.wmap_len == len(io.trg_wmap): return self.key2id = {} self.max_word_id = 3 for word_id, key in io.trg_wmap.items(): self.max_word_id = max(self.max_word_id, word_id) self.key2id["%s " % key] = word_id self.wmap_len = len(io.trg_wmap)
[docs] def get_word_id(self, key): """Finds a word ID for the given key. If no such key is in the current word map, create a new entry in ``io.trg_wmap``. Args: key (string): key to look up Returns: int. Word ID corresponding to ``key``. Add new word ID if the key cannot be found in ``io.trg_wmap`` """ if not key: return utils.UNK_ID if key in self.reserved_keys: return self.reserved_keys[key] self.synchronize() if key in self.key2id: return self.key2id[key] self.max_word_id += 1 io.trg_wmap[self.max_word_id] = key[:-1] self.key2id[key] = self.max_word_id self.wmap_len += 1 return self.max_word_id
[docs]class Tokenizer(object): """A tokenizer translates between token sequences and string keys. It is mainly responsible for matching token sequences from different predictors together. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def tokens2key(self, tokens): """Convert a token sequence to a string key. Args: tokens (list): List of token IDs Returns: String. The key for the token sequence """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def key2tokens(self, key): """Convert a key to a sequence of tokens. If this mapping is ambiguous, return one of the shortest mappings. Use UNK to match any (sub)string without token correspondence. Args: key (string): key to look up Returns: list. List of token IDs """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_word_begin_token(self, token): """Returns true if ``token`` is only allowed at word begins. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class WordTokenizer(Tokenizer): """This tokenizer implements a purly word-level tokenization. Keys are generated according a standard word map. """ def __init__(self, path): self.id2key = {} self.key2id = {} try: split = path.split(":", 1) max_id = int(split[0]) path = split[1] except: max_id = utils.INF with, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: entry = line.strip().split() key = entry[0] word_id = int(entry[-1]) if word_id < max_id and word_id != utils.UNK_ID: self.id2key[word_id] = "%s " % key self.key2id["%s " % key] = word_id
[docs] def key2tokens(self, key): return [self.key2id.get(key, utils.UNK_ID)]
[docs] def tokens2key(self, tokens): if len(tokens) != 1: return "" return self.id2key.get(tokens[0], "")
[docs] def is_word_begin_token(self, token): return True
[docs]class EOWTokenizer(Tokenizer): """This tokenizer reads word maps with explicit </w> endings. This can be used for subword unit based tokenizers. """ def __init__(self, path): self.id2key = {} self.key2id = {} with, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: key, word_id = line.strip().split() if word_id == str(utils.UNK_ID): continue if key[-4:] == "</w>": key = "%s " % key[:-4] elif key in ['<s>', '</s>']: key = "%s " % key self.id2key[int(word_id)] = key self.key2id[key] = int(word_id)
[docs] def key2tokens(self, key): tokens = self._key2tokens_recursive(key) return tokens if tokens else [utils.UNK_ID]
def _key2tokens_recursive(self, key, max_len = 100): if not key: return [] if max_len <= 0: return None if key in self.key2id: # Match of the full key return [self.key2id[key]] if max_len <= 1: return None best_tokens = None for l in range(len(key)-1, 0, -1): if key[:l] in self.key2id: rest = self._key2tokens_recursive(key[l:], max_len-1) if not rest is None and len(rest) < max_len: best_tokens = [self.key2id[key[:l]]] + rest max_len = len(best_tokens) - 1 return best_tokens
[docs] def tokens2key(self, tokens): return ''.join([self.id2key.get(t, "") for t in tokens])
[docs] def is_word_begin_token(self, token): return token in [utils.GO_ID, utils.EOS_ID]
[docs]class MixedTokenizer(Tokenizer): """This tokenizer allows to mix word- and character-level tokenizations like proposed by Wu et al. (2016). Words with <b>, <m>, and <e> prefixes are treated as character-level tokens, all others are completed word-level tokens """ def __init__(self, path): self.word_key2id = {} self.b_key2id = {} self.m_key2id = {} self.e_key2id = {} self.id2key = {} self.mid_tokens = {} try: split = path.split(":", 1) max_id = int(split[0]) path = split[1] except: max_id = utils.INF with, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: key, token_id_ = line.strip().split() token_id = int(token_id_) if token_id == utils.UNK_ID or token_id >= max_id: continue if key[:3] == "<b>": key = key[3:] self.b_key2id[key] = token_id elif key[:3] == "<m>": key = key[3:] self.m_key2id[key] = token_id self.mid_tokens[token_id] = True elif key[:3] == "<e>": key = "%s " % key[3:] self.e_key2id[key[:-1]] = token_id self.mid_tokens[token_id] = True else: key = "%s " % key self.word_key2id[key] = token_id self.id2key[token_id] = key
[docs] def key2tokens(self, key): if not key: return [] if key in self.word_key2id: return [self.word_key2id[key]] maps = [self.m_key2id] * len(key) if is_key_complete(key): maps = maps[:-2] + [self.e_key2id] maps[0] = self.b_key2id return [maps[idx].get(key[idx], utils.UNK_ID) for idx in range(len(maps))]
[docs] def tokens2key(self, tokens): return ''.join([self.id2key.get(t, "") for t in tokens])
[docs] def is_word_begin_token(self, token): return not self.mid_tokens.get(token, False)
[docs]class PredictorStub(object): """A predictor stub models the state of a predictor given a continuation. """ def __init__(self, tokens, pred_state): """Creates a new stub for a certain predictor. Args: tokens (list): List of token IDs which correspond to the key pred_state (object): Predictor state before consuming the last token in ``tokens`` """ self.tokens = tokens self.pred_state = pred_state self.score = 0.0 self.score_pos = 0
[docs] def has_full_score(self): """Returns true if the full token sequence has been scored with the predictor, i.e. ``self.score`` is the final predictor score. """ return self.score_pos == len(self.tokens)
[docs] def score_next(self, token_score): """Can be called when the continuation is expanded and the score of the next token is available Args: token_score (float): Predictor score of self.tokens[self.score_pos] """ self.score += token_score self.score_pos += 1
[docs] def expand(self, token, token_score, pred_state): """Creates a new predictor stub by adding a (scored) token. Args: token (int): Token ID to add token_score (float): Token score of the added token pred_state (object): predictor state before consuming the added token """ new_stub = PredictorStub(self.tokens + [token], pred_state) new_stub.score_pos = self.score_pos + 1 new_stub.score = self.score + token_score return new_stub
[docs]class Continuation(object): """A continuation is a partial hypothesis plus the next word. A continuation can be incomplete if predictors use finer grained tokenization and the score is not final yet. """ def __init__(self, parent_hypo, pred_stubs, key = ''): """Create a new continuation. Args: parent_hypo (PartialHypothesis): hypo object encoding the state at the last word boundary pred_stubs (list): List of ``PredictorStub`` objects, one for each predictor key (string): The lead key for this continuation. All stubs must be consistent with this key """ self.parent_hypo = parent_hypo self.pred_stubs = pred_stubs self.key = key self.score = 0.0
[docs] def is_complete(self): """Returns true if all predictor stubs are completed, i.e. the continuation can be mapped unambiguously to a word and the score is final. """ return all([s and s.has_full_score() for s in self.pred_stubs])
[docs] def calculate_score(self, pred_weights, defaults = []): """Calculates the full word score for this continuation using the predictor stub scores. Args: pred_weights (list): Predictor weights. Length of this list must match the number of stubs defaults (list): Score which should be used if a predictor stub is set to None Returns: float. Full score of this continuation, or an optimistic estimate if the continuation is not complete. """ return sum(map(lambda x: x[0]*x[1], zip(pred_weights, [s.score if s else defaults[pidx] for pidx, s in enumerate(self.pred_stubs)])))
[docs] def generate_expanded_hypo(self, decoder): """This can be used to create a new ``PartialHypothesis`` which reflects the state after this continuation. This involves expanding the history by ``word``, updating score and score_ breakdown, and consuming the last tokens in the stub to save the final predictor states. If the continuation is complete, this will result in a new word level hypothesis. If not, the generated hypo will indicate an incomplete word at the last position by using the word ID -1. """ score_breakdown = [] pred_weights = [] for idx,(p, w) in enumerate(decoder.predictors): p.set_state(copy.deepcopy(self.pred_stubs[idx].pred_state)) p.consume(self.pred_stubs[idx].tokens[-1]) score_breakdown.append((self.pred_stubs[idx].score, w)) pred_weights.append(w) word_id = WordMapper.get_singleton().get_word_id(self.key) return self.parent_hypo.expand(word_id, decoder.get_predictor_states(), self.calculate_score(pred_weights), score_breakdown)
[docs] def expand(self, decoder): for pidx,(p, _) in enumerate(decoder.predictors): stub = self.pred_stubs[pidx] if not stub.has_full_score(): p.set_state(copy.deepcopy(stub.pred_state)) p.consume(stub.tokens[stub.score_pos-1]) posterior = p.predict_next() stub.score_next(utils.common_get( posterior, stub.tokens[stub.score_pos], p.get_unk_probability(posterior))) stub.pred_state = p.get_state()
[docs]class MultisegBeamDecoder(Decoder): """This is a version of beam search which can handle predictors with differing tokenizations. We assume that all tokenizations are consistent with words, i.e. no token crosses word boundaries. The search simulates beam search on the word level. At each time step, we keep the n best hypotheses on the word level. Predictor scores on finer-grained tokens are collapsed into a single score s.t. they can be combined with scores from other predictors. This decoder can produce words without entry in the word map. In this case, words are added to ``io.trg_wmap``. Consider using the ``output_chars`` option to avoid dealing with the updated word map in the output. """ def __init__(self, decoder_args, hypo_recombination, beam_size, tokenizations, early_stopping = True, max_word_len = 25): """Creates a new beam decoder instance for predictors with multiple tokenizations. Args: decoder_args (object): Decoder configuration passed through from the configuration API. hypo_recombination (bool): Activates hypo recombination beam_size (int): Absolute beam size. A beam of 12 means that we keep track of 12 active hypothesis tokenizations (string): Comma separated strings describing the predictor tokenizations early_stopping (bool): If true, we stop when the best scoring hypothesis ends with </S>. If false, we stop when all hypotheses end with </S>. Enable if you are only interested in the single best decoding result. If you want to create full 12-best lists, disable max_word_len (int): Maximum length of a single word """ super(MultisegBeamDecoder, self).__init__(decoder_args) self.hypo_recombination = hypo_recombination self.beam_size = beam_size self.stop_criterion = self._best_eos if early_stopping else self._all_eos self.toks = [] self.max_word_len = max_word_len if not tokenizations: logging.fatal("Specify --multiseg_tokenizations!") for tok_config in tokenizations.split(","): if tok_config[:6] == "mixed:": tok = MixedTokenizer(tok_config[6:]) elif tok_config[:4] == "eow:": tok = EOWTokenizer(tok_config[4:]) else: if tok_config[:5] == "word:": tok_config = tok_config[5:] tok = WordTokenizer(tok_config) self.toks.append(tok) def _best_eos(self, hypos): """Returns true if the best hypothesis ends with </S>""" return hypos[0].get_last_word() != utils.EOS_ID def _all_eos(self, hypos): """Returns true if the all hypotheses end with </S>""" for hypo in hypos[:self.beam_size]: if hypo.get_last_word() != utils.EOS_ID: return True return False def _rebuild_hypo_list(self, hypos, new_hypo): """Add new_hypo to the list of n best complete hypos. Implements hypothesis recombination. Returns: list. Sorted list of n best hypos in hypos + new_hypo """ if not self.hypo_recombination: hypos.append(new_hypo) else: combined = False for idx,hypo in list(enumerate(hypos)): if hypo.predictor_states and self.are_equal_predictor_states( hypo.predictor_states, new_hypo.predictor_states): if hypo.score >= new_hypo.score: # Keep old one hypo1 = hypo hypo2 = new_hypo else: # Discard old one hypo1 = new_hypo hypo2 = hypo hypos[idx] = new_hypo logging.debug("Hypo recombination: %s > %s" % ( hypo1.trgt_sentence, hypo2.trgt_sentence)) combined = True break if not combined: hypos.append(new_hypo) hypos.sort(key=lambda h: h.score, reverse=True) return hypos[:self.beam_size] def _get_word_initial_posteriors(self, hypo): """Call ``predict_next`` on all predictors to get the distributions over the first tokens of the next word. Args: hypo (PartialHypothesis): Defines the predictor states Returns: list. List of posterior vectors for each predictor. The UNK scores are added to the vectors. """ self.apply_predictors_count += 1 self.set_predictor_states(hypo.predictor_states) posteriors = [] for p, _ in self.predictors: posterior = p.predict_next() posterior[utils.UNK_ID] = p.get_unk_probability(posterior) posteriors.append(posterior) return posteriors def _get_initial_stubs(self, predictor, start_posterior, min_score): """Get the initial predictor stubs for full word search with a single predictor. """ stubs = [] pred_state = predictor.get_state() for t, s in utils.common_iterable(start_posterior): stub = PredictorStub([t], pred_state) stub.score_next(s) if stub.score >= min_score: stubs.append(stub) stubs.sort(key=lambda s: s.score, reverse=True) return stubs def _best_keys_complete(self, stubs, tok): """Stopping criterion for single predictor full word search. We stop full word search if the n best stubs are complete. """ return all([is_key_complete(tok.tokens2key(s.tokens)) for s in stubs[:self.beam_size]]) def _search_full_words(self, predictor, start_posterior, tok, min_score): stubs = self._get_initial_stubs(predictor, start_posterior, min_score) while not self._best_keys_complete(stubs, tok): next_stubs = [] for stub in stubs[:self.beam_size]: key = tok.tokens2key(stub.tokens) if (not key) or len(key) > self.max_word_len: continue if is_key_complete(key): next_stubs.append(stub) continue predictor.set_state(copy.deepcopy(stub.pred_state)) predictor.consume(stub.tokens[-1]) posterior = predictor.predict_next() pred_state = predictor.get_state() for t, s in utils.common_iterable(posterior): if t != utils.UNK_ID and not tok.is_word_begin_token(t): child_stub = stub.expand(t, s, pred_state) if child_stub.score >= min_score: next_stubs.append(child_stub) stubs = next_stubs stubs.sort(key=lambda s: s.score, reverse=True) return stubs def _get_complete_continuations(self, hypo, min_hypo_score): """This is a generator which yields the complete continuations of ``hypo`` in descending order of score """ min_score = min_hypo_score - hypo.score if min_score > 0.0: return pred_weights = list(map(lambda el: el[1], self.predictors)) # Get initial continuations by searching with predictors separately start_posteriors = self._get_word_initial_posteriors(hypo) pred_states = self.get_predictor_states() keys = {} for pidx, (p,w) in enumerate(self.predictors): stubs = self._search_full_words(p, start_posteriors[pidx], self.toks[pidx], min_score / w) n_added = 0 for stub in stubs: key = self.toks[pidx].tokens2key(stub.tokens) if is_key_complete(key): if key in keys: # Add to existing continuation prev_stub = keys[key].pred_stubs[pidx] if prev_stub is None or prev_stub.score < stub.score: keys[key].pred_stubs[pidx] = stub elif n_added < self.beam_size: # Create new continuation n_added += 1 stubs = [None] * len(self.predictors) stubs[pidx] = stub keys[key] = Continuation(hypo, stubs, key) # Fill in stubs which are set to None for cont in keys.values(): for pidx in range(len(self.predictors)): if cont.pred_stubs[pidx] is None: stub = PredictorStub(self.toks[pidx].key2tokens(cont.key), pred_states[pidx]) stub.score_next(utils.common_get( start_posteriors[pidx], stub.tokens[0], start_posteriors[pidx][utils.UNK_ID])) cont.pred_stubs[pidx] = stub conts = [(-c.calculate_score(pred_weights), c) for c in keys.values()] heapq.heapify(conts) # Iterate through conts, expand if necessary, yield if complete while conts: s,cont = heapq.heappop(conts) if cont.is_complete(): yield -s,cont else: # Need to rescore with sec predictors cont.expand(self) heapq.heappush(conts, (-cont.calculate_score(pred_weights), cont))
[docs] def decode(self, src_sentence): """Decodes a single source sentence using beam search. """ self.initialize_predictors(src_sentence) hypos = [PartialHypothesis(self.get_predictor_states())] guard_hypo = PartialHypothesis(None) guard_hypo.score = utils.NEG_INF it = 0 while self.stop_criterion(hypos): if it > self.max_len: # prevent infinite loops break it = it + 1 next_hypos = [guard_hypo] for hypo in hypos: if hypo.get_last_word() == utils.EOS_ID: next_hypos = self._rebuild_hypo_list(next_hypos, hypo) for s, cont in self._get_complete_continuations( hypo, next_hypos[-1].score): if hypo.score + s < next_hypos[-1].score: break next_hypos = self._rebuild_hypo_list( next_hypos, cont.generate_expanded_hypo(self)) hypos = [h for h in next_hypos if h.score > utils.NEG_INF] for hypo in hypos: if hypo.get_last_word() == utils.EOS_ID: self.add_full_hypo(hypo.generate_full_hypothesis()) if not self.full_hypos: logging.warn("No complete hypotheses found for %s" % src_sentence) for hypo in hypos: self.add_full_hypo(hypo.generate_full_hypothesis()) return self.get_full_hypos_sorted()