Source code for cam.sgnmt.decoding.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The SGNMT Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Contains all the basic interfaces and abstract classes for decoders.
The ``Decoder`` class provides common functionality for all decoders.
The ``Hypothesis`` class represents complete hypotheses, which are 
returned by decoders. ``PartialHypothesis`` is a helper class which can
be used by predictors to represent translation prefixes.

from abc import abstractmethod
import copy

from cam.sgnmt import utils
from cam.sgnmt.predictors.core import UnboundedVocabularyPredictor
from cam.sgnmt.decoding.interpolation import FixedInterpolationStrategy, \
                                             EntropyInterpolationStrategy, \
from cam.sgnmt.utils import Observable, Observer, MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT, \
import numpy as np
from operator import mul
import logging
from functools import reduce

[docs]class Hypothesis: """Complete translation hypotheses are represented by an instance of this class. We store the produced sentence, the combined score, and a score breakdown to the separate predictor scores. """ def __init__(self, trgt_sentence, total_score, score_breakdown = []): """Creates a new full hypothesis. Args: trgt_sentence (list): List of target word ids without <S> or </S> which make up the target sentence total_score (float): combined total score of this hypo score_breakdown (list): Predictor score breakdown for each target token in ``trgt_sentence`` """ self.trgt_sentence = trgt_sentence self.total_score = total_score self.score_breakdown = score_breakdown def __repr__(self): """Returns a string representation of this hypothesis.""" return "%s (%f)" % (' '.join(str(w) for w in self.trgt_sentence), self.total_score)
[docs]class PartialHypothesis(object): """Represents a partial hypothesis in various decoders. """ def __init__(self, initial_states = None): """Creates a new partial hypothesis with zero score and empty translation prefix. Args: initial_states: Initial predictor states """ self.predictor_states = initial_states self.trgt_sentence = [] self.score = 0.0 self.score_breakdown = [] self.word_to_consume = None
[docs] def get_last_word(self): """Get the last word in the translation prefix. """ if not self.trgt_sentence: return None return self.trgt_sentence[-1]
[docs] def generate_full_hypothesis(self): """Create a ``Hypothesis`` instance from this hypothesis. """ return Hypothesis(self.trgt_sentence, self.score, self.score_breakdown)
def _new_partial_hypo(self, states, word, score, score_breakdown): """Create a new partial hypothesis, setting its state, score translation prefix and score breakdown. Args: states (object): Predictor states for new hypo. May be state after consuming word or current state, depending whether full or cheap expansion is used word (int): New word to add to prefix score (float): Word log probability to be added to score score_breakdown (list): Predictor score breakdown for the new word """ new_hypo = PartialHypothesis(states) new_hypo.score = self.score + score new_hypo.score_breakdown = copy.copy(self.score_breakdown) new_hypo.trgt_sentence = self.trgt_sentence + [word] new_hypo.score_breakdown.append(score_breakdown) return new_hypo
[docs] def expand(self, word, new_states, score, score_breakdown): """Creates a new partial hypothesis adding a new word to the translation prefix with given probability and updates the stored predictor states. Args: word (int): New word to add to the translation prefix new_states (object): Predictor states after consuming ``word`` score (float): Word log probability which is to be added to the total hypothesis score score_breakdown (list): Predictor score breakdown for the new word """ return self._new_partial_hypo(new_states, word, score, score_breakdown)
[docs] def cheap_expand(self, word, score, score_breakdown): """Creates a new partial hypothesis adding a new word to the translation prefix with given probability. Does NOT update the predictor states but adds a flag which signals that the last word in this hypothesis has not been consumed yet by the predictors. This can save memory because we can reuse the current state for many hypothesis. It also saves computation as we do not consume words which are then discarded anyway by the search procedure. Args: word (int): New word to add to the translation prefix score (float): Word log probability which is to be added to the total hypothesis score score_breakdown (list): Predictor score breakdown for the new word """ hypo = self._new_partial_hypo(self.predictor_states, word, score, score_breakdown) hypo.word_to_consume = word return hypo
"""The ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` constants define the normalization behavior for closed vocabulary predictor scores. Closed vocabulary predictors (e.g. NMT) have a predefined (and normally very limited) vocabulary. In contrast, open vocabulary predictors (see ``UnboundedPredictor``) are defined over a much larger vocabulary (e.g. FST) s.t. it is easier to consider them as having an open vocabulary. When combining open and closed vocabulary predictors, we use the UNK probability of closed vocabulary predictors for words outside their vocabulary. The following flags decide (as argument to ``Decoder``) what to do with the closed vocabulary predictor scores when combining them with open vocabulary predictors in that way. This can be changed with the --closed_vocab_norm argument """ CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NONE = 1 """None: Do not apply any normalization. """ CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_EXACT = 2 """Exact: Normalize by 1 plus the number of words outside the vocabulary to make it a valid distribution again""" CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_REDUCED = 3 """Reduced: Always normalize the closed vocabulary scores to the vocabulary which is defined by the open vocabulary predictors at each time step. """ CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_RESCALE_UNK = 4 """Rescale UNK: Divide the UNK scores by the number of words outside the vocabulary. Results in a valid distribution if predictor scores are stochastic. """ CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NON_ZERO = 5 """Apply no normalization, but ensure posterior contains only tokens with scores strictly < 0.0. """
[docs]class Heuristic(Observer): """A ``Heuristic`` instance can be used to estimate the future costs for a given word in a given state. See the ``heuristics`` module for implementations.""" def __init__(self): """Creates a heuristic without predictors. """ super(Heuristic, self).__init__() self.predictors = []
[docs] def set_predictors(self, predictors): """Set the predictors used by this heuristic. Args: predictors (list): Predictors and their weights to be used with this heuristic. Should be in the same form as ``Decoder.predictors``, i.e. a list of (predictor, weight) tuples """ self.predictors = predictors
[docs] def initialize(self, src_sentence): """Initialize the heuristic with the given source sentence. This is not passed through to the heuristic predictors automatically but handles initialization outside the predictors. Args: src_sentence (list): List of source word ids without <S> or </S> which make up the source sentence """ pass
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Estimate the future cost (i.e. negative score) given the states of the predictors set by ``set_predictors`` for a partial hypothesis ``hypo``. Note that this function is not supposed to change predictor states. If (e.g. for the greedy heuristic) this is not possible, the predictor states must be changed back after execution by the implementing method. Args: hypo (PartialHypo): Hypothesis for which to estimate the future cost Returns: float. The future cost estimate for this heuristic """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def notify(self, message, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT): """This is the notification method from the ``Observer`` super class. We implement it with an empty method here, but implementing sub classes can override this method to get notifications from the decoder instance about generated posterior distributions. Args: message (object): The posterior sent by the decoder """ pass
[docs]class Decoder(Observable): """A ``Decoder`` instance represents a particular search strategy such as A*, beam search, greedy search etc. Decisions are made based on the outputs of one or many predictors, which are maintained by the ``Decoder`` instance. Decoders are observable. They fire notifications after apply_predictors has been called. All heuristics are observing the decoder by default. """ def __init__(self, decoder_args): """Initializes the decoder instance with no predictors or heuristics. """ super(Decoder, self).__init__() self.max_len_factor = decoder_args.max_len_factor self.predictors = [] # Tuples (predictor, weight) self.heuristics = [] self.heuristic_predictors = [] self.predictor_names = [] self.allow_unk_in_output = decoder_args.allow_unk_in_output self.nbest = 1 # length of n-best list self.combi_predictor_method = Decoder.combi_arithmetic_unnormalized self.combine_posteriors = self._combine_posteriors_norm_none self.closed_vocab_norm = CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NONE if decoder_args.closed_vocabulary_normalization == 'exact': self.closed_vocab_norm = CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_EXACT self.combine_posteriors = self._combine_posteriors_norm_exact elif decoder_args.closed_vocabulary_normalization == 'reduced': self.closed_vocab_norm = CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_REDUCED self.combine_posteriors = self._combine_posteriors_norm_reduced elif decoder_args.closed_vocabulary_normalization == 'rescale_unk': self.closed_vocab_norm = CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_RESCALE_UNK self.combine_posteriors = self._combine_posteriors_norm_rescale_unk elif decoder_args.closed_vocabulary_normalization == 'non_zero': self.closed_vocab_norm = CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NON_ZERO self.combine_posteriors = self._combine_posteriors_norm_non_zero self.current_sen_id = -1 self.apply_predictors_count = 0 self.lower_bounds = [] if decoder_args.score_lower_bounds_file: with open(decoder_args.score_lower_bounds_file) as f: for line in f: self.lower_bounds.append(float(line.strip())) self.interpolation_strategies = [] self.interpolation_smoothing = decoder_args.interpolation_smoothing if decoder_args.interpolation_strategy: self.interpolation_mean = decoder_args.interpolation_weights_mean pred_strat_names = decoder_args.interpolation_strategy.split(',') all_strat_names = set([]) for s in pred_strat_names: all_strat_names |= set(s.split("|")) for name in set(all_strat_names): pred_indices = [idx for idx, strat in enumerate(pred_strat_names) if name in strat] if name == 'fixed': strat = FixedInterpolationStrategy() elif name == 'entropy': strat = EntropyInterpolationStrategy( decoder_args.pred_trg_vocab_size, cross_entropy=False) elif name == 'crossentropy': strat = EntropyInterpolationStrategy( decoder_args.pred_trg_vocab_size, cross_entropy=True) elif name == 'moe': strat = MoEInterpolationStrategy(len(pred_indices), decoder_args) else: logging.error("Unknown interpolation strategy '%s'. " "Ignoring..." % name) continue self.interpolation_strategies.append((strat, pred_indices))
[docs] def add_predictor(self, name, predictor, weight=1.0): """Adds a predictor to the decoder. This means that this predictor is going to be used to predict the next target word (see ``predict_next``) Args: name (string): Predictor name like 'nmt' or 'fst' predictor (Predictor): Predictor instance weight (float): Predictor weight """ self.predictors.append((predictor, weight)) self.predictor_names.append(name)
[docs] def remove_predictors(self): """Removes all predictors of this decoder. """ self.predictors = [] self.predictor_names = []
[docs] def change_predictor_weights(self, new_weights): new_preds_and_weights = [] for w, (p, _) in zip(new_weights, self.predictors): new_preds_and_weights.append((p, w)) self.predictors = new_preds_and_weights logging.debug('Changed predictor weights: {}'.format( [w for (_, w) in self.predictors]))
[docs] def set_heuristic_predictors(self, heuristic_predictors): """Define the list of predictors used by heuristics. This needs to be called before adding heuristics with ``add_heuristic()`` Args: heuristic_predictors (list): Predictors and their weights to be used with heuristics. Should be in the same form as ``Decoder.predictors``, i.e. a list of (predictor, weight) tuples """ self.heuristic_predictors = heuristic_predictors
[docs] def add_heuristic(self, heuristic): """Add a heuristic to the decoder. For future cost estimates, the sum of the estimates from all heuristics added so far will be used. The predictors used in this heuristic have to be set before via ``set_heuristic_predictors()`` Args: heuristic (Heuristic): A heuristic to use for future cost estimates """ heuristic.set_predictors(self.heuristic_predictors) self.add_observer(heuristic) self.heuristics.append(heuristic)
[docs] def estimate_future_cost(self, hypo): """Uses all heuristics which have been added with ``add_heuristic`` to estimate the future cost for a given partial hypothesis. The estimates are used in heuristic based searches like A*. This function returns the future log *cost* (i.e. the lower the better), assuming that the last word in the partial hypothesis ``hypo`` is consumed next. Args: hypo (PartialHypothesis): Hypothesis for which to estimate the future cost given the current predictor state Returns float. Future cost """ return sum([h.estimate_future_cost(hypo) for h in self.heuristics])
[docs] def has_predictors(self): """Returns true if predictors have been added to the decoder. """ return len(self.predictors) > 0
[docs] def consume(self, word): """Calls ``consume()`` on all predictors. """ for (p, _) in self.predictors: p.consume(word) # May change predictor state
def _get_non_zero_words(self, bounded_predictors, posteriors): """Get the set of words from the predictor posteriors which have non-zero probability. This set of words is then passed through to the open vocabulary predictors. This method assumes that both arguments are not empty. Args: bounded_predictors (list): Tuples of (Predictor, weight) bounded_posteriors (list): Corresponding posteriors. Returns: Iterable with all words with non-zero probability. """ restricted, unrestricted = self._split_restricted_posteriors( bounded_predictors, posteriors) if not restricted: # No restrictions: use union of keys key_sets = [] max_arr_length = 0 for posterior in unrestricted: if isinstance(posterior, dict): key_sets.append(posterior.keys()) else: max_arr_length = max(max_arr_length, len(posterior)) if max_arr_length: if all(all(el < max_arr_length for el in k) for k in key_sets): return range(max_arr_length) key_sets.append(range(max_arr_length)) if len(key_sets) == 1: return key_sets[0] return set().union(*key_sets) # Calculate the common subset of restricting posteriors arr_lengths = [] dict_words = None for posterior in restricted: if isinstance(posterior, dict): posterior_words = set(posterior.keys()) if not dict_words: dict_words = posterior_words else: dict_words = dict_words & posterior_words if not dict_words: return None else: # We record min and max lengths for array posteriors. arr_lengths.append(len(posterior)) if dict_words: # Dictionary restrictions if not arr_lengths: return dict_words min_arr_length = min(arr_lengths) return [w for w in dict_words if w < min_arr_length] # Array restrictions return range(min(arr_lengths)) def _split_restricted_posteriors(self, predictors, posteriors): """Helper method for _get_non_zero_words(). Splits the given list of posteriors into unrestricting and restricting ones. Restricting posteriors have UNK scores of -inf. """ restricted = [] unrestricted = [] for idx, posterior in enumerate(posteriors): (p, _) = predictors[idx] if p.get_unk_probability(posterior) == NEG_INF: restricted.append(posterior) else: unrestricted.append(posterior) return restricted, unrestricted
[docs] def apply_interpolation_strategy( self, pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs): """Applies the interpolation strategies to find the predictor weights for this apply_predictors() call. Args: pred_weights (list): a priori predictor weights non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` Returns: A list of predictor weights. """ if self.interpolation_strategies: predictions = [[] for _ in pred_weights] not_fixed_indices = set() for strat, pred_indices in self.interpolation_strategies: if not strat.is_fixed(): not_fixed_indices |= set(pred_indices) new_pred_weights = strat.find_weights( [pred_weights[idx] for idx in pred_indices], non_zero_words, [posteriors[idx] for idx in pred_indices], [unk_probs[idx] for idx in pred_indices]) for idx, weight in zip(pred_indices, new_pred_weights): predictions[idx].append(weight) for idx, preds in enumerate(predictions): if preds: if self.interpolation_mean == 'arith': pred_weights[idx] = sum(preds) / float(len(preds)) else: pred_weights[idx] = reduce(mul, preds, 1) if self.interpolation_mean == 'geo': pred_weights[idx] = pred_weights[idx]**(1.0/len(preds)) if self.interpolation_mean == 'prob': partition = sum(pred_weights[idx] for idx in not_fixed_indices) for idx in not_fixed_indices: pred_weights[idx] /= partition if self.interpolation_smoothing != 0.0: uni = 1.0 / len(not_fixed_indices) s = self.interpolation_smoothing for idx in not_fixed_indices: pred_weights[idx] = (1.0 - s) * pred_weights[idx] + s * uni return pred_weights
[docs] def apply_predictors(self, top_n=0): """Get the distribution over the next word by combining the predictor scores. Args: top_n (int): If positive, return only the best n words. Returns: combined,score_breakdown: Two dicts. ``combined`` maps target word ids to the combined score, ``score_breakdown`` contains the scores for each predictor separately represented as tuples (unweighted_score, predictor_weight) """ self.apply_predictors_count += 1 bounded_predictors = [el for el in self.predictors if not isinstance(el[0], UnboundedVocabularyPredictor)] # Get bounded posteriors bounded_posteriors = [p.predict_next() for (p, _) in bounded_predictors] non_zero_words = self._get_non_zero_words(bounded_predictors, bounded_posteriors) if not non_zero_words: # Special case: no word is possible non_zero_words = set([utils.EOS_ID]) # Add unbounded predictors and unk probabilities posteriors = [] unk_probs = [] pred_weights = [] bounded_idx = 0 for (p, w) in self.predictors: if isinstance(p, UnboundedVocabularyPredictor): posterior = p.predict_next(non_zero_words) else: # Take it from the bounded_* variables posterior = bounded_posteriors[bounded_idx] bounded_idx += 1 posteriors.append(posterior) unk_probs.append(p.get_unk_probability(posterior)) pred_weights.append(w) pred_weights = self.apply_interpolation_strategy( pred_weights, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs) ret = self.combine_posteriors( non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n) if not self.allow_unk_in_output and utils.UNK_ID in ret[0]: del ret[0][utils.UNK_ID] del ret[1][utils.UNK_ID] if top_n > 0 and len(ret[0]) > top_n: top = utils.argmax_n(ret[0], top_n) ret = ({w: ret[0][w] for w in top}, {w: ret[1][w] for w in top}) self.notify_observers(ret, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_POSTERIOR) return ret
def _combine_posteriors_norm_none(self, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NONE``. For more information on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars. Args: non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` pred_weights (list): Predictor weights top_n (int): If positive, return only top n words Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ if isinstance(non_zero_words, range) and top_n > 0: non_zero_words = Decoder._scale_combine_non_zero_scores( len(non_zero_words), posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=top_n) combined = {} score_breakdown = {} for trgt_word in non_zero_words: preds = [(utils.common_get(posteriors[idx], trgt_word, unk_probs[idx]), w) for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights)] combined[trgt_word] = self.combi_predictor_method(preds) score_breakdown[trgt_word] = preds return combined, score_breakdown def _combine_posteriors_norm_rescale_unk(self, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_RESCALE_UNK``. For more information on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars. Args: non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` pred_weights (list): Predictor weights top_n (int): If positive, return only top n words Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ n_predictors = len(self.predictors) unk_counts = [0.0] * n_predictors for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights): if unk_probs[idx] >= EPS_P or unk_probs[idx] == NEG_INF: continue for trgt_word in non_zero_words: if not utils.common_contains(posteriors[idx], trgt_word): unk_counts[idx] += 1.0 return self._combine_posteriors_norm_none( non_zero_words, posteriors, [unk_probs[idx] - np.log(max(1.0, unk_counts[idx])) for idx in range(n_predictors)], top_n) def _combine_posteriors_norm_exact(self, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_EXACT``. For more information on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars. Args: non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` pred_weights (list): Predictor weights top_n (int): Not implemented! Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ n_predictors = len(self.predictors) score_breakdown_raw = {} unk_counts = [0] * n_predictors for trgt_word in non_zero_words: preds = [] for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights): if utils.common_contains(posteriors[idx], trgt_word): preds.append((posteriors[idx][trgt_word], w)) else: preds.append((unk_probs[idx], w)) unk_counts[idx] += 1 score_breakdown_raw[trgt_word] = preds renorm_factors = [0.0] * n_predictors for idx in range(n_predictors): if unk_counts[idx] > 1: renorm_factors[idx] = np.log( 1.0 + (unk_counts[idx] - 1.0) * np.exp(unk_probs[idx])) return self._combine_posteriors_with_renorm(score_breakdown_raw, renorm_factors) def _combine_posteriors_norm_reduced(self, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_REDUCED``. For more information on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars. Args: non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` pred_weights (list): Predictor weights top_n (int): Not implemented! Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ n_predictors = len(self.predictors) score_breakdown_raw = {} for trgt_word in non_zero_words: score_breakdown_raw[trgt_word] = [(utils.common_get( posteriors[idx], trgt_word, unk_probs[idx]), w) for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights)] sums = [] for idx in range(n_predictors): sums.append(utils.log_sum([preds[idx][0] for preds in score_breakdown_raw.values()])) return self._combine_posteriors_with_renorm(score_breakdown_raw, sums) @staticmethod def _scale_combine_non_zero_scores(non_zero_word_count, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): scaled_posteriors = [] for posterior, unk_prob, weight in zip( posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights): if isinstance(posterior, dict): arr = np.full(non_zero_word_count, unk_prob) for word, score in posterior.items(): if word < non_zero_word_count: arr[word] = score scaled_posteriors.append(arr * weight) else: n_unks = non_zero_word_count - len(posterior) if n_unks > 0: posterior = np.concatenate(( posterior, np.full(n_unks, unk_prob))) elif n_unks < 0: posterior = posterior[:n_unks] scaled_posteriors.append(posterior * weight) combined_scores = np.sum(scaled_posteriors, axis=0) return utils.argmax_n(combined_scores, top_n) def _combine_posteriors_norm_non_zero(self, non_zero_words, posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n=0): """Combine predictor posteriors according the normalization scheme ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_NON_ZERO``. For more information on closed vocabulary predictor score normalization see the documentation on the ``CLOSED_VOCAB_SCORE_NORM_*`` vars. Args: non_zero_words (set): All words with positive probability posteriors: Predictor posterior distributions calculated with ``predict_next()`` unk_probs: UNK probabilities of the predictors, calculated with ``get_unk_probability`` pred_weights (list): Predictor weights top_n (int): If positive, return only top n words Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ if isinstance(non_zero_words, range) and top_n > 0: non_zero_words = Decoder._scale_combine_non_zero_scores(len(non_zero_words), posteriors, unk_probs, pred_weights, top_n) combined = {} score_breakdown = {} for trgt_word in non_zero_words: preds = [(utils.common_get(posteriors[idx], trgt_word, unk_probs[idx]), w) for idx, w in enumerate(pred_weights)] combi_score = self.combi_predictor_method(preds) if abs(combi_score) <= EPS_P: continue combined[trgt_word] = combi_score score_breakdown[trgt_word] = preds return combined, score_breakdown def _combine_posteriors_with_renorm(self, score_breakdown_raw, renorm_factors): """Helper function for ``_combine_posteriors_norm_*`` functions to renormalize score breakdowns by predictor specific factors. Returns: combined,score_breakdown: like in ``apply_predictors()`` """ n_predictors = len(self.predictors) combined = {} score_breakdown = {} for trgt_word,preds_raw in score_breakdown_raw.items(): preds = [(preds_raw[idx][0] - renorm_factors[idx], preds_raw[idx][1]) for idx in range(n_predictors)] combined[trgt_word] = self.combi_predictor_method(preds) score_breakdown[trgt_word] = preds return combined, score_breakdown
[docs] def set_current_sen_id(self, sen_id): self.current_sen_id = sen_id - 1 # -1 because incremented in init()
[docs] def initialize_predictors(self, src_sentence): """First, increases the sentence id counter and calls ``initialize()`` on all predictors. Then, ``initialize()`` is called for all heuristics. Args: src_sentence (list): List of source word ids without <S> or </S> which make up the source sentence """ self.max_len = self.max_len_factor * len(src_sentence) self.full_hypos = [] self.current_sen_id += 1 for idx, (p, _) in enumerate(self.predictors): p.set_current_sen_id(self.current_sen_id) p.initialize(src_sentence) for h in self.heuristics: h.initialize(src_sentence)
[docs] def add_full_hypo(self, hypo): """Adds a new full hypothesis to ``full_hypos``. This can be used by implementing subclasses to add a new hypothesis to the result set. This method also notifies observers. Args: hypo (Hypothesis): New complete hypothesis """ self.full_hypos.append(hypo) self.notify_observers(hypo, message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_FULL_HYPO)
[docs] def get_full_hypos_sorted(self): """Returns ``full_hypos`` sorted by the total score. Can be used by implementing subclasses as return value of ``decode`` Returns: list. ``full_hypos`` sorted by ``total_score``. """ return sorted(self.full_hypos, key=lambda hypo: hypo.total_score, reverse=True)
[docs] def get_lower_score_bound(self): """Intended to be called by implementing subclasses. Returns a lower bound on the best score of the current sentence. This is either read from the lower bounds file (if provided) or set to negative infinity. Returns: float. Lower bound on the best score for current sentence """ if self.current_sen_id < len(self.lower_bounds): return self.lower_bounds[self.current_sen_id] - EPS_P return NEG_INF
[docs] def get_max_expansions(self, max_expansions_param, src_sentence): """This is a helper for decoders which support the ``max_node_expansions`` parameter. It returns the maximum number of node expansions for the given sentence. Args: max_expansions_param (int): max_node_expansions parameter passed through from the config src_sentence (list): Current source sentence Returns: int. Maximum number of node expansions for this decoding task. """ if max_expansions_param > 0: return max_expansions_param if max_expansions_param < 0: return -len(src_sentence) * max_expansions_param return 100000000
[docs] def set_predictor_states(self, states): """Calls ``set_state()`` on all predictors. """ i = 0 for (p, _) in self.predictors: p.set_state(states[i]) i = i + 1
[docs] def get_predictor_states(self): """Calls ``get_state()`` on all predictors. """ return [p.get_state() for (p, _) in self.predictors]
[docs] def combi_arithmetic_unnormalized(x): """Calculates the weighted sum (or geometric mean of log values). Do not use with empty lists. Args: x (list): List of tuples [(out1, weight1), ...] Returns: float. Weighted sum out1*weight1+out2*weight2... """ #return sum(f*w for f, w in x) (fAcc, _) = reduce(lambda x1, x2: (x1[0]*x1[1] + x2[0]*x2[1], 1.0), x, (0.0, 1.0)) return fAcc
[docs] def decode(self, src_sentence): """Decodes a single source sentence. This method has to be implemented by subclasses. It contains the core of the implemented search strategy ``src_sentence`` is a list of source word ids representing the source sentence without <S> or </S> symbols. This method returns a list of hypotheses, order descending by score such that the first entry is the best decoding result. Implementations should delegate the scoring of hypotheses to the predictors via ``apply_predictors()``, and organize predictor states with the methods ``consume()``, ``get_predictor_states()`` and ``set_predictor_states()``. In this way, the decoder is decoupled from the scoring modules. Args: src_sentence (list): List of source word ids without <S> or </S> which make up the source sentence Returns: list. A list of ``Hypothesis`` instances ordered by their score. Raises: ``NotImplementedError``: if the method is not implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def are_equal_predictor_states(self, states1, states2): """This method applies ``is_equal`` on all predictors. It returns true if all predictor states are equal. Args: states1 (list): First predictor states as returned by ``get_predictor_states`` states2 (list): Second predictor states as returned by ``get_predictor_states`` Returns: boolean. True if all predictor states are equal, False otherwise """ i = 0 for (p, _) in self.predictors: if not p.is_equal(states1[i], states2[i]): return False i = i + 1 return True