Source code for cam.sgnmt.decoding.heuristics

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"""Heuristics are used during A* decoding and are called to compose the
estimated look ahead costs. The ``Heuristic`` super class is defined
in the ``core`` module. 

import copy
import logging

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.decoding.core import Heuristic, Decoder
from cam.sgnmt.decoding.greedy import GreedyDecoder
from cam.sgnmt.misc.trie import SimpleTrie
from cam.sgnmt.misc.unigram import FileUnigramTable, BestStatsUnigramTable, \
    FullStatsUnigramTable, AllStatsUnigramTable
from cam.sgnmt.utils import MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT

[docs]class PredictorHeuristic(Heuristic): """The predictor heuristic relies on the ``estimate_future_costs()`` implementation of the predictors. Use this heuristic to access predictor specific future cost functions, e.g. shortest path for the fst predictor. """
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Returns the weighted sum of predictor estimates. """ return Decoder.combi_arithmetic_unnormalized([ (pred.estimate_future_cost(hypo), w) for (pred, w) in self.predictors])
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Calls ``initialize_heuristic()`` on all predictors. """ for (pred, _) in self.predictors: pred.initialize_heuristic(src_sentence)
[docs] def notify(self, message, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT): """This heuristic passes through notifications to the predictors. """ for (pred, _) in self.predictors: pred.notify(message, message_type)
[docs]class ScorePerWordHeuristic(Heuristic): """Using this heuristic results in length normalized scores instead of the pure sum of predictor scores for a partial hypothesis. Therefore, it is not a heuristic like in the classical A* sense. Instead, using the A* decoder with this heuristic simulates beam search which always keeps the hypotheses with the best per word scores. """
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """A* will put ``cost-score`` on the heap. In order to simulate length normalized beam search, we want to use ``-score/length`` as partial hypothesis score. Therefore, this method returns ``-score/length + score`` """ if len(hypo.trgt_sentence) > 0: return hypo.score - hypo.score/len(hypo.trgt_sentence) return 0.0
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Empty method.""" pass
[docs]class LastTokenHeuristic(Heuristic): """This heuristic reflects the score of the last token in the translation prefix only, ie. not the accumulated score. Using this with pure_heuristic_estimates leads to expanding the partial hypothesis with the end token with the best individual score. This can be useful in search spaces in which bad translation prefixes imply low individual scores later. """
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Returns the negative score of the last token in hypo.""" return -Decoder.combi_arithmetic_unnormalized(hypo.score_breakdown[-1])
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Empty method.""" pass
[docs]class GreedyHeuristic(Heuristic): """This heuristic performs greedy decoding to get future cost estimates. This is expensive but can lead to very close estimates. """ def __init__(self, decoder_args, cache_estimates = True): """Creates a new ``GreedyHeuristic`` instance. The greedy heuristic performs full greedy decoding from the current state to get accurate cost estimates. However, this can be very expensive. Args: decoder_args (object): Decoder configuration passed through from the configuration API. cache_estimates (bool): Set to true to enable a cache for predictor states which have been visited during the greedy decoding. """ super(GreedyHeuristic, self).__init__() self.cache_estimates = cache_estimates self.decoder = GreedyDecoder(decoder_args) self.cache = SimpleTrie()
[docs] def set_predictors(self, predictors): """Override ``Decoder.set_predictors`` to redirect the predictors to ``self.decoder`` """ self.predictors = predictors self.decoder.predictors = predictors
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Initialize the cache. """ self.cache = SimpleTrie()
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Estimate the future cost by full greedy decoding. If ``self.cache_estimates`` is enabled, check cache first """ if self.cache_estimates: return self.estimate_future_cost_with_cache(hypo) else: return self.estimate_future_cost_without_cache(hypo)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost_with_cache(self, hypo): """Enabled cache... """ cached_cost = self.cache.get(hypo.trgt_sentence) if not cached_cost is None: return cached_cost old_states = self.decoder.get_predictor_states() self.decoder.set_predictor_states(copy.deepcopy(old_states)) # Greedy decoding trgt_word = hypo.trgt_sentence[-1] scores = [] words = [] while trgt_word != utils.EOS_ID: self.decoder.consume(trgt_word) posterior,_ = self.decoder.apply_predictors() trgt_word = utils.argmax(posterior) scores.append(posterior[trgt_word]) words.append(trgt_word) # Update cache using scores and words for i in range(1, len(scores)): self.cache.add(hypo.trgt_sentence + words[:i], -sum(scores[i:])) # Reset predictor states self.decoder.set_predictor_states(old_states) return -sum(scores)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost_without_cache(self, hypo): """Disabled cache... """ old_states = self.decoder.get_predictor_states() self.decoder.set_predictor_states(copy.deepcopy(old_states)) # Greedy decoding trgt_word = hypo.trgt_sentence[-1] score = 0.0 while trgt_word != utils.EOS_ID: self.decoder.consume(trgt_word) posterior,_ = self.decoder.apply_predictors() trgt_word = utils.argmax(posterior) score += posterior[trgt_word] # Reset predictor states self.decoder.set_predictor_states(old_states) return -score
[docs]class StatsHeuristic(Heuristic): """This heuristic is based on the sum of unigram costs of consumed words. Unigram statistics are collected via a ``UnigramTable``. """ def __init__(self, heuristic_scores_file="", collect_stats_strategy='best'): """Creates a new ``StatsHeuristic`` instance. The constructor initializes the unigram table. Args: heuristic_scores_file (string): Path to the unigram scores which are used if this predictor estimates future costs collect_stats_strategy (string): best, full, or all. Defines how unigram estimates are collected for heuristic """ super(StatsHeuristic, self).__init__() if heuristic_scores_file: self.estimates = FileUnigramTable(heuristic_scores_file) elif collect_stats_strategy == 'best': self.estimates = BestStatsUnigramTable() elif collect_stats_strategy == 'full': self.estimates = FullStatsUnigramTable() elif collect_stats_strategy == 'all': self.estimates = AllStatsUnigramTable() else: logging.error("Unknown statistics collection strategy")
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Calls ``reset`` to reset collected statistics from previous sentences Args: src_sentence (list): Not used """ self.estimates.reset()
[docs] def notify(self, message, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT): """Passing through to the unigram table ``self.estimates``. """ self.estimates.notify(message, message_type)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Returns the sum of heuristic unigram estimates of the words in the translation prefix of ``hypo``. Combined with the hypo score, this leads to using the ratio between actual hypo score and an idealistic score (product of unigrams) to discriminate partial hypotheses. """ return sum([self.estimates.estimate(w, -1000.0) for w in hypo.trgt_sentence])