Source code for cam.sgnmt.decoding.interpolation

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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
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"""This module contains interpolation strategies. This is commonly 
specified via the --interpolation_strategy parameter.

from cam.sgnmt import utils, tf_utils
import numpy as np
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod

    # This is the TF backend needed for MoE interpolation
    import tensorflow as tf
    from import saver
    from import training
    from import hparam
    # Requires sgnmt_moe
    from sgnmt_moe.model import MOEModel
except ImportError:
    pass # Deal with it in

[docs]class InterpolationStrategy(object): """Base class for interpolation strategies.""" @abstractmethod
[docs] def find_weights(self, pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs): """Find interpolation weights for the current prediction. Args: pred_weights (list): A priori predictor weights non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` Returns: list of floats. The predictor weights for this prediction. Raises: ``NotImplementedError``: if the method is not implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_fixed(self): return False
[docs]class FixedInterpolationStrategy(InterpolationStrategy): """Null-object (GoF design pattern) implementation."""
[docs] def find_weights(self, pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs): """Returns ``pred_weights``.""" return pred_weights
[docs] def is_fixed(self): return True
[docs]class MoEInterpolationStrategy(InterpolationStrategy): """This class implements a predictor-level Mixture of Experts (MoE) model. In this scenario, we have a neural model which predicts predictor weights from the predictor outputs. See the sgnmt_moe project on how to train this gating network with TensorFlow. """ def __init__(self, num_experts, args): """Creates the computation graph of the MoE network and loads the checkpoint file. Following fields are fetched from ``args`` moe_config: Comma-separated <key>=<value> pairs specifying the MoE network. See the command line arguments of sgnmt_moe for a full description. Available keys: vocab_size, embed_size, activation, hidden_layer_size, preprocessing. moe_checkpoint_dir (string): Checkpoint directory n_cpu_threads (int): Number of CPU threads for TensorFlow Args: num_experts (int): Number of predictors under the MoE model args (object): SGNMT configuration object """ super(MoEInterpolationStrategy, self).__init__() config = dict(el.split("=", 1) for el in args.moe_config.split(";")) self._create_hparams(num_experts, config) self.model = MOEModel(self.params)"MoE HParams: %s" % self.params) moe_graph = tf.Graph() with moe_graph.as_default() as g: self.model.initialize() self.sess = tf_utils.create_session(args.moe_checkpoint_dir, args.n_cpu_threads) def _create_hparams(self, num_experts, config): """Creates self.params.""" self.params = hparam.HParams( vocab_size=int(config.get("vocab_size", "30003")), learning_rate=0.001, # Not used batch_size=1, num_experts=num_experts, embed_filename="", embed_size=int(config.get("embed_size", "512")), activation=config.get("activation", "relu"), loss_strategy="rank", # Not used hidden_layer_size=int(config.get("hidden_layer_size", "64")), preprocessing=config.get("preprocessing", "") ) def _create_score_matrix(self, posteriors, unk_probs): scores = np.transpose(np.tile(np.array(unk_probs, dtype=np.float32), (self.params.vocab_size, 1))) # Scores has shape [n_predictors, vocab_size], fill it for row, posterior in enumerate(posteriors): if isinstance(posterior, dict): for w, s in posterior.items(): scores[row,int(w)] = s else: scores[row,:len(posterior)] = np.maximum(-99, posterior) return np.expand_dims(scores, axis=0)
[docs] def find_weights(self, pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs): """Runs the MoE model to find interpolation weights. Args: pred_weights (list): A prior predictor weights non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` Returns: list of floats. The predictor weights for this prediction. Raises: ``NotImplementedError``: if the method is not implemented """ scores = self._create_score_matrix(posteriors, unk_probs) weights =, feed_dict={self.model.expert_scores: scores}) return weights[0,:]
[docs]class EntropyInterpolationStrategy(InterpolationStrategy): """The entropy interpolation strategy assigns weights to predictors according the entropy of their posteriors to the other posteriors. We first build a n x n square matrix of (cross-)entropies between all predictors, and then weight according the row sums. We assume that predictor weights are log probabilities. """ def __init__(self, vocab_size, cross_entropy): """Constructor. Args: vocab_size (int): Vocabulary size cross_entropy (bool): If true, use cross entropy to other predictors. Otherwise, just use predictor distribution entropy. """ self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.cross_entropy = cross_entropy def _create_score_matrix(self, posteriors, unk_probs): scores = np.transpose(np.tile(np.array(unk_probs), (self.vocab_size, 1))) # Scores has shape [n_predictors, vocab_size], fill it for row, posterior in enumerate(posteriors): if isinstance(posterior, dict): for w, s in posterior.items(): scores[row,int(w)] = s else: scores[row,:len(posterior)] = np.maximum(-99, posterior) return scores
[docs] def find_weights(self, pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs): logprobs = self._create_score_matrix(posteriors, unk_probs) probs = np.exp(logprobs) n_preds = len(pred_weights) ents = np.zeros((n_preds, n_preds)) if self.cross_entropy: for p_idx in range(n_preds): for q_idx in range(n_preds): ents[p_idx, q_idx] = -np.sum(probs[p_idx] * logprobs[q_idx]) else: for p_idx in range(n_preds): ents[p_idx, p_idx] = -np.sum(probs[p_idx] * logprobs[p_idx]) ent_weights = -np.sum(ents, axis=0) ent_weights -= np.min(ent_weights) ent_weights /= np.sum(ent_weights) return np.clip(np.nan_to_num(ent_weights), 0.0, 1.0)